After all this, Ye Hong slowly turned his head and looked at Zhou Ling.

"Are you going to roll yourself or I'll give you a ride?" Ye Hong asked lightly.

"Do you know what you're doing? Do you know who you are offending? " Zhou Ling said in a cruel voice: "the big and small big men in this county are all known by Peng Ge. If you do something so wonderful, you will make your whole family have bad luck."

Ye Hong shook his head: "it seems that I want to give you a ride."


Zhou Ling didn't finish her words, but felt a flower in front of her. Ye Hong came to her in the blink of an eye, grabbed her neck and gently swung it.

Zhou Ling was thrown out of the door like a kite and hit Chen Zhanpeng heavily.



Two terrible voices rang out one after another. The other students in the restaurant looked at the scene one by one. They couldn't understand why Ye Lan's brother threw the three people out with three fists and two feet?

What a strength it takes!

Ye Hong did not seem to put this matter in his heart at all, turned his head and said to Ye Lan, "go."

Ye Lan nods stupidly.

Ye Hong rate to go out first, passing by Chen Zhanpeng side, light said: "dare to play Ye Lan's idea, is not to waste your hand so simple."

"Damn you..."

"Believe me, I'm not kidding you."

When Chen Zhanpeng heard this, he was shivering all over his body. However, he could not say the rest of the words.

It was not until ye Hong and Ye Lan's figures disappeared from the sight that Chen Zhanpeng returned to his senses. His face was ferocious: "Ye Hong! You wait for me. In this county, people who dare to offend me, Chen Zhanpeng, will never come to a good end! "

Li Jiaming stood up and said with flattery: "brother Peng, I don't like this boy very much. If you need a brother, you can open your mouth. Brother will never frown."


Ye Hong walks in front, and Ye Lan follows him in a complicated mood.

All the way to the door of the community, Ye Lan finally couldn't help asking, "brother, when did you change so much?"

Ye Hong smiles: "you also see that I am very powerful now?"

Ye Lan curled his lips: "I'm not blind!"

"Now that you know I'm good, can you tell me what's wrong with you?" Ye Hong asked: "believe me, no matter what the trouble, I can help you with it!"

Ye Lan looked stiff, but quickly shook his head and said, "what's the trouble? I don't know what you're talking about

"You want to keep it from me?" Ye Hong asked, "you are not blind. Is your brother blind?"

"I don't know what you're talking about anyway!" Ye Lan turned his head, ran a few steps, and entered the community in a blink of an eye.

Ye Hong stares at her back for a long time.

What are you hiding, little girl?

Today, I deliberately showed a little ability, just to give you some confidence.

Do you think, such me, is not enough to solve your problems?

And has walked to the community of Ye Lan, I do not know when, has been full of tears.

Her face was flushed and tears fell, but she refused to cry.

Brother, I know you want to protect me.

But I can't help it!

What happened to me is not something that ordinary people can solve. Don't say you can fight three, even if you can win ten, how about a hundred?

After all, they can't be compared.

Those people, each like a fairy, they want me to leave with them, I can only do.

It's just In the future, I may never see my parents and my brother again!

After arriving at the unit door, Ye Lan wiped his eyes hard, and his face showed a smile that he didn't care about. He hummed and jumped up the elevator.

After returning home, Ye Hong didn't show anything, and Ye Lan had been idle lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone.

In the evening, Ye Lan began to clamor: "Mom, I'll have braised spareribs in brown sauce, Stewed Beef Brisket with tomato, chicken stewed with mushroom, fried eggs with pepper..."

She reported a lot of dish names in one breath, all of which she liked to eat on weekdays. Qin Xue said in surprise, "aren't you going to lose weight? Besides, how can our family eat so much? "

"I don't care, I don't care. I just want to eat it, mom. You can make it for me."

Qin Xue shook his head helplessly: "good, good, mother to do for you, really take you have no way."

She changed clothes and went downstairs to buy vegetables. Ye Hong had been staring at Ye Lan, but he said nothing.

Leaf blue horizontal he one eye: "you look at me so what?"

"Nothing..." Ye Hong shook his head and turned to the TV picture.It seems that I have to keep an eye on this girl tonight.

When Qin Xue comes back, ye Chenming comes back from work.

It's just that there are two strangers coming in with them.

Two men and two women.

Wearing a decent suit, but look a little arrogant, eyes higher than the top, too lazy to see ye Chenming and Qin Xue.

"Xiaohong, Xiaolan, come here quickly. This is your Uncle Chen and uncle Liang. These two are your aunts. They are our neighbors in this building. Just when I bought so many dishes, I asked them to come and have a taste."

Ye Hong and Ye Lan politely greet each other, but they don't even nod their heads perfunctorily. They just sit on the sofa, pick up the remote control and start watching TV.

Let Qin Xue and ye Chenming work in the kitchen.

More than an hour later, the two men finally finished their work and asked a group of people to sit on the table.

The four men did not say a word during this period. Even if they were sitting at the table and picking up the dishes and chopsticks, they were still taut and did not mean to communicate with Ye Hong and others.

Ye Hong gave a faint smile and said, "Dad, mom, Uncle Chen and uncle Liang are deaf or mute? If they have physical problems, I can help them to have a look. I have learned a lot in the medicine hall. "

"What nonsense!" Qin Xue glared at him and said to the four people with a tight smile: "I'm sorry, children don't know what to do. Don't take it to heart!"

Liang Shulin coughed and glanced at Ye Hong: "Lao ye, you son It seems a little stupid, not suitable for our company. "

Ye Chenming said in a deep voice: "manager Liang, you are the red man in front of Chen Dayou. As long as you open your mouth and let one person go to work, there should be no difficulty? Besides, my son is also a bachelor's degree, which fully meets your recruitment criteria. "

"If I say it's not appropriate, it's not appropriate!" Liang Shulin raised his eyebrows and said, "what? Do you still want to make decisions for me? "

Ye Hong understood.

It turns out that my parents invited these two people to dinner today to arrange a better job for themselves.


Or into Chen Dayou's company!

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