Speaking of this, Ye Hong slightly cocked the corner of his mouth and looked up at the sky: "I can also tell you that the so-called achievements of those people in your mouth are not worth mentioning in my eyes. It is not only them, even their parents and even grandparents, who are not qualified to let me have a more look at Ye Hong."

A great generation of medical immortals has been reduced to the point that they should be compared with a few hairy boys.

Ye Hong felt ridiculous in his heart, but more, it was a surge of desolation.

When can we return to the realm of immortal medicine?

Now the speed is still too slow!

Cui Xiaoxin and Xu Mingyue don't know what he thinks in his heart, and he doesn't know the height he's in. Looking at this boasting and forcing man, Cui Xiaoxin and Xu Mingyue say to Ye Lan, "Lan Lan, is there something wrong with your brother's brain? If there is really a problem, we should go to the hospital to have a look, and we must not hide the disease and avoid the doctor! "

Ye lanman was disappointed and looked at Cui carefully: "be careful. Even if you don't like my brother, you should be a stranger in the future. Is it necessary for you to do things like this?"

"I'm also good for him." Cui careful light said: "I can't give him a trace of hope, that is not responsible for him."

Ye Lan nodded: "OK, I know..."

The more understatement, it means the more sad she is.

She did not dare to think that the good sister in her eyes would humiliate her own brother in front of her!

"Brother, let's go."

Ye Hong nodded: "come on, I have to find a house near your school."

Ye Lan nodded: "the house nearby is not easy to rent..."

"Rent?" Ye Hongqi said strangely, "why rent? Why don't you just buy one? "

Leaf blue exhibition Yan smile: "good, you say to buy, we buy, anyway is your money, you say calculate."

Looking at the two people gradually away, Xu Mingyue said to Cui carefully: "be careful, in the future, it's better to stay away from Ye Lan. Any man will introduce you. She is obviously pushing you to the fire pit. Is this what a good girl should do?"

Cui carefully shook his head and said: "blue blue is just unintentional move, she has always thought simple, may not think so much."

"Simple? You still say she's innocent Xu Mingyue sneered: "why did she introduce her brother to you? Is not to see your family in the provincial capital rich and powerful, want to embrace your family's thigh? At that time, their family will not have to worry for the rest of their lives She can do all these things. Why is it so simple? "

Cui carefully still shakes his head: "although the elder brother of blue blue is disgusted with some, but, I still believe that blue blue is not that kind of person!"

With that, she also walked to the bedroom without expression.

Xu Mingyue stood in the same place, her eyes were cold and her face was cloudy and sunny.

After a while, she suddenly stamped her foot, and her face reappeared with that gorgeous smile, and she cried out, "be careful, what are you doing so fast? Wait for me


Out of the school gate, Ye Lan just lowered his head and said to Ye Hong in a stuffy voice: "brother, I'm sorry. It's all because of me that you've suffered so many grievances today."

"Aggrieved?" Ye Hong smiles: "what injustice? Why don't I know? "

Ye Lan said indignantly: "be careful and say that to Xu Mingyue, you Are you not angry? "

"Not angry!" Ye Hong said.

Ye Lan stares at an eye to ask a way: "I don't believe, when is your temper so good?"

Ye Hong kneaded her head, and her soft hair turned into a mess: "a few ants bit you, will you get angry with ants?"

Ye Lan shook his head: "of course not, but they are not ants..."

"No, in my eyes, they are no different from ants." Ye Hong shook his head and said, "no matter what they say or do, they are just a joke in my eyes. I have already abandoned their precious rights and money."

"If such ants are really too annoying, just crush them to death. There is no need to be angry."

Ye Lan grew up and looked at Ye Hong, unable to say a word.

She didn't feel afraid, she felt My brother is really a man!

Such a bold man Be careful not to look up to it?

What's wrong with her eyes?

"Thank you, brother."

"It's necessary for us to say thank you, brother and sister?" Ye Hong rubbed her head's hand more and more forcefully: "you must remember, I came to the provincial capital, the main purpose is to protect you, from the moment I came here, this whole provincial capital, no one can bully you!"

Ye Lan nodded heavily, and then he giggled: "I have a supporter after Ye Lan."

"Yes Ye Hong also followed with a smile: "and, your backing, is the most powerful in the whole provincial capital."

When they left the school, they went straight to the agency nearby.It's better to find a suitable house near the school. It's more convenient for Ye Lan to go to school in the future.

Cui was careful not to stay in the dormitory for long before driving home.

Grandfather's illness is just right, she is a little worried.

She doubted whether his grandfather's illness was really good. What if ye Hong used any special method to make him look like a normal person for a while?

After all, Ye Hong looks really unreliable!

As soon as he stepped into the house, Cui Wenxiu rushed over and asked, "how about it? Did you enjoy chatting with Mr. Ye? You and his sister are good friends, and you can certainly be friends, right? "

Cui carefully asked: "Dad, why do you attach so much importance to Ye Hong? He is just a poor boy who just came from the county

"How did I talk to Mr. Ye for you?" Cui Wenxiu said heavily: "answer my question."

Cui turned his mouth carefully: "no, I don't like him, he doesn't like me, maybe I'll die of old age and never talk to each other again

"What? You... "

Cui Wenxiu glared at Cui carefully for a long time. He was so angry that he said, "you want to piss me off!"

Cui Aiguo also came over and looked at Cui carefully with a look of disappointment: "be careful, this may be the worst thing you have done for so many years, and the consequences are also the most serious."

Cui was not angry and said: "grandfather, he cured you, and I am very grateful to him, but, are you saying too serious? Let's just give him some revenge? I don't like him, why do I have to have a good relationship with him? I never do things I don't like to do. Grandfather, you have never forced me before. How could this time... "

With that, Cui's eyes were red and she was about to cry.

Neither her grandfather nor her father had ever said a word to her before.

But today, because of that ye Hong, she is very angry!

She was wronged!

Why is it!

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