However, the girl was still lying there with her eyes closed, as if she hadn't heard Cui's careful words.

But his face became more and more ugly.

Cui was careful with a gloomy face: "if you get up, you can say anything, but if you insist on lying here, then I can tell you very clearly that you can't get any money."

Ye Lan also said: "little sister, you really get up quickly, you are so useless, we can't always accompany you here to waste time..."

Seeing that the girl still had no movement, Cui bit her teeth carefully and said, "call the police!"

This kind of thing is not suitable to talk about in private. Only when the police come can we solve the problem better.

Ye Lan took out his mobile phone and whispered, "if you don't get up, I really want to call the police..."

At this time, there are many passers-by around here.

After all, the bright red Ferrari is too conspicuous. When they walk in, there are three top beauties with different styles. How can they be willing to leave?

"Girl, what else do you call? Send people to the hospital

"If it's too late, it's going to be fatal."

"Can you save people first

All the onlookers pointed and said.

The girl lying on the ground seems to be dying.

Cui carefully said in a cold voice: "I didn't hit her, so I won't take the responsibility Since you are so kind, come forward and take her to the hospital

"No? How can it be like this if you don't hit someone else and ride well? Do you really think you can turn black and white with money? I tell you, don't dream. None of us is blind or stupid

"Although the girl doesn't look traumatized at all, you may have smashed all her internal organs. This kind of thing has not happened."

"Yes, I heard that after someone was hit, there was nothing on the spot, just like a normal person. As a result, Qiqiao bled to death as soon as he got home."

"Yes, we all see it, miss. Don't quibble."

Cui's face flushed with anger: "I said I didn't bump into her, that is, I didn't hit her. When the police come, we will find out the situation naturally. You don't need to pretend to be good people here."

Ye Lan also said: "yes, we really didn't bump into her, and we don't know why she became like this."

"So you two mean that the girl is touching porcelain?" Someone asked coldly.

"It will be known when the police come." Cui is careful and still insists on calling the police.

It was her fault, she acknowledged.

No matter what kind of punishment she will face, she is willing to accept.

But if someone wants to throw a false charge on her I'm sorry, but I'm careful never to be wronged like this.

"What do you mean?"

Cui's cautious attitude completely angered the onlookers: "you are still thinking of shirking responsibility when you see people dying?"

"Driving Ferrari, you still care about the cost of medicine? Maybe, in the eyes of rich people like them, they don't care about the lives of ordinary people at all? Who can do to her

"ha ha ha, I want to make a video tiktok, let all the netizens see the arrogant Ferrari beauty car owners, how to ignore the law, ignore life...... I've never seen such a cold-blooded person. "

Cui Xiaoqi crazy, but also have endless grievances in the heart.

I didn't bump into people clearly. Why don't these people tell the whole story? They don't know what they're talking about here?

At this time, Ye Lan instead calmed down. She took Cui's small hand carefully and said in a low voice: "otherwise, we will send her to the hospital first?"

"No!" Cui was careful and determined: "it's not my fault. Why should I pay this responsibility? I can't encourage the arrogance of bad people

Ye Lan said with a wry smile, "but now in everyone's eyes, we are the bad guys."

"So what? Right and wrong, black and white, have their own opinions. " Cui carefully high voice way: "when the police come, will give me a justice."


Ye Lan just wants to continue to speak, but behind him comes a familiar voice: "what's the matter?"

Ye Lan turned her head in surprise and exclaimed, "brother, you are here at last. What's the matter with this little sister? We didn't bump into her, but she fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Is she touching porcelain? You are so good at medicine that you can see at a glance that she is pretending, right? "

Ye Hong also saw Cui carefully stop Ferrari here, just let the taxi stop, come to see the situation.

Listen to Ye Lan's words, just understand what happened.

He just looked at the girl on the ground, then shook his head slightly and said, "she is not pretending."


Just a short sentence, but let Cui careful, Qi and blood surging, head roaring, as if to explode in general.She looked at Ye Hong with sharp eyes and asked in a high voice, "what do you mean? She's not pretending, so blue and I are lying? We bumped into her and we didn't dare admit it? "

She was really disappointed to this Ye Hong.

It's just that people are ordinary, and their character is so bad.

Even his sister did not believe, the first sentence on the mouth of nonsense.

He did not know, this sentence, is equal to pushing her and Ye Lan into the abyss?

Ye Lan did not look sad, but was surprised and said, "ah? what? She's not pretending. How could that be? We really didn't hit her

The onlookers burst into laughter: "even your own people say that they are not pretending. Now what else do you have to say? Why don't you get out and get people to the hospital? "

"The richer you are, the more stingy you are. I have learned that even if we ordinary people bump into people, we will never be so impetuous and ignore the lives of the victims!"

Ye Hong faintly looked at those onlookers: "I only said that this girl is not pretending, but when did I say that she was bumped into this way?"

Cui is more and more disappointed.

Two sides, three knives.

Want a perfect solution to this?

How can it be so easy!

You have said all the good things, but Who will appreciate it?

I've never seen such a stupid person in such a big age!

Cui said in a cold voice: "you don't have to worry about this. We'll deal with it ourselves."

Ye Hong said faintly: "if it is not Ye Lan who is also in it, I don't care about this kind of thing."

"It's not blue blue driving, it has nothing to do with blue blue, so you don't have to worry about it!" Cui carefully angry voice: "I said, I will deal with it myself."

"Do it yourself?" Ye Hong pointed to the girl lying on the ground: "she is dying. Are you sure you can handle it? When she's dead, whether you hit her or not, you'll have to bear the main responsibility! "

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