Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 12 The Evil Warlock Veronica

After Aiwass recalled the identity of the evil bartender, he completely recalled the details of this copy:

The first elite enemy, the "Evil Bartender", is a level 15 demon. The main mechanism is that after accumulating momentum, it will launch a powerful attack that can be dodged, cannot be parried, can knock back the player, and does not completely consume hatred. This mechanism takes about fifteen seconds to complete. If it is knocked back, it will easily hit tables, chairs, walls and other players, causing secondary damage and being stunned.

Moreover, if the player is close enough to him - as close as one meter, he will be attacked immediately regardless of whether there is hatred or not. Therefore, if the front row is repelled, the back row will be easily exposed.

The first time his health is knocked below 30%, he will enter a demonized state. Attack speed, movement speed, and frequency of activating first ability are doubled.

There is no other mechanism other than this. The mechanism can be used to attack hard with skills that prevent knockback, or you can get out of the way. You can also let the melee output profession approach him from behind when the engine is about to stop, and then continue to use the tank to draw back the hatred after eating the mechanism. In this case, it will become a pure standing boss.

The second child in this copy is a demon dog created by a high-level demon scholar, called "Evil Dog" Shell. It is characterized by high-frequency attacks with burning, armor-piercing and poison effects. And every time the blood volume drops by 10%, the hatred will be cleared. If you pay a little attention, it is basically not difficult.

Of course, if it were in reality, the BOSS would definitely not be able to come out one by one to save Grandpa. If the bartender and the vicious dog appear at the same time, it will become difficult to fight.

...But now, this vicious dog has disappeared.

The moment he saw the bald woman's face, Aiwass reacted immediately.

The person who made this "evil dog" should be the bald man who was killed by me that night!

——Because this woman was the "apprentice" who met Aiwass that night!

Many fragments were immediately reorganized in his mind, forming new clues to the incident:

According to the original history, the player should have suddenly appeared, frightened the two of them away, and rescued Aiwass who was already on the ceremony stage, blocking the arrival of the shadow demon. The man then left and created the "Vicious Dog" to guard the secret stronghold.

The "Pelican Bar" should be related to the "Noble Red" association.

In other words, this is an outpost of their organization in Avalon.

The reason why it is called an outpost...

It's because even Aiwass, who doesn't remember the plot clearly, knows that the mysterious association "Noble Red" is actually a trap set up by the spies of the Star Antimony Kingdom among the people!

The top leaders of this association are all spies from the Kingdom of Star Antimony - they support the suppressed demonologists in the Kingdom of Avalon by distributing demonology books and taboo ritual materials.

Of course, the two people who came to Aiwass were not qualified to know such secrets.

He also immediately remembered why this incident could involve a certain minister of Avalon.

Now, because I killed that man at that time, the vicious dog in the bar is gone.

——Although it doesn’t make much sense, history has indeed changed a small part of it!

And the apprentice who escaped that day was the evil warlock Veronica. A level 19 demonologist is one step away from reaching the third level.

Players affectionately call her Da Zi or Bald Girl.

Because this is the lowest level BOSS that can drop red robes, there are quite a lot of purple ones. Although the red robe is unsightly and has no attributes, it can open the event line of the "Noble Red" association.

In that event line, you can get four books and a good staff. The four books give you a lot of skill experience, so players who are demonologists as a profession will have to do it sooner or later.

Compared with the first two BOSSs that Aiwass forgot, Veronica's mechanics are much more difficult to defeat.

——Just like now, she came out directly rubbing the ball.

Fifteen seconds after the start, she will directly name the player with the highest hatred and release a "cursed baby" that flies at high speed and has weak tracking. If you can't avoid this skill, you will die immediately.

This huge damage is impossible to sustain at this level without damage reduction skills and invincibility skills. You need to be a tank class of about level 30, and after the limit is lifted, you can't die by forcefully taking this move. So I can only hide.

Players killed by her in battle will be immediately sacrificed by her to summon little demons. The little devil is not difficult to defeat, it only takes three rounds of concentrated fire. But if the corpse is sacrificed, it means that the supplementary members cannot be resurrected in battle.

This dungeon is a four-player version. If the opening mechanism is not avoided, there will be a quarter less combatants - and there is a high probability that there will be less tanks.

The follow-up is not difficult, just keep periodically releasing a group of increasingly painful damage. The higher the level, the slower the movement speed and attack speed. The other players' levels will not return to zero until one player dies.

As long as no one dies in the first round of the mechanism, you can basically focus your fire to grab the blood; otherwise, the healer will have to die himself when he can't lift the blood line, clearing the stacks for other teammates. If you don't pass this time, you won't be able to pass it.

Different from the previous two BOSS. There is no need to check the guide for the first two, you can beat them blindly depending on the situation. If Veronica fights directly without reading the strategy, there is a high probability that she will be destroyed once she meets her.

All I can say is that this BOSS knows how to play.

Before appearing on the field, secretly use rituals to hold back the ultimate move, and try to reduce one person at the beginning. Instead of being like the BOSS in other games, where you hold back until you almost burp your fart before unleashing your moves - this output mode is very similar to the player's, with a set of bursts at the beginning.

As a healing profession, Aiwass must look at the strategy.

If the tank or DPS didn't handle the mechanism well at the beginning, he would have to die. After playing for a long time, you become extremely skilled.

——But after all, it is the BOSS of the first instance. Players will definitely become lazy as they fight for a long time.

So the players also figured out Veronica's way of skipping classes.

And to put it bluntly, it’s very simple.

Aiwass’ previous preparations were just for this moment——

His left hand hidden under the cloak opened slightly, and the power of shadow silently gathered between his fingers. The "Enchanting Card: Shadow Blade" he created last night emerged in the twisted void. It was caught between his index finger and middle finger.

In order to distract Veronica, Aiwass said very calmly at this time: "You have left too many flaws - rather, countless.

"The time when I discovered the truth was even a little late. I believe that if it were the famous Mr. Sherlock, he would have guessed it the first time."

As he spoke, the pistol held in his right hand moved slightly closer to the "Moon" tarot card in his left hand.

The moment the gun came into contact with the tarot card that was rewritten as "Enchanted Card: Shadow Blade".

As Aiwass thought, the enchantment card held in his left hand suddenly turned into a mass of shadow, immersed in the lady's pistol held in his right hand.

Immediately, he raised his pistol openly. Aiming at the evil warlock Veronica.

The woman in red robe also recognized Aiwass's identity at this time.

She originally wanted to ask Aiwass how you survived that night - the moment she saw the shadow demon lose control and kill her mentor, she turned around and ran away without hesitation. He didn't know that Aiwass had controlled the Shadow Demon, he just thought that the mentor contract had failed.

But seeing Aiwass's ridiculous behavior, the doubts and wariness in his heart were covered with contempt.

She couldn't help but laugh out loud, and didn't even bother to avoid it: "You don't think that this kind of thing can be useful to me, do you?

"Made by elves, with a lady's grip, and an ammunition capacity of five rounds - am I right? Do you think it will be useful to me?"

"I don't even bother to hide. How about I just stand here and give you a shot?"

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