"Wenliang, you are here at last." Shen Yan knew that Xiao Wenliang was back, but she had been pretending for a long time before. If she woke up so soon, it would be a waste of her strength.

Shen Yan pretends to be infatuated and wakes up. When she sees Xiao Wenliang, her face shows a look of grievance. This time, she's kind of desperate. If Rong Jianyu can't be rectified this time, she doesn't believe that she will be so unlucky. The Lord has always been biased towards her. She knows that even if it is misunderstood, it is good.

It is because of this that she can be confident.

It is what she wants to do in her heart and the most urgent thing to do.

"You are not well. Lie down and don't start." Looking at Shen Yan, Xiao Wenliang is only full of heartache. If it was not for the long time that she left this time, she would not have been hurt like this!

If he could, he would rather be ill than suffer for her.

Xiao Wenliang knew that he almost lost Shen Yan this time. Since he came back to the palace, he didn't dare to leave Qiushui Pavilion for half a step. He was afraid that there was something wrong with Shen Yan, which was Rong Xianyu. He had not had time to deal with it

"This time, I thought I was going to die, and I was worried about it..." Shen Yan smiles, and her soft face is full of love for Xiao Wenliang.

Perhaps because of the bleeding and pain, Xiao Wenliang saw that her face was pale and terrible, and her eyebrows were tightly wrinkled because of the pain Thinking of the cause of Shen Yan's injury, Xiao Wenliang's face sank.

"Yan'er, is that woman stabbed you with a knife?" Xiao Wenliang had a bad impression on Rong Qianyu before, but he didn't expect Rong Qianyu to be such a person who would do anything to achieve his own goal. He just thought that this person was a little more human, and his original intention was not bad.

"I didn't expect that she wanted me to die. I just went to let her taste the cake I made, but the princess threatened me to say..." Shen Yan said that she didn't want to go on The panic on her face made Xiao Wenliang more curious about what the woman had said to Shen Yan. Shen Yan was so scared when she talked about it.

"What did the woman say? Do not be afraid. This royal family is the king has the final say. She is a princess of the Gentiles. You need not be afraid of her. Xiao Wenliang is holding Shen Yan in his arms and makes a voice to appease him.

Rong Qianyu felt very good. This is not Rongguo. He has no feelings and patience for her. Since she came to the palace, many things have happened in the palace. In Xiao Wenliang's opinion, that woman is a trouble girl.

In his own palace, what did he love? When he mentioned the woman, he was afraid first.

I almost lost my life

"Don't be afraid. What did the woman say? Tell me that the king is in charge of you, but the woman is not in charge here." Although Rong Qianyu was his imperial concubine, Xiao Wenliang never admitted it. If she was honest and honest, he reluctantly accepted it, but obviously the woman was not at all at ease.

If Shen Yan lost his life this time, Xiao Wenliang couldn't imagine how he would accept the consequences if it came true

Shen Yan is in Xiao Wenliang's arms. Although she can't see him now, she obviously feels his anger.

This is very good, but it is not enough, far from enough. She has shed so much blood this time, at least half of Rong's life is required. She knows that she can't take Rong's life all at once. But it seems that she wants to be good now, and the Lord doesn't want to give up.

Shen Yan simply adds fuel to the fire. After all, she is handy to do such a thing.

"The princess said that if I knew the truth, she would leave you as soon as she didn't do anything to me, but I couldn't As long as I think that I can't see the king in the future, my heart is like being torn by my hands... " Shen Yan said while holding her heart. Because of her excitement, she showed an unbearable pain because of the wound.

Looking at this in Xiao Wenliang's eyes, I can't help but feel pain for her. I wish I could not take her place.

As for the cause of this situation, it is Rong Xianyu's woman.

Shen Yan not only takes this opportunity to express his love for Xiao Wenliang, but also uses this opportunity to discredit Rong Xianyu.

"The princess said that you belong to her alone. We people have to leave sooner or later. If we want to live well, we should leave as soon as possible, so as to lose our lives in the future." Shen Yan was aggrieved and continued to say, "I am not afraid of losing my life. I am also happy to lose my life for the sake of the Lord. If I don't see the Lord in the future, I will be worried and scared to death, which is more painful than directly killing me."

Shen Yan's acting is still very successful. At least Xiao Wenliang believes her completely. What's more, before Shen Yan wakes up, he listens to the maid around Shen Yan talking about it, and Xiao Wenliang is worried.

"You listen to her nonsense. She is the princess of Rongguo and can be the master of this king? I don't like her at all Why should you take her words seriously? " Xiao Wenliang regards Shen Yan as a simple woman. Listening to what she said before, he knows the causes and consequences of this incident. Shen Yan is kind enough to send some cakes to Rong Qianyu. However, Rong wants to threaten Shen Yan to leave the palace and leave him. Shen Yan certainly won't agree. Xiao Wenliang finds himself in love with Shen Yan, just as Shen Yan can't do without him.Rong Jianyu even dared to threaten Shen Yan to leave him. If he could not, he dared to take Shen Yan's life. This really touched Xiao Wenliang's bottom line.

"I'm worried that the prince and the princess will be in love for a long time. The princess is so beautiful that I can't compare with her. Today, the prince may not like it. Who knows what will happen in the future? No one can guarantee what will happen tomorrow. But when I think that the prince may fall in love with the princess one day, I feel like a knife in my heart. I'd rather die now. I can't see anything, feel nothing, see nothing, feel upset, feel no pain in my heart, and I'll do it all right... " Shen Yan looks at Rong Xianyu, and tears come out of her eyes. Xiao Wenliang looks at her like this and quickly goes to wipe it. Who knows the tears are more and more wiped.

Xiao Wenliang knew that Shen Yan was deeply in love with him, and was deeply moved. On the other hand, he was even more disgusted with Rong Xiaoyu.

"Men are color heavy. I know this since I came to the palace. Since the princess came to the palace, I was worried that the prince would change his mind..." How can a man not be beautiful? What's more, Rong Jianyu is indeed beautiful. After seeing that beauty for a long time, even women will be attracted to it, not to mention those men with shallow eyelids.

Shen Yan doesn't want to let Qianyu be favored in the future. She wants to eliminate these hidden dangers at the lowest time. At this time, she can also solve these problems by some external means. If there is no chance in the future, Rong Jianyu is a powerful and charming woman. Shen Yan is afraid that Xiao Wenliang will be attracted out of control even if she makes more between them It's not very useful.

Shen Yan said with a worried face that there was no need to make a play. She also had such an idea in her heart. Rong Xianyu's beautiful appearance is not too good to say that it is national beauty. This has always been her worry. Men are visual animals. Who knows if Xiao Wenliang will like Rong Jianyu in the future?

"I am not so shallow-minded. Why should you worry about these impossible things? I promise you that no matter today or tomorrow, I just like you. No matter how beautiful Rong Xiaoyu is, I will not like her." Xiao Wenliang doesn't like a woman with a heart of snakes and scorpions, even if she looks beautiful.

Shen Yan's eyes are full of joy. From the angle that Xiao Wenliang couldn't see, her eyes flashed. She turned to a soft voice and said, "the Lord wants to keep his word, but I'm serious!" No matter how good it is, it's not as good as the final action. Shen Yan depends on the actual situation. Those verbal promises are just good to listen to. She knows why she's in favor, so she won't think sweet talk is good. She doesn't want to indulge in it. Shen Yan knows what she's going to do, and she loves herself most.

"If Yan'er doesn't believe it, I can swear!" Xiao Wenliang half squints his eyes and looks at Shen Yan's whiter cheek with soft light. After this injury, Shen Yan's body is even worse. He spent so much time and energy before, not to make her better, but who knows

Xiao Wenliang is going to swear that Shen Yan can't make the Lord really swear. It's good now. She doesn't say she's satisfied. But she knows that she can make some articles by this matter. As long as Rong Xianyu is suffering, she thinks it's worth it.

She knew that she didn't have to do anything now. As long as she provoked the anger in Xiao Wenliang's heart, she would naturally have Xiao Wenliang do it for her and take good care of her wound. She just had to watch the fun here.

Next, you can enjoy a good play. Shen Yan's heart says Rong Qianyu, don't you like Xiao Wenliang. The punishment and injury from the people you love is delicious and impressive. There are many kinds of pain. Love but not being able to be the most severe punishment Shen Yan is bound to let Rong Qianyu pay the price this time. If it is not enough, she can stir up conflicts on one side.

She is very good at this, and she can easily pick it up. Who wants the Lord to listen to her now!

Xiao Wenliang sees that Shen Yan has nothing to do for the time being, so he asks the people who serve her to serve her carefully. Naturally, he wants to seek justice for Shen Yan and can't let her bleed in vain

This time, he can't bear it. In case he can't take care of the place one day, Rong Xiaoyu will take care of Shen Yan.

Seeing Xiao Wenliang's calm face, he seemed to want to question her.

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