Walking in the darkness of this city, Irlan didn't feel anything special. It was a pity. Now Egypt has become an Islamic country, and even some of the ancient traces left behind are now gone. It has Islamic characteristics. Under the cover of this characteristic, Egypt as a whole does not seem to be much different from its hometown.

Especially when the clothes were exactly the same as those in my hometown, the novelty of coming to this country disappeared in an instant.

Of course, maybe it's because I didn't see those majestic pyramids.

The person we want to investigate this time is an officer who is responsible for the transportation of grain and grass throughout Egypt. If we really know Saladin's intention to attack north, we can take action directly.

Arriving all the way to the chief's house, he hid himself on a tree branch and looked at the layout of the interior decorations of the house. Irlan narrowed his eyes slightly. Very good, the placement of these decorations just formed a magic trick. In other words, he was in While sneaking in, you need to avoid the detection range of magic and destroy some of the decorations.

Fortunately, such a task is not too difficult. I took out a bottle of potion from my pocket, and at the same time took off some leaves from the branches. I just need to inject magic into these leaves, and the leaves will become hard in an instant. It's enough to destroy those decorations, and the slowly falling leaves will naturally not arouse anyone's suspicion.

Using the medicine directly stunned a soldier who was patrolling the yard, creating a blind spot in the patrol.

Then feeling the magic in the air, it was like dancing to avoid the waves, throwing leaves from time to time, breaking the vase in the yard or the corner of the sculpture.

If it were to be destroyed directly, there would be too much movement, and it would be just fine to just cause the entire defensive magic to malfunction.

Come outside the house, find a less conspicuous place, put your hand gently on the wall, and share your hearing with this kind of house. For a while, the entire wall of the house became Irlan's ears. The information entering the brain is very noisy, but if it is carefully distinguished, the key information will naturally not escape Irlan's attention.

In this gorgeous room, which is relatively safe and has a good view, a bald middle-aged man was drinking a glass of wine and looking at the person kneeling in front of him with a somewhat unhappy tone.

"Why haven't you got what I need? It won't be long before Saladin will launch a war like the one in Jerusalem. By then all the conditions will be gathered, and it will be proven that, except for our faith, everything else is False gods.”

The expression on the face of the servant kneeling on the ground was somewhat troubled.

"We have found the thing, but because we are underground in a busy area, where ancient Egyptian underground ruins are located, and the gate has magic as a defense, if we force a breakthrough, it is very likely to attract the attention of others. We are looking at it from the side. Tunnels were dug, but not long ago we ran into problems with sea water.”

The servant kneeling on the ground had a flattering and helpless smile on his face, "Should I say that it really deserves to be that person's tomb? It is hidden in a busy city and has been heavily protected. You may even need to crack one or two of them. magic."

The bald man drank the wine and curled his lips. Although he was a little unhappy and angry, he was not ready to just kill the servants who were working for him. "You guys are really useless, but by chance I also want to see the great emperor." If you have such a distinguished face, just go there in person."

Chapter 61: The budding heart’s desire

Even though more than 1,000 years have passed, the conquering king Iskandar is still widely known on this continent. Of course, this bald man did not want the treasure, so he chose to look for this king. A mausoleum, no matter how you say it, disturbing a king's sleep is considered a sin.

But in order to achieve their goals, they must do this even if they are guilty.

The King of Conqueror, who conquered a large amount of land, definitely had a lot of treasures, and among them was their target - the Ark of the Covenant!

After the Babylonians destroyed the Holy City of Jerusalem, most of the people were captured by the Babylonians, while a small number of people chose to flee to Egypt, and the Ark of the Covenant disappeared into the Holy City at that time.

Now, through information from all parties, we finally know the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant. As long as we find it, it will be possible - God descends.

This is completely different from the Holy Grail and the Holy Spear. After all, the Holy Grail and the Holy Spear are only stained with the blood of Jesus. What is stored in the Ark of the Covenant is the Ten Commandments tablets given by God himself, which were held by the prophet Moses. Existence is also a contract with God.

Now that the Ark of the Covenant is covered in dust, it is necessary for them to restore the glory of the Lord, and at the same time, it is necessary to establish their sacred status. They must make other sects and gods eclipse, and only the Lord will be eternal.

It’s just that the age of God has passed. Although I don’t want to admit it, this is a fact. Therefore, more special conditions are needed to achieve the goal. The holy city of Jerusalem is one of the necessary conditions.

However, this goal cannot be told to Saladin. There is no doubt that this king believes in the Lord, but at this point, it is absolutely impossible for this king to allow religious power to overwhelm secular royal power. After all, this king has seen those in Europe. When the king needs the support of the Holy See in order to be justified, he already has a look of contempt on his face.

Therefore, this matter can only be carried out secretly. When the rice is cooked, even Saladin will have no way to stop their rise.

When the gods come, all things will come to an end and will fall under the control of the gods and their words.

After all, this era does not allow gods to exist forever, so they who have achieved the descent of gods are the spokespersons of gods. The world will eventually be unified in their hands. Praise our great Lord!

Because of this, even if the bald man did not reveal all his plans, Ilan still heard words like "Let the Lord come" and "Let Saladin attack Jerusalem".

After hearing this, Ilan clenched his fists silently, with a slightly solemn expression on his face. In his opinion, these guys are also guys who are fanatical about God. Such existences have existed in every era from ancient times to the present. They all appear, just like crazy people, so is the goal of these guys to bring the so-called gods to come?

Whether it is the teachings of the church or various magic books, it is clearly stated that the era of God has passed. Now that people worship God, it does not mean that they hope that gods will rule mankind again. What people long for is just the difficulty of gods. It can only provide shelter and guidance when needed.

However, in this era, although the age of gods has passed, the age of human intelligence has not yet arrived. There are still 200 years until the Renaissance.

But as a being who is born with knowledge to a certain extent, Irlan values ​​human intelligence more, but people like Irlan are still a minority in this era.

The reason in his heart tells Ilan that these people must not be allowed to achieve their goals, but at the same time, Ilan also understands that it is not easy to stop these guys. If he wants to stop the coming of the gods, As humans exist, in this era, naturally more people are looking forward to witnessing the face of God, especially since there is no shortage of fanatics in this era.

The most important thing is that as long as religion still exists, fanatics will definitely appear. I stopped it this time, but what about the next time?

Although you can not think about the next time for the time being, after all, it may be a few years, decades, or even hundreds of years later, so it doesn't matter if future generations have to worry about it.

Erlan touched his heart, and he seemed to understand what his mission was.

[Ignorant thoughts sprouted in my heart. 】

[I understand that religion will never die and fanaticism will never end. 】

[But belief in gods is also the spiritual sustenance of many people, not to mention that religion also has a side that leads people to be good, and the existence of everything has its rationality. 】

[It is impossible to eliminate all faith in the world. What's more, I have strengthened my inner thoughts. To a certain extent, doesn't it mean that I have strengthened my own beliefs? 】

[But everything has its own limits. Crossing that line means excess and madness, and impulse defeats reason. 】

[Since there will always be people in the world who have stepped up to the standards, then let those who silently watch all these and maintain the standards also exist forever. 】

[This will probably be a struggle that will not end until the destruction of mankind. 】

[Skill Upgrade]

[Assassin's Creed B (The planted seeds have sprouted and begun to grow. This is the way of the Assassin that is completely different from the Order of the Old Man of the Mountain. This is the way of the Assassin with a clear goal. Where will it go? Time will tell. Watching everything quietly.): The probability of instant death is increased, the attack is increased, and the mental weakening is invalid. ]

[Acquire skills]

[The scale of all things, the line of heart A (this is the scale adhered to by those who have firm beliefs, and it is the line in the heart that must never be crossed): For special attacks on enemies who have crossed the line of heart, when the holder sticks to his heart , all attributes gain a certain increase. ]

Yilan took a deep breath. Although the goal in his heart has a direction, now is not the time to think deeply about these things. He must first complete the current task and resolve the current matter, not to mention that he is alone. From the words he heard, Generally speaking, there must be someone else behind this bald head, otherwise it would be impossible to hide it from Saladin's eyes.

What's more, even if he wants to implement his own plan, he needs stronger power. At least he must be able to suppress other people in the cult from causing trouble for him. He can't always let Mr. Hassan do it for him.

The old man regards himself as a junior, so you must also consider the old man. This is mutual respect.

The bald man in the room had already put on his armor and shared part of his vision with the wall. Every move of this bald man was under the watchful eye of Irlan.

Chapter 62: Underground Tomb

Although the bald man could be dealt with right here, Yilan followed the bald man quietly.

If I heard correctly, this bald man was planning to go to a certain mausoleum to get the Ark of the Covenant. Irlan had seen the description of the Ark of the Covenant in the sect's documents. It was a terrifying existence that could destroy a city.

These fanatics must not be allowed to obtain it. It is extremely terrifying for a madman to obtain top-notch weapons, especially when these madmen still have a lot of power.

After gently moving his fingertips to make sure that all the equipment on his body was fine, he gently wrapped his cloak tightly around his body, then returned the same way and left the house. Anyway, this house had already been shared with his hearing. And vision, no matter where the bald man left, he could not escape his control.

What's more, no matter how you look at it, this bald man doesn't look like he's preparing to secretly go to the target location. After all, as the manager of this city, the entire Alexandria is under his management. As long as King Saladin doesn't come here in person, He is the top talker in this city.

Fortunately, the place we are going to this time is not suitable for bringing too many soldiers. After all, what we are doing is behind the back of the king, and we can only lead our own confidants. Otherwise, Irlan would also have to consider whether to notify the Order. Seeking support.

The bald man swaggered out of his house. This careless behavior did not look like someone who was secretly carrying out some kind of operation. He even used his rights to buy a few bottles from the vendor's stall. Wine, of course, is not that arrogant and domineering, on the contrary, there is even an amiable smile on his face.

Judging from this man's behavior alone, he doesn't look like a bad person, but if appearance alone could distinguish a person's good from evil, then there wouldn't be so many successful careerists and all kinds of people in the world. There are endless cases.

Good people will never have these two words written on their faces, and the same is true for evil people.

The bald man walked into a private house. Yilan shared his vision with Xiujian's short arrow, found a blind spot, and fired the short arrow.

This is like a monitor that can be installed anywhere at any time. Erlan can easily observe the situation inside the house.

This is a private house in a downtown area. There are several soldiers guarding the house. Even if it is dressed like a normal family, Irlan can guarantee it with his assassin's eyes. After all, who has a family of three and his old mother? They all have well-proportioned and powerful muscles all over their bodies.

Although the whole of Egypt is still peaceful, it is absolutely impossible for an ordinary family to have such an old man in such an era.

After the bald head entered the room, the guard who had been following the bald head directly opened the carpet. Under the carpet was a wooden door similar to a cellar. When it was opened slowly, there was a walkway leading directly to the underground. After the guard lit the lamp, He took the lead and walked in.

The bald man tidied up his clothes, and followed closely behind. After the two of them entered the underground, several soldiers in the room restored everything in the room and restored the life of a normal family. It even looked better than a normal family. normal.

Drama queen!

I never thought there was someone more dramatic than myself in this world!

Irlan rolled his eyes, and then took out the poison given to him by Yanzui from his pocket. It was not very lethal, but it was enough to make the person who smelled the smell sleep for three days and three nights, even if they woke up by then. , and was in a weak state in a short period of time.

If you don't want to hurt innocent people, this poison is simply a necessity for assassins like yourself.

This kind of poison was a little difficult for Irlan to make. After all, in the training center in the mountain, he didn't focus on toxicological knowledge.

Of course, I know the most basic sleeping pills and poisons, but the effect is always too strong. Even the simplest sleeping potion, I can make it into a sleepless existence.

Mu Mian couldn't help but complain about this when he was imparting his knowledge on these potions. From a certain point of view, he was considered a genius. He could even make antidote potions into poison. I was afraid that he was the only one who could do it.

Fortunately, this talent was not inherited into gourmet cooking, otherwise the food he cooked would become poison, and then he would probably become the new Poisonous Hassan.

He threw the medicine in his hand directly into the room, and then jumped through the window directly. Seeing the soldiers who had reacted and rushed towards him, Irlan kept his eyes locked on their attacks and dodged to the side easily. The palm of his hand immediately pushed upward, using a clever force to hit his brain directly.

At this age, I may not be able to directly stun a person, but it is still no problem to temporarily stun an enemy. Then I put one hand on the ground, legs up, and directly wrapped around the soldier's neck, driving him Then the soldier's whole body flew towards the wall beside him.

Then he swung his left hand forward, and the steel claw flew out and the entire steel rope was directly wrapped around the neck of another soldier. He did not intend to retract it directly, but applied a slight force. Irlan was ready to let the soldier die due to lack of oxygen. Coma. As for the last soldier who was sitting on the bed pretending to be an old man, it was probably because he was far away from me and had already inhaled the poison.

He quickly pulled away the carpet and opened the wooden door leading to the ground. He melted into the shadows and ran quickly towards the end of the passage. After confirming that he was in a safe position, Irlan released his breath.

He rubbed his eyes to let his sight begin to adapt to the darkness underground, and then continued to share his vision with the wall directly in front of him. In this way, he could detect the situation in front of him. Anyway, he only shared the vision of one eye. Although It was very awkward at first, but now I'm used to it.

Soon the end of the passage suddenly opened up, and an underground building filled with dust and gravel appeared in his field of vision. This was an ancient Egyptian ruin buried deep underground.

Because it has been buried deep underground for a long time, this ruins looks dilapidated, but a road has been cleared, which seems to lead to the bottom of the ruins.

Irlan wiped away the dust on the damaged obelisk with his hand, and a string of ancient Egyptian characters came into view.

Although the ancient Egyptian language has been lost in most parts of the world, the ancient Egyptian language is still inherited in the church of the old man in the mountain. As an assassin, it is necessary to know multiple languages, including some languages ​​that seem to have been lost to the outside world. .

Chapter 63: Even the king turned into withered bones here

After all, who knows if we might encounter an enemy who also knows the lost language to communicate and gather intelligence? What's more, they themselves can convey information in lost languages.

But now looking at the words on the collapsed and damaged obelisk in front of him, Ilan has a feeling of traveling through time and returning to the past. Sure enough, the disappeared civilization can still arouse people's interest and ignite people's yearning. , makes people want to find out what kind of golden dazzling that civilization was during those years.

However, those years have passed away for thousands of years. I am a human being living in the present. Even if I am curious about those glorious years, I will never let myself indulge in the past that has passed away.

Irlan frowned slightly as he looked at the obelisk in front of him. Generally, obelisks exist to record achievements and show great deeds to the world. Most of them are located in glorious city gates or temples. These Was the building buried underground once a temple?

It is not a rare situation to combine a temple with your own mausoleum. There are many similar mausoleums on this land.

However, most of these mausoleums are designed to conceal the existence of the cemetery. The owners of these mausoleums are either powerful and do not want anyone to disturb them after death, or they are sinners in the eyes of many people, or they have many enemies.

So what will happen to this one?

As the dust was swept away, strings of words appeared in the eyes. This was an obelisk depicting the great achievements of an emperor. His territory spanned the Eurasian continent. As the king of the world, he was also the pharaoh of Egypt. After his death, he was taken back to Egypt by his subordinates and buried here with etiquette far exceeding that of a pharaoh.

The king sleeping here is just like the name of this city - Alexander.


A not-so-loud collapse sound sounded from the ground in the distance. Apparently, as the bald man and his men said, since the main entrance was forced to break through with magic, which would cause a huge noise, then a new road would be opened from the side, I'm afraid The walls of the mausoleum have been damaged and there may have been passages forward.

After all, thousands of years have passed. It would be fake to want a magic to last for more than a thousand years without any care, or it would be a feat that only gods can achieve.

Irlan took a step back, hid in the shadows again, and quickly rushed in the direction of the sound. He soon came to a golden door inlaid with gems and a wall of gold bricks.

Now a doorway appeared on the golden wall, just enough for a person to pass through. Inside the golden doorway, golden light accompanied by swaying flames lit up the space outside the door. Irlan took a deep breath. Next, I will step into the light. To be honest, it is not that easy to hide.

In particular, the walls here seem to be protected by various magics, and his secret techniques may not always be effective. This is something Irlan already felt when his feet and hands touched the golden wall.

He simply shared his vision and hearing with a stone, and then gently threw the stone into the glittering tomb.

After seeing other people in the tomb being attracted by this gorgeous tomb, the whole person slipped into the tomb quietly like a breeze and hid behind the shadowed pillars.

These inlaid gems and shining golden pillars are still engraved with various words of praise.

It has to be said that Ptolemy put a lot of thought into making this tomb for his king.

The king's coffin was placed in the center of the entire tomb. The surrounding gems were still shining brightly, and the torch treated with special means was still swaying. It seemed that the space within the tightly closed tomb chamber door was still there. Nothing has changed due to the passage of thousands of years.

The huge transparent amber coffin was filled with high-quality honey. In the center of the honey, the golden pharaoh's golden coffin was sleeping quietly. And above the amber coffin, a red cloak outlined with gold threads was quietly sleeping. Covered on it, even though it has experienced countless wars, even if it is eroded by wind and sand, the dazzling red and dazzling gold are still extremely dazzling.

The chariots and weapons placed in the tomb, as well as the armor with subtle traces of war, still tell the story of their master's tyranny.

Using honey to completely isolate the air, coupled with mummification methods, is indeed enough to ensure that the body of the conquering king will not rot into dregs due to time.

After all, the Egyptian dynasties of the past dynasties would also take into account the preservation of the mummies of the previous pharaohs when environmental changes occurred. Especially during wars, the mummies of the pharaohs would be relocated. I am afraid that the more famous pharaohs in this era will It must have been piled up in the hidden cave in the Valley of the Kings.

Among them is the famous La Er.

In fact, it's quite pitiful when you think about it. After death, you can't sleep peacefully in your own tomb, and have been crowded in a dormitory with other pharaohs for more than 2,000 years.

It is precisely because of this situation that many craftsmen who specialize in making mummies for the royal family have naturally seen mummies that were damaged due to improper preservation. With Ptolemy's respect for Alexander, such a preservation method, such The luxurious single tomb can be regarded as the ultimate achievement for Alexander.

Perhaps Ptolemy's own tomb was not as gorgeous as this tomb.

The bald man touched the amber, looked at the golden coffin through the amber and honey, and shook his head gently, with a bit of emotion in his tone, "Is this the famous conquering king? Even the king who once conquered a huge empire, It seems so quiet and lonely after death, I can only lie silently on the ground,"

The bald man reached out and pulled off the red cloak covering Amber, and then gently put it on himself.

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