Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 30 Forbidden Skills: Pastoral Care

When Aiwass closed the "Shepherd's Tantra", the black book no longer felt as warm and delicate as human skin.

It became quiet. As if everything before was just an illusion.

At this time, Aiwass finally understood why he had not seen this book in the original history.

Because, if someone can open this secret book correctly, then he will most likely destroy it directly.

——The knowledge recorded on it is too dangerous.

It solves a core problem of Transcendence Path - Transcendence Path cannot make others besides oneself stronger.

The essence of the path of transcendence is to commit the following, pursue transcendence, and seek higher. It is an extremely selfish path.

You cannot benefit others by simply relying on the power of transcending the path. This leads to the fact that although demonologists often gather together, their power has never merged into a rope.

The “art of pastoral care” incorporates the characteristics of the path of devotion. By sacrificing oneself for the benefit of others.

Feeding your own flesh and blood to demons, and then granting demonic power to mortals - this logic is in line with the principles of the path of devotion. Because in this logical chain, the devil is just a symbol. It's like making money yourself and then sharing the money with the poor.

In the same way, human beings are used as sacrifices to feed demons, giving these phantoms the power to grow, without taking any kickbacks or asking for anything in return. This is also in line with the principles of the path of devotion - the "altruism" of the path of devotion is not limited to humans and fellow humans, and phantoms are of course also among the "others".

When the devil wants to give back strength to this donation, he still doesn't take any of it and gives it all to others. In this way, there is no "transaction" and it is also consistent with the principles of the path of devotion.

This whole behavior is full of demonic traces of ambition, and the undisguised "desire for upwards" can be seen from the motivation - to become stronger at any cost. But it does have a kind of divine compassion, and it always adheres to the only principle of "helping others gain strength to fulfill their wishes."

Everything the pastor does is not a transaction, but free charity.

But the pastor finally got everything he wanted. An almost perpetual cycle has been achieved.

"——This book must not be left behind."

A very clear idea appeared in Aiwass's mind.

If anyone other than myself had read this book, they would probably regard the beasts of the "Lord of the Beasts" as the herds of the shepherd.

Moreover, if this book is a classic dedicated to the path, then it is impossible for it to become a "banned book" and be collected by the Supervisory Bureau.

Since it could be taken away by the inspectors, it is enough to show that the book is not that clean.

Of course, with the Inspectorate giving the book to Aiwass, it was legal for him to leaf through it himself. As long as he doesn't pass on the knowledge above, the Supervision Bureau will not trouble him, but will turn a blind eye.

That's not the problem.

The real question is...where did the Inspectorate get this book?

This book is the original text. As long as someone can open this book correctly, they can obtain the knowledge above and get the inheritance from the pastor.

Does that mean that someone has become a “shepherd”?

Suppose someone knew about the existence of "Shepherd's Tantra" and found out that it was the Supervision Bureau of Glass Island that finally took away the book. That person might follow this trace and eventually find Aiwass.

This unknown enemy made Aiwass feel nervous.

He didn't know who the other party was - the successor of the "Shepherd", or another group of people who came after the "Shepherd". He didn't know when these people would come. Not even sure if this imaginary enemy actually exists.

But just in case.

Aivas needs to gain a stronger presence in Avalon. Allowing him to drive the Supervision Bureau to trace the possible "shepherd" in reverse.

At the same time, Aiwass has indeed mastered the "pastoral" method...

After Aiwass read this book, a new skill was quietly added to his priest profession and demonologist profession.

Now, Aiwass' complete panel looks like this:

Priest LV6: [Basic Prayer - Level 2 (3%)], [Sacrifice Fire - Level 1 (5%)], [Illumination - Level 1 (15%)], [Blessing - Level 1 (0%)], [ Pastoral care (flesh)-Level 1 (0%)]

Demonologist LV5: [Demonology - Level 1 (16%)], [Basic Ritual - Level 1 (5%)], [Devil Contract - Level 2 (3%)], [Pastoraling (Essence) - Level 1 ( 0%)]

The path has been illuminated: Dedication - the first level; Transcendence - the first level

Mana pool: 2/5 (Light), 4/5 (Dark), 11/15 (Fire)

Free experience: 50

Road characteristics——

Transcendence - Shadow Affinity LV1: You sign a life contract with the Shadow Demon and can use the first level of shadow abilities at will.

Dedication - Flame Container Level 1: If you take the blood of Sizhu, your soul will be expanded. Maximum capacity of your mana pool (fire) increased by 14

Authority - Silver Scale: Use this mark as a seal, the Silver Crowned Dragon is watching you, and a certain oath you have made cannot be broken. When you attack any oathbreaker, gain +1 advantage (Divinity)

——As the chosen successor, the inheritor who perfectly fits the "shepherd", Aiwass has indeed received the complete inheritance of "pastoral" skills.

And it’s undeniable…

This forbidden skill is indeed very useful to Aiwass.

Because when it was mentioned in the "Shepherd's Tantra" that "flesh and blood are used to make the phantoms grow", Aiwass realized that he had made a major omission before -

In the game, the way for the Sin Scholar and the Lord of the Great Beasts to improve the level of the "Great Beast" is to take them to repeatedly farm phantoms of the same attribute. You only need to line up a BOSS with a monster with specified attributes, and you can immediately challenge and defeat the opponent. Let the big beast grow by devouring the opponent's remains.

But this doesn't work very well in real life.

Because it does not have a "dungeon finder" to randomly arrange copies, the Phantom Demon is not like the BOSS in the dungeon that can be refreshed infinitely. Then he can only raise the level of the phantom by feeding rare materials with corresponding attributes - this requires a huge cost, and collecting materials also requires time and energy.

But if he has the skill of shepherding (flesh and blood), he can use himself as food and sacrifice to the phantom demon.

Aiwass's oath is "I will not use the lives and corpses of my own race as my ritual materials and sacrifices." Of course, he himself does not fall into this category.

After all, "self-sacrifice" is a regular skill of the demonologist. It will not prevent you from being able to advance to the level of Sin Scholar.

Although the "shepherd" has become skinny and covered with scars because of this kind of flesh-and-blood shepherding.

But Aiwass has the most orthodox priest heritage. The "fire sacrificial" method among the four sacred skills carefully selected and prepared by the church over thousands of years can allow Aiwass to quickly recover his lost life and heal his physical wounds.

——There is no need to use others as sacrifices.

Just let the big beasts slowly eat my own flesh and blood.

It's just that he can't achieve this eternal cycle of spirit and flesh, using all peoples as grass.

He can grant the power of the phantom to others, and he can also feed the phantom with his own flesh and blood. But he cannot feed the humans he shepherds to the phantom demons - because this involves the sacrifice of his own race, which will pollute his soul.

Aiwass finally understood at this moment why the black book reacted when it got close to Yulia.

Because it sensed the phantom in Yulia's body that had been suppressed and malnourished for a long time.

The original scripture itself also has a weak spirituality.

Hatching phantom eggs is the easiest way to obtain weak juvenile phantoms.

In the illusion of the black book, Aiwass saw with his own eyes that the "shepherd" who had reached the middle stage of development obtained a large number of juvenile phantoms through this method:

The children who were phantom eggs were collected from all over the world by his legions. After long-term feeding of the decoction made from his blood, the phantom demon in their bodies will grow rapidly, and eventually the "eggs" will crack, hatching the phantom demon out.

"...Anyway, let's destroy the book first."

Aiwass said to himself.

Regardless of whether his adoptive father will become the final BOSS, this book cannot let him see it. It would be even more troublesome if Big Brother or Yulia saw it. Anyway, the knowledge inside has penetrated into Aiwass's brain, and he can't forget it even if he wants to.

From the moment he got the book, no matter whether he used it or not, those in the know would suspect that he had.

Then there is nothing to be reserved about. Not only must it be used, but it must be used vigorously!

It just so happens that now we have the opportunity to try the soothing effect of "pastoral care" on phantom demons...

Thinking this, Aiwass stood up from his wheelchair.

The moment his feet hit the ground. His spirituality formed a stable circuit with the earth, and the shadow demon sleeping in Aiwass's shadow was immediately awakened.

The shadow under him spread out instantly like ink spread on paper.

【My master……】

A thick and echoing voice sounded from Aiwass's head, filled with a sense of danger.

【What are you calling me for...? 】

"Destroy it."

Aivas whispered, throwing the Shepherd's Tantra into the bubbling shadows.

But it was not dissolved.

Shadow Demon showed obvious dissatisfaction.

[Oh, you can’t always treat me like a trash can, Master. Not everything can be thrown into my body... What I crave is fresh flesh and blood, a sacred soul,...]

Just when Shadow Demon showed his dissatisfaction, Aiwass pulled out his sterling silver dagger on the table.

It was a ceremonial knife used to carve ceremonial formations. Too sharp but not tough enough.

Aiwass anointed the ceremonial knife with essential oils infused with cinnamon and rosemary. He injected a little light attribute mana and dark attribute mana into the two essential oils respectively.

Then he placed it over the candlelight and passed it gently. A deep and dim light emerged from the ceremonial knife.

Aiwass stretched out his right hand and took a deep breath.

Then he squeezed it tightly until the blade cut through the flesh and stuck into the bone.

"Then take it, my blood, my bones, my flesh..."

He endured the severe pain and silently recited in his heart:

[Eat in silence, my lamb...]

【I am the Holy Communion, this is mercy】

The mana pool in Aiwass body suddenly loosened - his remaining three-color mana was randomly injected into the blood, and it leaked out quickly like a bathtub with the stopper removed.

He imagined that what was flowing out of his wound was not red blood, but golden honey and white milk. He lowered his eyes and looked at Shadow Demon with compassion and pity.

Aiwass tried hard to keep no fear, greed, pain and hatred in his heart, only pure kindness and love.

It was as if the person in front of him was not a cunning and deadly demon, but a child begging for food on the roadside who was about to starve to death.

It is a pure, equal, and noble gift.

—There is a holy quality to voluntary sacrifice. Just like Aiwass can summon a superior demon when used as a sacrifice.

And now, the blood he voluntarily donated with correct rituals has become an extremely sweet and delicious sacrifice that can make the illusion addictive——

Shadow Demon, who was still complaining, immediately fell silent.

It rose up from the ground like crazy, like dozens of intertwined snakes, gently wrapped around Aiwass's right hand, greedily licking every drop of blood, along with the fingers and the back of the hand. lick.

Until the mana pool in Aiwass body was completely exhausted, and no more mana could flow out. The "pastoral" ceremony was immediately terminated.

Aiwass pulled away the ceremonial knife, and the wound scarred on its own.

Even though the hot blood had disappeared, Shadow Demon was still licking Aiwass's right hand intently. It's like a puppy still licking the owner's palm after eating the food in the owner's hand.

"...It seems you like it very much."

Aiwass looked pale, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

His voice was weak—half from the blood loss, half from the pain.

During the ceremony, he could not frown or show disgust or fear because of this pain. Otherwise the pastoral ritual will fail.

But it does for now.

The scars that were deeply visible on the bones indeed caused him great pain. But fortunately, he endured it forcefully, so that the ceremony did not fail.

【……Yes Master】

Shadow Demon's attitude suddenly changed and he suddenly became well-behaved.

【I love so much】

The tone of voice became visibly flattering, no longer muddy and dangerous animalistic, but became like a hoarse and deep female voice.

Shadow demons are amorphous, having no physical body and no gender.

This is just an expression of its ingratiation and submission to Aiwass - according to its own understanding of the clumsy way.

"Then go back first," Aiwass said calmly, "Do you still remember what I asked you to do?"

[Of course, my distinguished master...]

Shadow Demon responded without hesitation.

It turned into a black and vigorous hound, leaped high and crashed into the tantra book Aiwass threw on the ground.

But it was ejected——

When the black book was hit by the shadow demon, it suddenly burst into scorching fire. Like a hammer hitting an anvil.

An impact only caused the black book to be torn, but it was not immediately corroded.

But the Shadow Demon, as if he had been provoked and lost face, immediately transformed into a more ferocious and huge wild wolf, and crashed into the "Shepherd Tantra" again.

This time it was finally unable to resist - the corrosive shadow continued to pour into the page, and it became dry, rotten, blackened, shrunk, and twisted at a speed visible to the naked eye. Eventually it turned into dust and disappeared without a trace.

The Shadow Demon sank into Aiwass's shadow again and disappeared without a trace.

Aiwass had no time to carefully wipe the remaining blood on the ceremonial knife, so he could only put the silver dagger back into its sheath. This would undoubtedly destroy the ceremonial knife, but he didn't care anymore.

When the ceremony ended, he felt increasingly tired and dizzy.

His fingers were shaking crazily due to the severe pain and blood loss, and the completely exhausted mana made his brain swell. Everything in front of me is shrinking and expanding, like I am about to break up after drinking too much wine, or like I am unable to raise my eyelids in a high-level mathematics class and feel drowsy...

——Next time, at least a little mana must be reserved to use the fire sacrifice method. To be so weak after completely depleting mana...

Well, this is a very important experience. It’s better to learn it in a safe place than to know it in a crisis...

The last incomplete thought appeared in Aiwass's mind. He stumbled toward the bed.

He didn't even have time to take off his clothes and cover himself with a quilt before he passed out directly on his bed.

The cat is also about to fall into a coma. The power was out all day until six o'clock in the evening. I finished writing at 4:30...I will correct the typos when I wake up. If you see the typos, you can leave a message first~!

An update of more than 7,000 words, please vote for me and follow up~

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