Pampered Cute Mommy & Awesome President Daddy

Chapter 275: Let's get engaged (3)

"Second Young Master Li, I really can't stand it before I stand up and say something. If you love Die'er, marry her home and take good care of her. If you don't want to be responsible, you can just shake your hand and leave. That's all. What's the matter of you procrastinating so much?"

"Of course I will be responsible! I said earlier that I will take care of Die'er forever..." Quan Jianli's voice suddenly became dumb.

"Take care? How to take care? Throwing Die'er in the nursing home, which is colder than the prison, is to take care of her? Do you think she is a kitten or puppy? As long as she is locked in a cage, she can live a happy life?..."

Die'er burst into tears and pulled Mo Yiyun's arm tightly, "Yi Yun, don't talk about it... I think the nursing home is very good, it's quiet, and you know I always like quiet places... "

Are kittens and puppies?

Somewhere in Quan Jianli's heart, she suddenly twitched, and the pain was convulsive.

At the beginning, he let Lin Moge stay by his side, saying that he would pet her forever and only pet her, Lin Moge said so.

She said that the pet he gave was nothing more than a pet cat or puppy.

When he was happy, he threw a present to her and played with her for a while.

He became unhappy, so he drove her away and let her fend for herself...

But why, he can always think of her easily?

Why, when I think of her, my heart hurts so much?

That time, Lin Moge returned the necklace to him, and angrily rejected his proposal.

She didn't want to be his cat or puppy, and she didn't want to be petted by him as a pet.

But Die'er, knowing that the sanatorium is a cage, is still willing to stay in it for him...

Die'er is different from her after all...

Die'er is as gentle as water, accepting it.

But she is like a rebellious little lion. As long as she is upset, she will rush forward with her teeth and claws. What she has spotted, even if she hits her head and bleeds, she must continue...

His thinking suddenly stagnated, since when did he know that woman so much?

"Jian Li, don't think too much about it, I'm really fine. The nursing home is very good, I can still see you..." Die'er's warm little hand held his big hand and also pulled his thoughts back.

Looking at the scars on her fair skin, the eyes pierced.

All of this was caused by him.

If it weren't for him, the current Die'er would wear beautiful clothes and do whatever she likes like other girls.

But she can only hide behind a mask and a hat, concealed, afraid to see people...

"Hehe, can you see him? How many times have you seen him in the past two years!?" Mo Yiyun sneered, "You don't see him as many times as you see me! Die'er, what is the difference between you and the widow? ?"

"Yi Yun... please, stop talking, okay..."

Die'er begged hard, but Mo Yiyun's anger grew stronger.

"Yue Yong! Seeing off! It's too noisy here..." Quan Jianli roared, when was it his turn to be blamed?

Yue Yong was startled by Master Li's sound. He was originally wandering into the sky.

"Second Young Master Yun, please..."

As soon as he said the words, Mo Yiyun glared fiercely, "I will go! I don't want to live in the same room with this ruthless and unrighteous person!"

Yue Yong breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't cause trouble for him.

However, he was a little unexpected. The three people were talking and laughing just now, and Young Master Yun kept making jokes about him. How could the atmosphere become tense in the blink of an eye?

Did he miss something when he was distracted?

Mo Yiyun got up angrily to leave, but when he saw Die'er's teary eyes, he suddenly stopped.

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth slowly.

"Before I leave, I have to say everything in my heart, otherwise, this fool Die'er doesn't know how long to keep it!"

"Yi Yun..."

Mo Yiyun blurted out before Die'er stopped, "A girl whose whole body burns as high as 90%, do you know how many people have been cold-eyed and how difficult it took to come over these years? If not because of thinking I can see you if I keep going, she has already ended her life!

Do you know why your car hit her two years ago? Because she is following you! In fact, she has already returned to S City, but she has never dared to appear in front of you, afraid that you will dislike her! But she couldn't help but want to take a look at you, so she followed you secretly...

Maybe God pity her, that's why you let your car hit her. Even if it is painful, at any rate, it can be regarded as helping her and getting her back to you again!

However, the days when she returned to you were more painful than before! You leave her in the nursing home like an object. When you think of it, you will look at it. But do you know that she is looking forward to your passing like Wangfushi every day!

It's been two years for Riji, what is your so-called care? You don't even know her physical condition! The bruise two years ago has been cured, but to help you hide your negligence, she has been sitting in a wheelchair! Just because of this, you will spend more time with her and talk more about the so-called condition!

One of your negligence ruined Die'er's life. But you say you love Dieer, I believe it. Because for so many years, you always have Die'er's place in your heart. But she has come back now, since you love her, can you come back again? How long will you continue to waste her! ?

Are you killing people in disguise? Do you want to watch Die'er suffer like this for a lifetime! ? "

Yue Yong couldn't help nodding while listening, so it seemed that Master Li was indeed not a good thing.


He just judged according to Yun Er Shao's thinking.

At least Miss Die'er was thrown into the nursing home alone. Ye Li did not do the right thing.

However, compared with Li Ye's atrocities against Miss Lin, she is more conscientious towards Miss Die'er.

But Die'er was already in tears.

These words were what she had said to Mo Yiyun, but didn't want to, and in the end he told Jian Li.

"Sorry Jian Li...I am not good, I should tell you the truth..." she sobbed.

"You didn't do anything wrong! He didn't pay attention, and didn't care about you at all. What's wrong with you?" Mo Yiyun beat the injustice again, "Die'er, you can't just let him go like this!"

Quan Jianli frowned, looking at the woman crying in front of him with the rain in Ewha, the deeper he felt guilty.

He never thought that one of his actions would cause her so much pain.

"Sorry Die'er, it's because I'm not good, but I ignored you... From now on, tell me what's in my heart? Don't hide it by yourself. Don't tell this **** anymore, just watch him blame Don't you feel bad about my appearance?"

Quan Jianli held her hand tightly and rubbed it. The scars on that hand were endless pain, right?

There are countless days and nights where life is better than death, right?

"Hey, I'm just drawing a knife to help when the road is unfair. What is a bastard? Can you speak?" Mo Yiyun gritted his teeth angrily.

But Die'er was amused by the two of them bickering, "Sorry Jian Li, I'm just afraid to cause you trouble..."

Seeing her sensible and gentle appearance, another face appeared before his eyes again.

It's just that, in those eyes, there is only full of hatred and endless hatred for him.

She said that she didn't want to have anything to do with him except that he was the father of the children and she was the mother of the children. She said that she would rather never know him.

The heart was severely torn apart.

Meeting Die'er's mottled teary eyes again, a certain cell in her head was suddenly impulsive, and said dumbly, "Die'er, would you like to be engaged to me?"


The phone in Yue Yong's hand fell to the floor, his mouth opened wide, because he was too shocked to pick it up.

What did he hear?

Ye Li said to be engaged to Miss Die'er?

Are you really getting engaged?

What about Miss Lin! ?

What about Young Master Yuhan and Miss Yueer?

"got engaged?"

Die'er's teary eyes opened wide, and there were wet tears on her face.

The dark pupils enlarged in surprise, tears gushing out again, "Jian you it true?"

She could not believe that happiness came so easily.

She waited for a full thirteen years, and it happened at this moment!

"Ahem...Li Er, are you serious?" Even Mo Yiyun was shocked. He didn't expect that his own words would have such a big effect!

Even more unexpectedly, Quan Jianli made a decision just like this.

Therefore, his original idea was not wrong. In Quan Jianli's heart, Die'er is more important, right?

Otherwise, he would rather die than to say to Bai Ruoxue to Lin Moge, how could he have said to Die'er?

However, from another perspective, it is not surprising.

Perhaps from the beginning, the only woman he wanted to marry was Die'er, right?

However, the appearance of Lin Moge disrupted his plans and his heart.

Suddenly he was in a daze, wondering whether his original decision was right or wrong.

Going back, Die'er hasn't heard from him for so many years, or maybe loneliness is causing trouble?

However, it is true that Lin Moge gave birth to two children for him, and he always felt that Quan Jianli didn't just love Lin Moge for her body...

Originally, he looked at Die'er too pitiful, and wanted to stand up for her.

But I didn't want to let Quan Jianli make this decision by being so forced by him!

Although the decision was right and the best responsibility for Die'er, what would Lin Moge do? Because what he said fulfilled Die'er but ruined Xiao Momo...

At least, Xiao Momo sincerely treats him as a friend. Would it be too unethical for him to do so?

The perfect family was broken up...

Especially, those two little guys...

The temple suddenly jumped up, and he realized that he was really doing something wrong.

No, what Quan Jianli did is not what a normal person would do! This mess was caused by him.

Glancing at the man sitting on the hospital bed, he whispered to himself, God has eyes, if something goes wrong in the end to be blamed, blame that man.

He is just kind...

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