Chapter 318 :Prepared drama

The autumn breeze is cool, and the dead leaves fall to the ground. Now in this late autumn, the sun in the sky has long been covered by clouds;

In the past two days, Quinoa hasn’t left the Moro Palace for half a step. She has been waiting. Even if her patience has reached a limit, she still needs to wait.

She wanted to see what exactly her uncle wanted to do? She could feel that the imperial capital that moved to the throne of Hades is now surging;

She could even hear the shouts of killing from the outside. The Guards were gathering and seemed to be preparing for something major, but she did not move at all.

During these two days of quietly waiting, almost all the princes who moved to the throne of the underworld came over. In the eyes of these princes, Quinoa was a sweet pastry.

Although it has not been announced to the public, Cai Luo’s princess status has been recognized by King Qianluo as “Six Zero Zero”, which means that in the heart of King Qianluo, Quino has a high status, which makes these princes have to come. To flatter, in order to be able to get help from Quinoa in the future when fighting for the throne.

However, for the hospitality of these princes, Cai Luo saw in her eyes, and did not stop, nor did she respond.She has no feelings for the throne of moving to the underworld, and it is impossible to stay. She is just waiting to see her uncle. If not, I am afraid she would have left here long ago.

Of course, not all the princes have come to see her. Among them, the prince Mo Yunxiao sneered at Quinoa. He didn’t pay too much attention to the appearance of Quinoa because he was disdainful.

Mo Yunxiao is very arrogant.He not only has the strength of the Nine-Star Great Mage, but also has gathered many aspiring people and young talents who move the throne of the underworld. It can be said that as the prince of the throne of the underworld, he is indeed It is very skilled.

He is just like the King of Hades when he was young, only in his twenties, he has already emerged, and he is known as the number one genius in the Throne of Hades.

For the throne of the Hades, he is determined to win. Not only that, his ambition is not only to become the king of the Hades, but also wants to make the Hades to a higher level.

It is precisely because of this that Mo Yunxiao worked hard, and he was deeply loved by the King of Hades, Shang Mo Ling, but for the other princes, Mo Ling did not like it very much.

So even if Quino has a very high position in the heart of Pluto-Pluto King Shang Mo Ling, Mo Yunxiao will not pay more attention. He has only one idea in his heart, that is, how to become stronger? How can the Pluto-Pluto Throne be improved .

“Fan Li! When will he see me?” Cai Luo couldn’t help but said coldly, looking at Fan Li, who was waiting outside the Moro Palace early in the morning.

Since knowing the true face of Fan Li, Quino’s attitude towards Fan Li has been much colder. Once she would call Fan Li uncle Li, but now she doesn’t do it anymore.

“The king is really busy lately, and I hope you can wait patiently for a day or two!” Fan Li said respectfully, and he didn’t feel any dissatisfaction with Quinoa’s coldness in his heart.

These days, he is almost always taking care of Yi Luo’s daily life. Originally, Moro Palace has never lived in Quino Luo’s mother since her mother left. This palace has been so empty. It is a bit more human to this deserted palace.

Hearing Fan Li’s answer, Quino did not reply, but turned and returned to the Moro Palace.The reason why she can still stay here at ease is simply because this is the place where her mother once lived. I want to stay a while longer.

Move to the palace;

Shang Mo Ling, the king of Qian Hao, sits on the throne, with a dragon robe added to his body, showing the emperor’s posture;

In front of him, a middle-aged man in a black suit was half-kneeling in front of him.Although the middle-aged man was in a half-kneeling posture, his body was as tall as loose;

“An Ling, what’s the matter?” Mo Ling asked, looking at An Ling who was half kneeling in front of him.

“Your Majesty, the plan has been implemented, and all the plans will be completed tomorrow, and the Shi Yun Throne has already started!” An Ling replied respectfully;

“Very good! I am very pleased, let’s go down!” After listening to An Ling’s answer, Mo Ling’s eyes flashed, and a king’s breath radiated from his body, which made An Ling who was half kneeling on the ground feel instantly To the tyrannical place on the King of Hades.

“Yes!” An Ling replied, and then disappeared directly in place. He still has a lot of things to do, and all of them are for moving the throne of the underworld.

“Cracked Cloud Nation! Fairy Tail! I absolutely do not allow your rise. In order to move to the throne of the underworld, you can only be an ordinary kingdom, Cai Luo, I hope you don’t resent me!” Mo Ling murmured

As the king of moving to the throne of the underworld, he must ensure his throne status, and absolutely not allow other ordinary kingdoms to stand on his head, so he must crack down on the cloud kingdom.

So he prepared a big drama, and the protagonist of this big drama is undoubtedly the Kingdom of Splitting Clouds, and there are also two thrones of the Migrating Hades Throne and the Stone Cloud Throne.

It’s ridiculous to say that the two great thrones will actually unite to prepare a big show for a small kingdom. This is simply a lack of style.

But what about it? It’s because the strength of the Ripping Cloud Nation has already exceeded their expectations. Originally, this time it was not only the Throne of Stone Cloud and the Throne of Moving Underworld, but also the fifth throne: the Throne of Beasts.

But the king of the Beast’s Throne rejected the plan to move the Stone Cloud Throne and the Underworld Throne, so only the union of the two thrones remained. If the Beast’s Throne also participated, then a union of the three thrones would be formed.

“A small kingdom power actually needs to unite the two thrones to deal with it. This is really.” A self-deprecating voice suddenly passed into Mo Ling’s ears, and this voice was also the old voice before.

“Why? Do you still think that the Rupture Cloud Nation is just a small kingdom? A small kingdom can have a powerful 1.5-level power?” Mo Ling said coldly.

At the beginning, when he heard that the cracking cloud country has a powerful power, he was also very surprised, and it was because of the news that he had to agree to the suggestion of the throne of Shi Yun;

After all, that is a powerful person, and Throne of Underworld has never claimed that the Throne of Underworld has a powerful person. In this way, isn’t the Throne of Underworld even a small kingdom inferior to it?

“Fine! But I hope you don’t go too far!” The old voice sounded again.

“Venerable powerhouses? There are also thrones of moving to the underworld, but their main force has been handed over to the throne of Shiyun to deal with, and only three of them need to deal with the throne of moving underworld! Don’t worry!” Mo Ling’s gaze was slightly at this moment. A little cold, a murderous look flashed in his eyes. .

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