Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1254


Chapter 1254 Scourge


Yuantong flew out of the gap and turned to see the situation Collapse, countless water monsters are no longer hindered, swarming out.

As for him, he was dragged out by Bodhisattva and turned to deal with Jiutoufeng.


Bodhisattva said only two words to him, and no other instructions.

Yuantongxin suddenly mentioned that the fewer words, the bigger the matter. It is conceivable that if he goes his own way and goes against Bodhisattva's wishes, it will inevitably lead to unimaginable serious consequences.

"The main body, it's up to you!"

Yuantong silently made a wish to Fang Dou, and turned his head into the battlefield.


Jiutoufeng saw Yuantong flying over, glanced at it, and looked towards the sky light behind.

"You brought this Little Monk to die for Bodhisattva in vain!"

"This poor monk, no need to take action, a Buddhist monk can subdue your demon!"

Bodhisattva opened her mouth lightly, and then her two white eyebrows tightened, like a marionette, driving Yuantong to move.


Yantong felt instantly, a strange feeling descended all over his body.

The pair of white eyebrows passed on is not any power or Divine Ability, but a seed.

This seed stimulates the original Divine Ability mana in Yuantong's body. Starting from the primordial state, it germinates wildly, produces green stamens, blossoms and bears fruit, and climbs to the point of unimaginable.

At this moment, Yuantong has clear comprehension, he is not a puppet, but a battlefield.

The seeds from the Bodhisattva through the white eyebrow belong to the unique Buddha nature of the Supreme Vehicle. If they fall on the stone, the stone can also become a Buddha.

Yuantong's previous Nirvana sudden enlightenment, after rebirth, was already qualified to compete for the Supreme Vehicle, so he was chosen as the carrier of Buddha-nature.

In other words, Bodhisattva uses Yuantong's body as a battlefield to deal with the nine-headed phoenix.

In just a short moment, Yuantong felt the feeling of shedding body, exchanging bones, at this moment, he is Bodhisattva.

Although it hasn't started yet, Yuantong can be sure that Jiutoufeng will definitely lose.

“Little Monk, I wanted to free up my hands and come back to clean you up!”

“No way, your Bodhisattva will let you die!”

“ Come on, you are as thin as a stick, you can't eat your stomach, you can still have teeth!"

Jiutoufeng showed a ferocious smile, "I'll give you an appetizer first, what's it like to taste the meat of Bodhisattva later? "


Yuantong raised a finger and put it on his lips, signaling Jiutoufeng to be quiet.


Jiutoufeng was a little confused, "What?" Flying Sword breaks through the air, and various sounds converge to form a symphony of surging forward with great momentum.

"No one will fill the gap, so it won't work!"

"I'm going to hurry up and clean you up before I plug the gap!"

Yuantong said seriously, "Just now, Bodhisattva played with you, which made you support you for so long. Now it's me, and I won't have the easy freehand brushwork just now!"

Yes, Yuantong personally felt it. The strength of Bodhisattva's level can be confirmed that the Jiutoufeng counterattack just now was not because of how powerful he was, but because Bodhisattva deliberately released water to play with him.

It's like, you grab a crab and deliberately use a wooden stick to lead him to clamp it to see how strong the pliers are. In fact, if the truth kills him, you can just step on it with one foot.

Yuantong speak frankly, in the ears of the other party, it is provocative.

"Little Monk, you've lived enough!"

Nine-headed phoenix's neck is fried, like countless spikes are born out of thin air, next moment shoots ten lines of sight, facing Yuantong Intensive bombardment.


Yuantong sighed and raised his hand slowly.

"Infinite time and space!"

Next moment, Jiutoufeng's pupils sting, and his heart is full of fear.

Because, before he was hit, he clearly saw that all the eyes he shot came back intact, hurting his eyeballs.

Yuantong's hand is so strange that even Jiutoufeng was caught off guard.


Yuantong sighed in his heart, this is the power of the Bodhisattva level, the same Divine Ability, with his own strength, can’t even touch the edge of the nine-headed phoenix , but right now, it is easy to injure Jiutoufeng.


Jiutoufeng wanted to say something else to cover up the impact of the loss just now, but Yuantong made another move.

The black hole opened quietly above his head, and a big hand fell, grabbed the Emperor's Heart Little Monk, and yanked it away.


Jiutoufeng's hair stood up, thinking that he was really confused. He patronized the enemy in front of him, and was sneak attacked to the rear without realizing it.

Under the fury, tens of thousands of feathers flew away, their roots like steel knives.

He also thought that this was a conspiracy of Bodhisattva, deliberately attracting Yuantong's attention and robbing Little Monk, the emperor's heart, behind his back.

Too wrong.

whoosh whoosh!

Countless feathers soared into the sky, flying higher and higher, their strength did not diminish, but became stronger.

However, the big hand took the lead, grabbed the emperor's heart, and closed the hole.

The feathers shot by Jiutoufeng fluttered in the air, and in vain, they burrowed out to the depths of the cloud and lost the trace of the enemy.

"Come on, stand up!"

Yantong's palm left behind, miraculously appearing a Little Monk, looking closely, it is the disappearing emperor's heart.

Emperor Xin Little Monk tidied up his clothes and bowed to Yuantong, "many thanks for the rescue!"

"Thank you Bodhisattva!"

Emperor Xin nodded , moved towards Buddha's radiance and bowed respectfully, "Thank you Bodhisattva for life-saving grace!"

"No need to bow, just stand by the side!" The Taoist camp stood up and watched Yuantong continue to fight.

"It's you!"

Jiutoufeng is really extraordinary shame and humiliation, didn't expect either Bodhisattva or Yuantong to do it face to face, sneak attack behind the back, and take the emperor's heart Little Monk away go.

As a result, his biggest chip was gone.

"Little Monk, you are courting death!"

Jiutoufeng's body feathers are erected, and the blood mist outside is more intense, from pink to deep red.

The sound of the wind around him began to send out faintly discernible tweets, just like the Antiquity Phoenix real monarch descended into the world, majestically suppressed the Three Realms, and the Divine Immortal demons and ghosts were all overwhelmed.


Yuantong smiled slightly, raised his right hand, and counted from his thumb.

"This is Beast Dao!"

Thumbs up.

"The Devil's Way!"

The index finger is raised.

“Hell Dao!”

Middle finger up.

“Asura Path!”

Ring finger up.

"This is the way of the world!"

And finally the little finger.

Finally, Yuantong faced the palm of his hand and tapped lightly, "This is Heavenly Dao!"

Heaven, Human, Asura, Hell, Demon, Animal, Six Paths of Reincarnation Power, presented in the palm of your hand.

Yantong feels that he has never been stronger than he is now.

"Nine-headed phoenix, please enter the reincarnation!"

This reincarnation is not the reincarnation in the underworld, but the Six Paths of Reincarnation unique to Buddhism.

To enter the cycle of reincarnation is to be suppressed by the formidable power of Buddhism. Unless you are willing to reincarnate, you will forever be unable to reincarnate.

Jiutoufeng said ruthlessly, "Don't think about it, I will kill your reincarnation today!"

tone barely fell, Jiutoufeng fluttered her wings, fit and flew over , it means to smash the Yuantong into pieces.

Obviously, this descendant of the Divine Beast has been cornered, so he will use such a trick that both sides suffer.

Everyone's astonished eyes focused on Yuantong. Although they all knew that Bodhisattva was behind the manipulation, no one didn't expect that Yuantong, who was so weak in front of Jiutoufeng, now has an overwhelming advantage. .

Bodhisattva means, really so magical?

(end of this chapter)

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