Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 57 Beautiful Girl’s Dream Factory

Isabel's talent is not weak.

It's now halfway through November, and Avalon's demise will be next fall. They are both members of the protagonist team, and their levels are almost the same.

In other words, Aiwass and Isabel spent almost ten months... and easily advanced to around level 30 without feeling any pressure. And level 30 is already considered the fourth level, and can be considered the best even in the entire Kingdom of Avalon.

There are no player characters in this world, and there is no "adventurer team" that players got from unknown sources to kill gods and Buddhas - that is, other players who form a team through matching. Aiwass needs Form your own team.

Relying on some settings that his friend usually thought about, Aiwass was able to understand the personalities, lives, and talents of these important characters... as well as the growth paths that only existed in theory.

He knows many secrets, and the secret of this world is power.

But after all, he couldn't use it all for himself.

A lone hero is the most stupid when resources can be fully mobilized. After all, there is always a limit to what a person can do. But choosing the right person is even more important - bastards, traitors and white-eyed wolves will only have a negative effect.

Only those who are reliable and trustworthy enough are worthy of Aiwass sharing his valuable experience.

Isabel is one of them.

The future "Queen of Flowers" is his already scheduled teammate.

Therefore, he would take the initiative to intervene in Isabel's growth path without Yannis' special request. Seek better development for her.

After all, Aiwass lacked companions. Helping her is helping yourself.

Although according to Yannis' request, Aiwass can actually delay his promotion until his third promotion at the latest - that is, when he is promoted from level 29 to level 30, he can then form a fixed team with Princess Isabel...

——But Aiwass felt that there was really no need to do this.

He first adopted the identity of "Fox" just to show it in the public eye. If you delay it too long, it will be meaningless.

The reason why Aiwass did not immediately disclose the information about "I am a fox" when he met Isabel this time was because Isabel's current character has not been tempered and she has not gained sufficient self-confidence.

Because of Master Yanis's own growth trajectory, she is the type who believes that "as long as people have real talent and practical knowledge and continue to overcome difficulties, they can grow quickly in pain." There is no need for too much interference from others, and there is no need to correct the direction of other people's destiny - every life will have its own way out.

Therefore, Master Yanis tends to continue to accumulate "information" for Isabel. Give her an incredibly solid foundation on how to handle various situations. But he will not teach Isabel the principles of life, nor will he enlighten her little emotions.

Yanis hopes that Isabel can move forward in her own life relying on the principles she has realized.

This is not wrong, it can even be called prescient. Because according to the original historical trajectory, Isabel did indeed encounter a sudden change in her life. She relied on her own accumulated foundation and quickly stood up strong. She continued to be hurt and grew rapidly in the thorns.

It only took Isabel less than five years to grow from the soft and cuddly little girl today to a reliable and mature queen in the future.

And now, she is still used to subconsciously choosing to escape when she is at a loss.

She's like a shy and reclusive girl. Although she has a slight affection for him, if the confession is too early and too sudden, and the other party is not mentally prepared and unable to react, she may be affected by the chaotic emotions in her heart because she does not know how to deal with it. And subconsciously choose to avoid this relationship.

——It seems that the goodwill is almost built up, but when A goes up, the other party suddenly runs away. Isabel is the troublesome type.

Aiwass knew how to handle this situation.

This is essentially because she was not prepared. The girl will run away because she subconsciously hopes that "the current sense of comfort can last forever" and does not want to go further and step into unknown territory.

In other words, it is essentially because Isabel is afraid of the unknown.

And this sense of fear was developed precisely because she was always worried about the "royal curse" that would take effect.

Every day she was afraid that her father, brother and younger brother would die of illness; every time she fell ill, she would wonder if it was a curse and whether she was going to die; because her grandmother was old, she was also afraid of the death of the queen. And may lead to chaos and war.

But after Avalon was destroyed, she was able to stabilize - because all the worst outcomes she had worried about had come to pass.

Then there is nothing to be afraid of.

So Isabel, who calmed down, did not choose to continue escaping for the first time under the "no retreat" situation, but moved forward bravely——

...However, this solution cannot be established in this timeline.

It is impossible for Aiwass to hurt Isabel specifically for her growth.

Before history changed, Isabel's family was ruined. After history changed, if her family was still ruined, wouldn't it be in vain for me?

——It’s like traveling back in time to the beginning of the plot of an animated game. Many things have been changed, but at key points, the familiar “original plot” is allowed to develop, so that the changed plot can return to the original route. The same protagonist as the one above.

So Ivester made another special preparation.

As early as the first advancement ceremony, Aiwass had already laid the groundwork. He originally planned to talk about it later, but now the timing is perfect... Master Yanis took the initiative to make a request for Aiwass to team up with the princess.

Well, now is the time to activate it.

At the dinner, Aiwass chatted with Isabel while eating happily.

Perhaps because of the teacher's presence, Isabel was a little reserved and silent at first, preferring to listen rather than speak.

But after the two drank a few glasses of white wine, the atmosphere gradually became heated.

Music, poetry, philosophy, secrets... are similar to the topics Aiwass talked about when he met Isabel in his dream in the abandoned chemical factory. Moreover, this time there is also Master Yanis who has more knowledge and knowledge, and can truly communicate and talk with Aiwass, instead of just asking questions like he was in the dream.

This brings the fun and content of chatting to a new level.

Although Aiwass deliberately avoids repetition, his perspective, tone, and level of erudition are very similar to "The Fox."

——These are some flaws that Aiwass deliberately exposed.

He hoped that Princess Isabel could vaguely guess or realize that "Aiwass might be Mr. Fox", but she did not dare to say it because of insufficient evidence.

The fact that "Aiwass, my friend I met in reality" and "Fox, the secret friend I met in my dream" are the same person is not a bad thing for Isabel... but it is something she would rather believe is true. "good thing".

Because the identity of "Fox" is too mysterious.

Although mystery can make people curious and want to know, the sense of mystery that remains after establishing a connection can also make people feel uneasy. Isabel happened to be particularly afraid of this uneasiness.

If the "Fox" continues to remain this mysterious, Isabel can't help but start to think about whether there is a reason why he cannot reveal his identity-and then think that his identity may be unclean. At least she cannot introduce her identity to her father, grandmother and teacher openly... In that case, no matter how close their relationship is, they can only become a private friend that she cannot share or show off with others.

But Aiwass is different.

The Moriarty family is one of the twenty founding families and has a high reputation and status in Avalon.

Although Aiwass is only the adopted son of Professor Moriarty, as long as the old Moriarty is alive, he will always be a member of the founding family. And if Professor Moriarty makes a will before his death, inheriting the Moriarty family to Aiwass... Although the process may be a little difficult because there is no blood relationship, the possibility of a smooth inheritance in the end is not small.

After all, Professor Moriarty has no biological children, and no relatives of the same generation are still alive. He can only inherit it to his adopted children.

Just like Aiwass can now be directly invited to the Palace of Silver and Tin by her - his identity is clean and his future is bright.

Becoming friends with such people will definitely not be blocked by the elders.

Can I only meet Mr. "Fox" in my dreams? Would Mr. Aiwass be angry if he knew about the existence of "The Fox"? What if the "fox" knows my true identity and becomes hostile to me or wants to take advantage of me?

——As long as the "fox" is Aiwass, these problems that Isabel is worried about and worry about will not exist.

When Isabel hoped so much in her heart, she was actually already mentally preparing herself.

Faced with such a girl who would be frightened and run away when she was put under slight pressure, like a little beast, what others said might not be effective. Even if it was the words of her most trusted teacher, Yanis, she might not be willing to listen.

Only her inner thoughts can be accepted by herself.

In the end, what she expected was achieved successfully, everything went smoothly, and there were no reversals or shocks - in this way, she was able to establish a kind of "hope."

Among the many ways to combat fear, hope is a healthy remedy.

What Isabel lacks most is self-confidence. True self-confidence cannot be instilled by others. Only when your determination and decisions receive good feedback, can your injured heart be healed and comforted by this feedback.

But because of this, Aiwass cannot delay for too long.

Because the "hoax" that he actively exposed and the "lie" that was exposed are essentially different.

Aiwass cannot really be caught by her, but must take the initiative to disclose his identity and admit his original deception. Otherwise, their relationship will gradually be tainted with a peculiar smell called "suspiciousness". And that will also hurt Isabel, turning her "avoidance" into "suspiciousness."

That would be a waste of time.

For Aiwass, the process of raising Isabel from now on is like a beautiful girl's dream factory——

Although they don't have a father-daughter relationship like in the game. But compared to Isabel's irresponsible and nonexistent father, he would help Isabel in her dreams, choose a brighter future for her, chat with her and play with her, supervise her growth and learning, and treat her psychologically. Illness, Aiwass who personally cultivated her self-esteem and confidence, and prevented her from being harmed in the future...

——Maybe he is more like her biological father than her biological father.

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