Ye Hong thought.

Liang Xiaoru's performance has been pretty good recently. She has not done anything out of the ordinary. It's not good for her to be too embarrassed.

"All right." Ye Hong said, "tomorrow you can take time to deliver it."

"Yes, Mr. Ye!" "Then I'll contact you again before tomorrow," he said

Hang up the phone, Ye Hong rubbed his head with some headache.

"Really Trouble

He didn't like these worldly sophistication, but if his parents went to Nanzhou in the future, they would have to take care of them.

Always leave some leeway.

Early the next morning.

Chen Dayou happily ordered a top-notch banquet in huanglin hotel.

He is going to entertain some very important people.

Today, he realized that he Wenfeng, the chairman of Nanhe group, had come to that big man in person!

This is a man of heaven!

Even in Nanzhou, he is a big man who stomps his feet and shakes all over Nanzhou. As a rich man in the county, he is lucky to meet Mr. He. He can basically boast for a lifetime, and others will certainly look up to him.

Moreover, he is going to invite the doctor ye to have a potluck.

In this way, he Wenfeng can also show his contacts. Even the famous doctor Ye of Nanzhou can be invited here, which proves that Chen Dayou is still a little thin outside.

What's more, jianghaizheng told him today that his elder brother jianghaixin would come with the first master of Nanzhou, and introduce him to know him at that time!

Many great people are gathered together!

Chen is full of vigor and vitality!

Therefore, early in the morning, Chen Dayou picked up his son Chen Zhanpeng from the hospital and knocked on the door of the Ye family before going to the hotel.

After opening the door, ye Chenming looked gloomy: "what are you doing here?"

Chen Dayou said with a smile: "brother ye, don't refuse people from thousands of miles away. We are all neighbors. How nice and friendly we are. Why make the relationship so rigid?"

With these words, he pushed Chen Zhanpeng to the front of him, pointed to his broken wrist and said, "you see, Ye Hong, that boy beat Zhanpeng into this look, I don't even have a grudge."

Ye Chenming's eyes were cold: "what's your idea?"

"Brother ye, you really don't have to be so hostile to me. After all, we are not people of the same world anymore." Chen Dayou laughs and hides the knife: "moreover, the gap between us will be bigger and bigger..."

"That's your business. What does it have to do with me?"

Chen Dayou seemed not to have heard of it. He said to himself, "today, I will have lunch with Mr. He, the chairman of Nanhe group. By the way, I will sign a huge contract. Do you know what this means?"

"I said, it's none of my business!" Ye Chenming said coldly.

"Ha ha ha..." Chen Dayou looks up to the sky and laughs. After a long time, the laughter converges. He stares at Ye Chenming coldly: "no, this matter has something to do with you, because from now on, I will have the power you can only look up to in your life, which means that I want to crush you, which is more convenient than before!"

"You don't want to sell this house? I can't help you! I must make you homeless, and the whole family will become the street dogs

"Your son beat Zhan Peng. Do you really think that's all? When I have signed the contract, the pain that ye Hong, a little bastard, has imposed on my son, I must still be on him a thousand times and a thousand times! "

"What? Are you angry and desperate? But what can you do? I will do what I want to do to you! You can't even resist. Of course, I'll probably spare your little bastard's life in the light of our past friendship! "

"You I'll kill you

Ye Chenming is furious, waving his fist and ready to rush up, but behind him comes Ye Hong's incomparably flat voice.

"Dad, don't be angry. What do you do with a man who is dying?"

Ye Chenming turned his head in surprise and asked, "what do you say? Dying people? "

"He's got lung cancer, or advanced! It won't last long. " Ye Hong said casually.


Chen Dayou looked at Ye Hong in horror: "little rabbit, how do you know? Did you go to the hospital to inquire about me

But without waiting for Ye Hong to speak, Chen Zhanpeng burst out laughing and said, "is the advanced stage of lung cancer dead? Ye Hong, you are such a short-sighted person. I'm afraid you don't know. There is a miracle doctor in Nanzhou who can't cure this kind of cancer. His treatment is as simple as eating and drinking water. My father has invited his old man to huanglin county. In a moment, he will treat my father! "

"It's not just my father's lung cancer, but also my broken hand. The miracle doctor will help me to cure it. Isn't it very disappointing? Ha ha ha, but Lao Tzu has money. It's hard to die. We are helpless Ha ha haHe looked up at Ye Hong and said, "we have money. We can get a doctor. But what about you? If you are interrupted, will the old doctor condescend to cure you, a poor man


"For the rest of your life, you're going to be a waste with broken hands and feet!" Chen Zhanpeng clenched his teeth: "believe me, that day will not be too far away, so you can cherish the days when your hands and feet are sound..."

"The miracle doctor I won't cure you! " Ye Hong said plainly and firmly.

"Ha ha ha You know what you're talking about, son of a bitch? Doctor Ye has been invited by me. Do you think he will not treat me? " Chen Dayou scoffed: "you should not be suffering from hypochondria?"

"If I say he won't, he won't!" Ye Hong said faintly: "with your blindness and arrogance, I can guarantee that even if you die in front of him, he will not cure you!"


"I don't want to talk to you more. Go away!"


Ye Hong directly closed the door heavily.

Chen Dayou and Chen Zhanpeng, who have been closed their doors, look gloomy.

"Little bastard, tomorrow No, tonight, I'm going to let you live or die! Do you dare to be so rampant in front of Laozi Chen Dayou said in a cruel voice, "Zhanpeng, let's go. Mr. He and Dr. ye should be here soon. We can't let such big people as them wait for us."

They rushed to huanglin hotel in a hurry, and made some careful arrangements. Then they were smiling at the gate of the hotel, waiting for the arrival of he Wenfeng and doctor Ye.

With them looking forward to, and sitting in a wheelchair Jiang Haizheng.

He should have been lying in the hospital, but today he is likely to clean up Ye Hong's beast. How could he be willing to miss such a big loss in Ye Hong's hands?


Chen Dayou said that the miracle doctor from Nanzhou can cure all kinds of diseases. Doctor ye can make him stand up again in a few minutes!

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