Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 81 The bad woman radar goes off

—— Droste.

This surname belongs to Lily's biological father, the trade minister with a strong crotch.

The old knight Gordon first subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and then frowned again.

Since a powerful minister is involved... this matter most likely has nothing to do with the royal family. This is the biggest good news at the moment. It also avoids the worst possibility.

But on the other hand, the principal private secretary to the trade minister is a big shot in his own right.

Secretary Raff can also be regarded as a affairs officer in the civil service system. In the Ministry of Trade, apart from Minister Drost, he only needs to be responsible to the permanent undersecretary. Although he looks almost fifty years old, there is still some possibility that he will continue to be promoted.

And this actually expanded the scope of suspects.

The knight family swore the oath of knighthood when they were awarded armor, so they could not harm the royal family.

If the killer's original target is Princess Isabel, then all the knight family members in the club can be eliminated directly.

But now...

"Has the cause of death been found out?"

Director Gordon thought about this and asked rhetorically.

He just took a quick look and knew that the deceased probably fell from the handrail on the second floor to the first floor.

This is about five or six meters high. It is indeed possible to fall to death from this height. But next to him are high-level priests who can use lighting.

A fall injury from such a height can definitely be rescued unless the back of the head hits the ground.

The young inspector shook his head: "I'm not sure whether he died from poisoning or a curse, but it definitely didn't fall. It should be related to the knife on the back of the deceased. It may have to be sent for testing later. But what is certain is that the death was very rapid, from the injury to It didn't take more than ten seconds to die, almost immediately. The priests who took over the treatment immediately can also confirm this."

"In other words, the deceased fell after being attacked by the murderer. And he died soon after landing?"

Director Gordon frowned, feeling that the situation was becoming more and more troublesome.

He thought for a moment and then gave the instruction: "Immediately conduct a body search of all the people on the second floor of the club!

"There must be a container for storing such a dangerous thing, or a special prop for using it, go find it!

"Secretary Raff may have been talking to someone before he died. Then find all the people on the second floor who were near the handrail at the time of the incident, who were not talking to others, who were sneaking around in corners, and who were seen by others on the second floor. People who move quickly after the crime and bring them down!”

"Also," Aiwass, who was watching quietly from the side, suddenly added, "on this basis, please also check whether there are documents or document bags on the members on the second floor."

Hearing Aiwass's voice, the young inspector and Director Gordon turned around.

Looking at Aiwass in a wheelchair, Director Gordon easily recognized his identity.

"...Mr. Aiwass, right? I heard about the case you did in Lloyd's District."

The old knight said solemnly.

He did not look down on Aiwass because of his young age, but asked him seriously: "Do you think this matter is related to the documents carried by Secretary Raff?"

"Just a hunch. No evidence."

Aiwass did not laugh, but said seriously: "But generally speaking, do people who come to the White Shoes Club to listen to music bring so many documents? Even if they bring documents, wouldn't they use this bag to put them in?" Is that so? If you look at so many documents next to the handrail on the second floor, some documents will fall down accidentally.

"So I thought he might have just opened the document bag or just taken the document from someone else. So I had to check especially to see if someone wanted to steal something - or was caught stealing the document. , it’s possible that he could be assassinated and silenced.”

In fact, this is Aiwass's bullshit excuse. He was just raising the possibility, and it would be more reasonable to be unprofessional.

Anyway, he and Isabel are pressing here, and Edward will come soon. He will definitely check it out like this in the end...and if he speaks too professionally, he might be targeted.

The real reason is that Aiwass looked at the dead person more and more familiarly.

And after hearing his name, I finally remembered his identity and recalled the cutscene that Aiwass skipped!

This middle-aged secretary with gold-rimmed glasses and some baldness is the "someone" in [a letter sent by someone to the Noble Red Society]!

In the game, the player first learns that this "someone" is most likely a trusted confidant of a certain big shot. Then from the "Sweater Brotherhood", a mainline copy that would only appear a few months after the "Casualty of the Lost Body in Hanging Square", a document written in code words was obtained.

Through Sherlock's puzzle solving of this document, players learn that this document is actually a series of locations and numbers. Roughly speaking, different quantities of explosives stored in abandoned chemical plants are delivered to designated locations at designated times.

Later, for some unknown reason, the player and Aiwass were discovered from the sealed crate, and then jumped out to fight each other.

Thinking about it now, it may be that the player and Aiwass took the risk to hide in the box and planned to sneak in and search it. According to the agreed time, Sherlock or someone else delivered the box to the designated place, but when they arrived at the place, someone discovered something was wrong.

After defeating these people, they recovered another document from this group of people, and managed to escape while being chased by corrupt supervisors along the way.

The specific content of this document is completely unknown because Aiwass jumped over it. But Aiwass still remembered one thing about the conversation after the cutscene - in short, after careful analysis by Sherlock, he found that the three documents that seemed to have different handwriting actually belonged to the same person.

More than a week after that, a clerk committed suicide by taking poison at home because he was discovered by the Inspectorate for taking bribes.

Although this incident only appeared in a corner of the "Glass Steps" newspaper, Sherlock was keenly aware that something was wrong. He specifically investigated the real time of the agent's death, and found that the agent "committed suicide" after the player and Aiwass failed to infiltrate the investigation and changed to frantic stealth.

After learning about this, the player sneaked into the mansion and stole Secretary Rafe's lifetime documents. By comparing the handwriting, Sherlock confirmed that this "someone" was the secretary. Thus, it was confirmed that the "big man" cooperating with the Noble Red Society was Minister Drost!

——Although Aiwass skipped all the plot in the middle, fortunately, when he was talking to Sherlock, a news clipping of "A so-and-so clerk committed suicide at home out of fear of crime" popped up.

Aiwass didn't remember his name or appearance, but he remembered his hairstyle.

But now when I see Secretary Rafe’s gold-rimmed glasses, I finally recall this episode——

Lily's biological father, Minister Drost, was the mole who was bribed by spies sent by the Star Antimony Kingdom and secretly sent top-secret information to the Star Antimony Kingdom through the Noble Red Society on a regular basis!

Being able to find out who the mole is so quickly is undoubtedly something worth celebrating.

Not to mention, Aiwass has not been exposed yet, he is still in the dark. It's not like in the game, where the other party noticed it because he was too reckless.

But in this way, the current problem becomes more complicated.

And among everyone present, including the killer... maybe only Aiwass truly understood the complexity of today's situation.

Because Aiwass also recognized it, what exactly is that unsheathed poison blade——

That is the iconic assassination weapon used by "Hawkeye", an agent organization of Iris.

Its character is entirely different from that of the Inquisition of Avalon. Although it is also considered a secret service, the white gloves of the Inspectorate belong to official organizations and authorities in every sense.

Iris's organization has always been a secret killer organization. They mainly carry out assassinations at home and rarely go abroad.

Because "Eagle Eye" is a killer organization, and the mysterious skills related to invisibility, stealth, and poison are all adapted to the road, and even the name of the organization has "Eagle" in it. Therefore, they are generally considered to be a secret society that has escaped from the Black Eagle Principality, which believes in the Lord of Scale Feather.

——It wasn’t until the middle of version 0 that players learned for the first time that the secret leader of this killer organization was actually the prime minister of the Iris Kingdom himself!

The old prime minister used this assassin organization to assassinate political opponents who were different from his own faction and their capable subordinates, or to do the opposite to wipe dirty water on their heads, or to eliminate competitors within his own party. And disguised all this as a murder order, creating a scene within Iris where two parties that believe in the path of love and beauty are vendetta against each other.

One of the core demands of the radical party to which the old Prime Minister Iris belongs is extreme racism. They advocate expelling the "Children of the Moon" within the territory, following Avalon's method of purifying the Path, and abandoning the inheritance of the Path of Love in the country, in order to alleviate the increasingly fierce path conflict within the Iris Kingdom.

As a result, Aiwass immediately thought of the beautiful and elegant senior sister Aiden said who gave him "Dracula".

He was also the person who would later connect Aiden with the racial force known as the "Children of the Moon".

Thinking of this, Aiwass looked at Aiden with a complicated expression.

Noticing Aiwass' gaze, Aiden scratched his head in confusion and looked back: "What's wrong, Aiwass?"


Aiwass sighed, shook his head and asked warmly: "Of course, something as inconspicuous as a document may be hidden...for example, in a book that you carry with you. You are experienced in this, I have to ask you to supervise this carefully, Director Gordon."

He couldn't just name him and say, "The murderer is a beautiful female student who likes to read." The deduction method is not that outrageous either.

After all, Aiwass himself had never seen what she looked like.

Then we can only provide some accurate information one by one.

"...I'll go and see for myself."

The old knight thought for a while and felt that what Aiwass said made sense.

Looking at the back of Commissioner Gordon going upstairs, Aiwass sighed.

——Let me tell you, Aiden, your bad girl radar is really accurate.

There are still three days left in this month, but the unprecedentedly hard-working cat has already updated 19w9k words this month!

The cat's rotating schedule has shifted to 10:50 in the morning. I have finished writing and haven't eaten dinner yet. I am hungry, sleepy, and dizzy... I plan to take a day off at the end of the month to keep my cat alive, tentatively scheduled for the 29th or 30th!

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