Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 16 The Temptation of the Devil

When Haina came back from the basement of the tavern, she felt like she was almost full.

When she went down, she was actually very nervous and apprehensive. Haina always felt that there might be some traps, mechanisms or curses in this basement - there might be some familiars raised, or there might be synthetic beasts in the jars.

But what disappointed her was that she found nothing after carefully exploring for a long time.

There isn’t even an altar filled with the smell of blood and various severed limbs as described in the novel. Except for the few places where there are traces of life, there is dust everywhere. The most displayed items were various wine bottles and barrels that she didn't recognize.

The double bed placed in the corner was damp and musty, perhaps because of poor ventilation and lack of sunlight. She even sympathized with these demonologists - the quality of life was too poor.

She found the "Alchemy Code" that Aiwass wanted easily.

It was a book that looked a lot like a textbook, and was about as thick as a semester's worth of required courses. It's only about two fingers thick and a palm and a half long. The difference from the textbook is that it has a special dark red leather cover that feels like cowhide.

It looks expensive at first glance.

It has to be at least... worth ten white coins, right?

Maybe more, but the price is enough to make you think about stealing it.

Aiwass lacks life experience too much - if you go out with something like this, you will definitely be remembered. Even a thief who has no knowledge of the supernatural world and forbidden knowledge can easily judge the value of this book from its material.

And this evil sorceress must also cherish this book.

Because this book was placed on the desk beside the bed, and there was a wine glass filled with water next to it - this was one of the few dust-free places in the basement.

Apparently the dangerous bald sorceress was reading this book before they came.

Haina did indeed see a ceremonial venue in the open space in the basement. In order to make room, the residents here obviously moved the wine barrels to the corner, and even stacked two of them vertically, thus freeing up this open space that was only about five steps in diameter.

Inscribed within a ritual circle are ten names of unknown meaning. There was also a strange geometric pattern painted in the middle, and she could only barely understand the meaning of "moon" marked on it.

There was no blood or severed limbs on the ceremonial ground.

She only saw an empty swaddling clothes, lying quietly in the center of the ring. Just in case, she didn't lift the cloth.

But in order to prevent the ritual from running automatically, she cut off all the ritual threads with the sword in her hand and completely destroyed the ritual venue before she dared to start investigating.

This is also the way to deal with it as taught in school - if you see a ceremony arranged by believers who transcend the path, don't walk in casually, and don't take out the things inside. Start by lightly cutting all the lines with a sharp, blessed or cursed object. For example, if it is a circle, you can cut it once at any place; if it is a triangle, you need to cut it three times; if it is a six-pointed star, you need to cut it six times.

Haina remembers this knowledge clearly.

Because when she was learning this knowledge, she had the exciting illusion that she was fighting a demon. Including techniques to fight against various illegal extraordinary beings, and even techniques to fight against demons, she has carefully studied them all.

But it wasn't until she was about to graduate that she learned from her colleagues... In fact, more than 90% of the supervisors may never see a living demon in their lifetime. If they saw it, they would most likely not have the chance to live to show off to others.

Because the devil cannot manifest alone. When a demon's summoner dies, the demon is sent back.

This means that when a demon is discovered alone, the evil sorcerer who summoned it must be nearby—and has probably noticed him. But he failed to find the other party.

And when we do encounter such a powerful enemy, we usually leave it to the white gloves of the Inspectorate. It's not their turn to take action.

So Haina fell into a very depressed mood.

Obviously I have a lot of professional knowledge, but in fact I don’t use it at work.

In most cases, the work is still meaningless, extremely busy, and completely devoid of any sense of adventure, such as checking taxes, checking various identification documents, maintaining law and order, and checking health conditions, safety hazards, and contraband.

Even in most cases, the sword does not need to be drawn. Ordinary stupid thieves and thugs can be stopped in place by just shouting. And anyone who can't control his voice at least has to use personal sea tactics - facing a powerful enemy that cannot be defeated quickly is a serious violation and will lead to imprisonment.

But now that the crowd is here, the sword is no longer needed. In this case, close combat with the gangster will easily prevent teammates from intervening. On the contrary, it would be more efficient to use a gun.

The result is that the legal tactics used in the assessment when joining the company are actually not used at all.

Haina was quite dissatisfied with this.

——If she had known that the work of the Inspectorate was so boring, she might as well have been an air cavalry in the army!

Her current gryphon has been through the process for two months, and she hasn't seen a feather yet!

Originally, Haina was still dreaming. She wanted to wait for her equipment and griffon to arrive, so she would ride her griffon, wear armor and a sword, and go to the school to show off. He must be extremely handsome, and his classmates and junior students will definitely gather around to watch his heroic appearance, and the teachers will definitely use him as a role model to teach the younger generations——

...But now it seems that I may not be able to touch my gryphon before graduation.

Haina coughed and pushed the door open with her left elbow. Her right hand flapped the air gently in front of her face, and her left hand carefully held the book like a plate with a teacup.

She saw Aiwass sitting peacefully and obediently in his wheelchair, as if he was afraid of the smell of corpses, far, far away from the corpse with a terrible appearance.

"Does it feel fishy?"

Haina asked casually, then came over and handed the book to Aiwass: "Hide quickly... The Lloyd District Supervisor will be here soon, but don't let him see it."

As she passed the corpse, the strong smell of blood suddenly surged up in the air, making her cough even harder.

"That's it, thank you, senior!"

Aiwass happily took the book and responded sweetly.

The corners of Haina's mouth raised slightly. She just likes this feeling of being needed.

She hadn't felt it before during the battle, but now that she was free, her eyes couldn't stop drifting to the corpse. And the smell was getting stronger and stronger, making her feel more and more uncomfortable.

Finally, Haina couldn't bear it anymore. She pulled a piece of white cloth from the table next to her and covered the upper body of the sorceress's body.

"If you feel uncomfortable, why don't you cover it?"

"Because I thought that the scene needs to be protected..."

Aiwass said hesitantly: "If you cover it with a cloth, won't it destroy the evidence on the body?"


Haina was stunned for a moment.

She looked back at the body and instinctively felt that it made sense.

…But why isn’t this taught in school?

She didn't think of the reason for a moment, so she turned around and said harshly: "Because there are no clues. We all know that she was shot to death by you... Is there anything else that needs to be investigated? I can see it clearly. I You are your own witness, no other evidence is needed.

"Of course, this is not your problem. Your act of shooting was a heroic act of self-righteousness. I will make this clear to the Supervisory Bureau."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but sigh - Aiwass is really a good boy who obeys the rules and is polite.

——Completely different from myself.

Haina sighed sadly.

So, she decided to confess.

She hesitated and said, "Mr. Aiwass."

"What?" Aiwass was stunned for a moment.

"There is one thing I want to apologize to you for..."

"No, no, senior sister, there is no need to be so polite... aren't we friends?"

"That's why I'm speaking out."

Haina looked ashamed: "When I was looking for your book down there, I couldn't help but turn a few pages."

——In fact, it was because she was worried about whether there would be any curse or poison in the book.

Feeling strong, she decided to give it a try herself.

But there is no need to say this. Because it sounds too much like an excuse, you might as well just admit that you want to watch it.

...Because she actually did want to watch it.

If it was Haina before today, she would definitely not accept the temptation of such evil ways. But on the way here, after listening to Aiwass's words, she suddenly felt that she seemed too old-fashioned before.

I want to be a "superior", which is the idea of ​​​​the way of transcendence; I feel that Aiwass is handsome, elegant, gentle and cultured, which is influenced by the way of "beauty" or the way of "love".

In the same way, after reading this book, I had curious thoughts... that is, I was infected by the ways of [Balance] and [Wisdom].

The path of balance represents knowledge and science, and is the path of equal understanding of the world; the essence of the path of wisdom is related to mystery, rationality, and the pursuit of truth. This is all normal and part of being a normal person.

This is nothing to be ashamed of.

What really deserves an apology is that she touched other people's things and read other people's books without permission.

And what made her feel ashamed...she had to admit that the things in this book did have some appeal.

She just turned a few pages and was immersed in the mysterious and surprising world, which opened her eyes.

Haina stayed down there for fifteen minutes, more than ten of which she read this book. But she could only take a quick look at it, and felt that she had to go and have a look... Otherwise, Aiwass would be very scared to be alone in a room with a corpse.

And after all, this is the Lloyd District with poor public security.

What if a gangster comes outside at this time?

Aiwass is too weak to protect himself normally. He might have accidentally killed someone with one shot.

Killing a demonologist is not a big deal, and you will even be rewarded; but if you kill a civilian, you may go to jail.

And what if there are more people? He probably doesn't have many bullets left, and he may not dare to shoot, or his weapon may have been taken away...

Thinking of this, Haina ran up to take a look very worried. Only to find Aiwass safe and sound.

Looking back, she felt a little itchy again.

The previous round did nothing to quench her thirst, but made her even more curious.

"I'm a little curious."

Taking a deep breath, Haina frankly admitted her desire: "I also want to read...that book.

"Afterwards, can I go to your house and see it?"

"But senior sister, as a supervisor, comes to our house when nothing happens... Doesn't this have a bad impact?"

Aiwass declined politely: "This way, there will be some gossip, whether it is my father or my senior sister. You also know that there are indeed some supervisors who have taken money from businessmen and done some obvious favoritism - —I mean, even if you didn’t do it, senior, you can’t refute when someone says that. Because what you really did is even more unexplainable.”


Haina nodded dejectedly: "You are right."

"But," Aiwass changed the topic, "Senior sister saved me and avenged me. She also helped me find this book - I want to thank my senior sister for her help both emotionally and rationally.

"So if you want to read this book, senior sister, you can ask me out regularly in your free time. You should know, right? A more private space? Or if not, I can also bring it to school. This There will always be some in local schools.”

Aiwass squinted his eyes and showed a kind and gentle smile, like a cunning fox, following the lead: "There will be some tiring parts in the usual work, right? Is there anything worth complaining about, or what big thing has happened in the Supervision Bureau recently? You can talk to me and have a chat at that time."

Is she actually interested in alchemy...

Aiwass's heart moved. Knowing her personal preferences made things easier. Haina can easily become his thorn and spy in the Supervision Bureau.

…It’s really hard to learn well, but it’s easy to learn bad things.

Haina, who was originally upright and just, was seduced so easily by herself at the moment when her firm belief in her heart was shaken.

I don’t know who the devil is.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Aiwass felt that if he were a demon, he would be more professional than the Shadow Demon.

When Haina heard this, she was extremely grateful.

She respected Aiwass's generosity and his gentleness of putting himself in others' shoes, and couldn't help but use honorifics to her junior: "Thank you, Mr. Aiwass! But... won't this bother you too much? Already?"

Aiwass just smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay, no trouble. This is called everyone getting what they need.

"——After all, I am also curious about the daily work of the Supervision Bureau."

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