Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 72 The perfect candidate for mentor (third update)

"Oh? Ah, that's right... you came late and haven't been assigned your own mentor yet."

The short, bald old professor heard this and touched his chin hesitantly: "Aren't you following Professor Moriarty?"

The moment he heard his words, Aiwass knew that he was probably having some difficulty.

Because Aiwass is very confident.

He was doing well, and there was obvious affection in Professor Budd's eyes. I have definitely gained a lot of goodwill, and it is not impossible to even be invited as a teaching assistant.

Just take in a student. This is much easier than finding a teaching assistant.

——If he had a higher emotional intelligence, Aiwass should actually change the topic at this time.

But if Aiwass has his sights on something, he won't let go easily.

He is very greedy. Put it all to your mouth, you can get it with hard work, there is no reason to spit it out again——

"...Because I think this is not good. It doesn't sound good if I say it out loud...his other students will always look at me with some distance."

Aiwass pulled the warm blanket over and covered his knees.

He put his hands on his legs, leaned forward slightly, and said politely and sincerely: "Just like my eldest brother Edward. He didn't even enter the King's Law University for this reason.

"I think that in an environment like school, being too close to family and relatives is not a good thing. It is not conducive to personal growth and exercise, and it is also easy to cause conflicts with acquaintances."


Professor Bard nodded slightly in agreement: "And James also took a long vacation, and I don't know when he will come back. Besides..."

When the old man said this, he subconsciously glanced at Aiwass' legs.

If Aiwass hadn't suddenly pulled the blanket, he had almost forgotten that he was in poor health and had limited mobility.

He does need adults to take care of him - Miss Lily who follows him is definitely not enough. She can only be regarded as Aiwass's peer, not an elder.

Although these students are adults, they are still children to Old Bud.

Professor Bard just glanced subconsciously and quickly looked away politely.

Because he doesn't know why Aiwass needs to use a wheelchair, and he doesn't know if he can recover.

If none of the priests Professor Moriarty could find could cure Aiwass with illumination... maybe his problem was actually serious. That would be disrespectful and maybe even sad to focus on.

Aiwass noticed this and immediately guessed what Professor Bard was thinking.

This shows that the old man in front of him is still a delicate and gentle person.

Then I can't let go!

Aiwass thought.

"Are you having any difficulties?"

Thinking of this, Aiwass said sincerely: "I usually like to study imperial history, and you are the most professional scholar in this field!"

In fact, Aiwass had not known Professor Bard before.

But he is a "professor" after all, and he can still be hired by Wangli University of Law. This shows that he must have reached the top level in the academic field. And Aiwass was very vague and did not mention specific subdivisions. Therefore, unless Professor Bard really has no research on the history of the empire, nothing he says can be wrong.

If he really encounters that tiny probability, then he is unlucky.

But Aiwass was lucky.

Professor Bader rubbed his hands happily and said proudly: "Ah, indeed. When it comes to the history of the Herasl Empire, no one knows it better than me."

"Yes," Aiwass changed the topic. "I also think we need to study more about the Star Antimony Kingdom. They may be the most worthy of attention-far more powerful than Iris."


Professor Bard nodded solemnly: "Many people in Avalon think that the people of Star Antimony are dangerous and evil. That is because their demonology is legal and explicit. But in fact, from my point of view, nowadays in Star Antimony 'Practical alchemy', which is gradually losing its status, is actually the most worthy of attention."

Hearing this, Aiwass understood that Professor Bard did have real talent and knowledge.

He happily continued along with Professor Bard's topic: "Yes, the essence of their alchemy is no longer to analyze all things, but to make things that can make money. And it is precisely because of this purpose that things happened Changes gave alchemy its spontaneous popularity.

"People who use alchemy are no longer royal alchemists with high status in yellow robes, who use huge sums of money from the emperor to study things that are temporarily unavailable and that ordinary people can't understand the meaning of it, and then occasionally pay for it. One or two things come out that I don’t understand the principle of at all but are very powerful.

"It may be that he is an educated person in a rural area or town who can barely read... He taught himself alchemy and opened an alchemy shop, selling some bits and pieces of practical alchemy products. He may have unconsciously invented something particularly useful. s things.

"Apart from the fact that they also use alchemy, they are no longer the same type of people as orthodox alchemists. They do not intend to go very far on the path of equilibrium, and they only enter the extraordinary world to make money."

"What you said is great!"

Professor Bard nodded appreciatively, and couldn't help but clapped his hands with joy.

He added with excitement: "I think this is another understanding of the path of 'balance' by Valentine I - money is the bargaining chip of all things. This is also a way of analyzing and recognizing the world. It is not from alchemy. Not technically, but economically, technologically, and in terms of people’s livelihood needs…”

He talked non-stop, while Aiwass smiled and nodded repeatedly, complimenting him from time to time.

From Aiwass' point of view, it is completely reasonable for the Star Antimony Kingdom to even directly bulldoze this continent.

Because the vision of Valentine I has completely surpassed Avalon and Iris from the perspective of the times. The most likely threat to Star Antimony is the Narcissus Principality, which is composed of a large number of spellcasters.

But now that has been destroyed by Xing Antimony first.

...Rather, it would be better to say that Xing Antimony has not been able to annex the Iris Kingdom for so long simply because the internal road struggle involved energy.

It all relies on those demonologists who are very scary to people from other countries to compete for the right to speak of these practical alchemists; and the struggle within the aristocratic class, in turn, involves the promotion path of folk alchemists. .

Haina on the side was a little hesitant.

If Aiwass can't find a mentor, he'll be in trouble. But her instructor was her own swordsmanship instructor, so she definitely couldn't introduce him to Aiwass.

If Professor Bard still doesn't agree... why not go back and ask the instructor to see if she can help introduce other instructors?

"...What you are saying is. In my opinion, the peace and stability within Avalon is precisely because the group of extraordinary people within it is in a stable situation. Her Majesty the Queen's Pardon Order No. 47 accepted Extraordinaries of other paths prevent us from lacking the skills of a specific path and causing the overall backwardness; at the same time, always maintaining the authoritarian path as the mainstream and giving preferential treatment to a small number of special paths can ensure that they cannot compete for power. …

"Fortunately, Her Majesty the Queen has realized this," Aiwass sighed. "If Avalon carries out reforms another ten years later, I think it may be too late."

In fact, it was too late.

Aiwass added in his mind, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

Although Avalon and Star Antimony are enemy countries, and the conflict is obviously getting worse, in fact, no one in Avalon really regards Star Antimony as the source of the crisis.

Because the Star Antimony Kingdom obviously has a worse relationship with the Iris people.

Now that Star Antimony has swallowed back the Black Eagle Principality and Narcissus Principality, it will return to the original territory of the empire after eating Iris.

The relationship between Avalon and Iris had improved in the past, and a large part of the reason was the pressure from Star Antimony - for both parties. Although Avalon and Iris have fallen into a state of despair, there are still many overly optimistic voices within Avalon. The most optimistic view is that they can even resume cooperation with Star Antimony and import large quantities of alchemical products from Star Antimony.

Because Avalon has a market and a large gold reserve. And Star Antimony's products are obviously overflowing... As long as they are still trading, Star Antimony should not come in.

As for the royal family——

In fact, with the development of Avalon, many knights already hope that there is no royal family above them.

"...Actually, I think it may be too late."

But to what Aiwass expected, Professor Bard muttered in a low voice: "It fell too much..."


Aiwass was stunned for a moment and looked at the old professor in disbelief.

Does the old man have such a vicious vision?

"Haha, don't look at me like that. I was just talking casually..."

Professor Bader also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

He quickly waved his hand and changed the subject with a smile: "Actually, I usually don't recruit bachelor's degree students. Because I'm really not good at taking care of people... I have been a professor for more than thirty years, and that was when I was at Milton. , I took care of some students. After coming to Glass Island, I didn’t recruit any more students.

"Of course, I still want a graduate student here. But you... are not suitable either."

That's really strange.

You praise me so harshly and then say "inappropriate" to me?

Aiwass became really interested and asked, "Why is it inappropriate?"

"Because you may only know me as a historian," Professor Bader replied sincerely, "but actually I am an archaeologist.

"You and the students in the Department of Individual Tactics only have to study "Modern History." I only teach this course for three months in the first semester of the third to sixth departments and the first grade. You will finish it soon. Wait. In the second semester of next year, I have to teach "General History of the World", "Modern History of Avalon", "Genealogy of the Horus Empire" to the second-year students in the Humanities Department, as well as "History of the Horus Empire" to the third-year students, as well as elective courses Lesson "Old Horus".

"In the third semester, I will not be in school. I will follow my graduate students to go abroad for archeology... You still have classes, so obviously you can't come with me. But if you stay in school, it's like you don't have a mentor. Same. But in that case, who will take care of you?"

Professor Bard sighed: "I really like you as a student...but I can't accept you. This is irresponsible to you."

Aiwass was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then became ecstatic.

Is there such a good thing?

Not in school for one semester each year?

——Then I’m not just getting high?

And is there still a chance to go abroad for archeology?

——Doesn’t that mean that I have a way to access prehistoric relics in other countries in advance? Is it so cool?

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