And now that such a scene happened to these two foxes, there is nothing surprising. After all, they themselves are different from ordinary foxes because of their status as the Son of God. They obtained the gods in order to serve the Son of God. The existence of those gifts.

You must know that in order to do this job well, these two foxes specifically asked the gods to remove the odor glands on their bodies. Not only that, they also took care of their fur every day, even if it did not carry the smell of incense, it would still carry it. Smells of flowers and nature.

Just like a crow who is still practicing how to make his cries less harsh.

Hualu also knelt down gently on the ground, lowering his height to make it easier for others to put his feet into the shoes.

Such a scene naturally made the people watching from a distance feel even more emotional and amazed. After all, they had only heard of such things from previous hunters. This was the first time they had seen it with their own eyes. It was indeed the Son of God. ah.

"Old lady, please show the child's back. I don't have a charm on my body, so I can only draw it on the child's back."

The man thought for a moment and said this.

A powerful priest or even an eminent monk might be able to cure the child's illness just by reciting a spell or using a portion of water from the shrine.

But the time I had to follow the elder sister's Shinto magic was limited. If it hadn't been for this period of time, I happened to learn the Shinto talisman to eliminate illnesses, I'm afraid I would be helpless now.

After seeing that there was hope for what she wanted, the old woman naturally did not ask any more questions and quickly exposed her child's back. As for why she chose the back, it was purely because of the removal of The space required for sick symbols is not small, and the back is relatively flat.

He gently tapped the orb hanging on his chest with his fingers, and the water surged on his fingertips. Then as his fingertips slid, a disease-repelling charm was slowly printed on his back.

"Hurry as the law dictates!"

As the effect of the disease-repelling charm spread outward, the water slowly enveloped the child, and then the child's face turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the child opened his eyes, and finally made a gesture of wanting to vomit. He turned around and vomited out a pile of smelly things. If you look carefully, you can see that it is just some soil, mixed with leaves. And bark, some of which was caked with blood, seemed to have been firmly stained on the stomach.

At this time, the old lady's eyes widened. She had already guessed why her child was sick, and she also understood why the doctor had prescribed some medicines, but those medicines did not have much effect.

During this period, my family also became lonely. After dismissing most of the servants in the family, the shop could not be said to be profitable. It could only barely provide for food and clothing. No... at most it was a shelter. Sheltered from the wind and rain, the family could only eat a little soup and fresh water every day.

Every time I ask my children, my children often say that they are not hungry.

This does not mean that he is not hungry. This is simply to imitate those civilians who are desperate, live every day numbly, and have no money to eat those Guanyin soil. Although the soil has been ground very finely, it is still soil, human. How is it possible for the stomach to digest earth?

The man's eyes widened at this moment. Living in the shrine, as the son of God, he actually didn't lack much food. The crow, which was already as big as a falcon, would help him hunt rabbits and the like in the mountains, and the foxes would also Go pick some mushrooms and berries, and the money the Orange Witch will get after completing some tasks is enough to purchase the most basic food.

It can even be said that people living in the mountains and forests are far more comfortable than the old and young people living in Kyoto. Although I have heard about the difficulties of this world, I did not expect it to be so difficult.

"Thank you, Son of God! Thank you, Son of God! After I settled my children, I immediately went to the shrine to fulfill my wish. I wonder which shrine the Son of God comes from?"

The man looked at the old lady in front of him who kept kowtowing to him, and was a little flustered for a moment. This was the first time he had received such a gift. Of course, although he felt flustered, he didn't think there was anything wrong with accepting the old lady's kowtow. The problem is, on the one hand, because as the Son of God, he is the incarnation of God walking in the world.

From this point of view, my status is much higher than that of the old lady. This is the feudal era. Don't pay attention to everyone's equality in the feudal era. At least in this war-torn feudal era, everyone's equality is just a dream. .

On the other hand, this is a life-saving grace. In Buddhist terms, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Even in Shinto, life is not a despicable thing.

The education that a person has received also constantly emphasizes his far superior status to others. As a superior, he can generously spread his own kindness to others, but he should also be rewarded for the gifts he spreads. At this time, you should take this reward into your heart without any guilt.

Although he is naive, his status is destined to be a superior person, and he is destined to be a being who is looked up to. Because this is the education he received from the beginning, he does not feel anything wrong.

"My main worship deity is the God of Takago of Kifune Shrine, and I am the son of God of Takago. As for the matter of fulfilling my wish...since I saved your child's life, then this prayer is your child's. Come and pay it back. In the next year, on the first day of every month, he needs to come to Kifune Shrine to worship and thank the God of Water."

Hearing this, the old lady lowered her head again, her face full of gratitude. Regardless of whether the Son of God in front of her did it intentionally or unintentionally, this was regarded as sparing her life. This Son of God is really the most benevolent and kind. .

"I... once again thank you, the most benevolent and benevolent Son of God, and wish you all the best."

Chapter 113: Pretty boy

"Human! What happened?"

When Orange took the purchased items and walked out of the back door of the store, what he saw was that everyone was looking at his divine son with admiration and respect. There were even some people whose eyes were a bit eager to move. Only Orange noticed his divine son. There seems to be some fatigue.

Even if a person has shown the ability to communicate with all the spirits of nature since he was a child, and at the same time has worked very hard as a son of god, no matter what, he is just a 4-year-old child, and his current magic power is not much at all.

If you only use the beads on your chest to control the water flow, the power of the high god existing in the beads will naturally replace the person's own magic power consumption.

But just now I personally drew a disease-repelling talisman, and at the same time I activated it myself, which naturally consumed my own magic power.

The man sat back on Hualu's back again. Although he felt a little weak, he smiled sweetly. On the one hand, he didn't want Orange to worry too much. On the other hand, it was naturally a beautiful attack. Although he didn't know it was What's going on, but I must be trying to be brave. In order to avoid being educated by Sister Orange, I can only sacrifice my face!

[Acquire skills:]

[Beautiful Girl B+: You are still a child now. In the eyes of outsiders, you may be more cute and delicate, but as you grow older, you will definitely show a more heart-warming and friendly face. If you are not the Son of God , maybe it can become a disaster for a blue-faced generation. ]

After all, this was the Warring States Period, the Warring States Period from the Far East. In this era, the Far Eastern nobles were extremely accepting of men, especially beautiful men. If the people were not taken away by animals, but adopted by such an individual with good intentions, or as a If you are trained as a ninja, you may really be able to set off an unimaginable wave with your appearance.

Orange was indeed very angry. After seeing his son's weakness, he really wanted to give a good lecture and tell his son not to be brave. After all, his son was still young.

Even if he proves that he can't do it now, it doesn't matter. He still has the shrine and the high gods in his family behind him. The backstage is hard, so it doesn't matter even if he can't do it.

In this era where mystery is destined to gradually fade away, God Gao does not expect that she will get a son of God after hundreds of years to promote her faith. After all, as a water god with a high status, even if her status is not as high as Amaterasu Omikami, It's not as good as a super first-line god like Dai Guozun, but it definitely doesn't lack faith.

After all, water is closely related to life and life.

Therefore, in this god's view, his son does not need to do so much. He teaches his son the Shinto spells in his dreams every night just because his identity as the son of God requires him to understand these spells, even if he does not need to use them to be effective. , as long as the painting can be released, the position of the Son of God will be secure.

At the same time, these spells can also be applied to oneself, which is why this god gives priority to teaching his own sons spells such as getting rid of diseases.

God Gao has very low requirements for his son, that is, to live a peaceful and happy life, and then as the son of God recognized by himself, the human soul can go to Gao Tianyuan after the end of the physical life. It can be said that a life of peace and joy is placed in the world. Such an era can be regarded as what everyone dreams of.

As for troublesome things like saving the world, and rescuing people in distress, aren't those bald men very active? Then let those bald men save the world. She didn't want her son to do such hard work.

As long as my son is beautiful, it will be fine.

Even if you just sit at the door of the shrine every day, it is a beautiful scenery that attracts customers.

Naturally, the gods had such thoughts given to their witches, which was why Orange was so angry.

Even if you just change the talisman, wait for her to activate it, and use her magic power. You must know that sometimes the magic power in the body... Of course, they should call it witch power or divine power here. If it is not enough, there is It is possible to draw life force to activate these symbols.

The man looked at the miko in front of him with watery eyes. Orange was finally defeated and sighed. Although he was a little angry, what else could he do? If you have a child of your own, just love it from the bottom of your heart.

Orange waved to the surroundings with a serious expression on his face. Didn't these people see that their son of God showed a somewhat weak expression? Even if their divine power is weak, it is not something that these ordinary people can push on their noses and faces!

"Why don't you back down? Don't you feel ashamed to just surround a child like this, a child who already looks tired?"

After the old lady from before came to her senses, she immediately lowered her head, hugged her child, and left here respectfully. Others who were here also couldn't help but get out of their way after seeing such a situation. body.

"We still have to go to a house to pray for their children. Do you still insist on it?"

Orange looked at the tired look on the face of the man in front of him, and the worry on his face still did not disappear. After all, they were going to pray for the children of a family, because this family of dignitaries had some relationship with the royal family, so Orange Only bringing people along with him is considered as a sign of respect for this family.

After all, even the Son of God, who is the incarnation of a god on earth, comes here to pray for him. It is in a shrine. In terms of the ritual level of the shrine, this level is not low, but the god himself comes.

After performing such a blessing ceremony, you should probably be able to get a lot of rewards. After all, such high-standard and high-level blessing ceremonies are rare in this era.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as a year without accepting tasks and earning a year from one task.

This time, people only need to draw the talisman paper, and the task of activating the talisman paper is left to Orange. After all, the people don't have much magic power to activate the second talisman paper.

After completing the blessing ceremony, the Nigiri followed the Orange Miko back to Kibune Shrine. Even though this time they just drew a charm and saved a child, and performed a small baptism ceremony, the Kyoto Nigiri's supreme kindness The title of Son of the Good God is spreading again, even more enthusiastically than a few years ago.

As mentioned before, many residents have seen it this time, which is far more credible than just hearing rumors before. Kifune Shrine has once again become the most frequent topic in the city.

Chapter 114: A rising tide lifts all boats

The impact of Kibune Shrine once again becoming the center of conversation is that more and more people will come to Kibune Shrine after encountering difficulties.

For a time, Kifune Shrine seemed to be back before the decline of Kyoto. However, this also had a certain impact on other shrines, but even if it had an impact, these shrines could not do anything.

After all, they could only sigh, why didn't the Son of God come to their shrine? It can only be said that the fate has not come yet. I heard that the divine son was sent to Kibune Shrine by animals. Could it be that the animals in these shrines do not have enough fate?

This may not be a problem when applied to other shrines, but it is a bit unreasonable when applied to Inari Shrine. I heard that there were two foxes among the animals escorting the son of the god? Shouldn't the fox be their messenger?

But no matter what, the Son of God has been branded with the mark of the Water God, as evidenced by his white hair and water-colored eyes. He even shared his own divine power with this Son of God. Not every god would have such love. made.

As Kifune Shrine became more lively, various commissions also increased. This was really a test for Kifune Shrine, which did not have that many manpower. Fortunately, Tangerine did not return to this job. Due to the grand appearance, it only receives a few visitors with urgent needs every day.

In this way, the entire Kibune Shrine can barely solve the prayer problems it faces every day.

As the talismans drawn by the Nigians helped more and more people, the status of the Nigong people naturally rose in Kyoto. As the status of the Son of God became more and more stable, the one in the palace also had certain ideas. .

At this time, he is the 105th emperor, Emperor Go-Nara. Since this emperor came to power, he has not yet performed the enthronement ceremony due to poverty. He often sells his souvenirs to make up for his family's expenses. He is also a rare rich man. The compassionate Emperor now had the idea of ​​paying a personal visit to the Son of God after learning that he was at Kibune Shrine.

Even if the emperor travels without much money, he will still have enough sense of ceremony. Even if the emperor is not taken seriously by many people at this moment, there are still many lords who have eyes on Kyoto city.

On the one hand, it is to grasp the situation in Kyoto City and see if any of their own people come here to meet the emperor. On the other hand, it is to limit the reputation and rights of the emperor. Only in this way can their respective local forces live comfortably and have greater say.

Now that the emperor wanted to see the son of God, naturally many spies from the lords learned about it.

The name of the son of God Gao has a vague tendency to spread throughout the world.

Of course, such a prestigious reputation naturally attracts the prying eyes of ambitious people. The family with strong intelligence power is naturally the first to get the news about the Son of God.

At a time when the emperor has no actual rights or prestige, if he can win the favor of the Son of God, will that be enough to prove that he is destined by destiny? The Warring States Period, which has been chaotic for such a long time, should finally end!

As I said before, the heart of a king is dirty. Although the leaders of the major forces in the Warring States Period did not become kings, to a certain extent, what is the difference between them and the local kings? ?

How could someone who could establish a firm foothold during the Warring States Period of more than 80 years and even develop his own territory and sit in the leadership position be a simple-minded person?

Now the first ones to get the news are naturally the Takeda family and the Hojo family. These two families respectively have the famous ninja organizations Kaizu and the Fuma clan at the time. The former was basically trained by the Takeda family, and the latter has a close cooperative relationship with the Hojo family.

These two families also have large enough territories and are likely to compete for world hegemony. At this time, of course they need the so-called "destiny"! Especially in today's situation where no one can do anything to anyone, with destiny, there is unimaginable gathering power. I heard that the Son of God can drive away people's diseases and pray for rain.

Isn't this better? It can also help the soldiers in the territory. In terms of actual benefits, this Son of God is more useful than the Emperor.

In order to ensure that Shenzi would be brought under his command, the head of the Hojo family even sent the current leader of the Fuma clan, the fourth generation Fuma Kotaro.

The ninjas shuttled through the forest and stopped when they approached the shrine, waiting for dark. According to their intelligence, the god son and the shrine maiden would be extremely exhausted after receiving all the guests who came to pray every day. In this state, there should be no way to maintain any barriers or special spells.

What's more, they ninjas don't believe that there is a god in the world. If there really is a god, why hasn't there been a ray of mercy cast by the gods during the wars of more than 80 years? If there really is a god, why does the emperor, who is recognized by the gods, still live such a miserable life?

What's more, if there really is a god, and if the head of the Hojo family can rule the world in the name of the Son of God, isn't this a truly great merit? How can the gods blame you for saving all the people from water and fire and redefining the ethics of kings and ministers?

But it is a pity that they are ninjas, they are also killers, rats walking in the darkness, a group that will do whatever it takes to follow the orders of their master. Since their master, the head of the Hojo family, wants to "invite" this If the Dragon God's son moves into the Hojo family's territory, they will naturally fulfill their lord's wish.

Taking advantage of the darkness and the weakness of the witch goddess in the shrine, their way of invitation was to sneak in. After all, they could be tough even if they were too soft.

For the people, since the Kifune Shrine has regained some of its bustle, his strength has been rising in a straight line. Every night he will ask God Gao for new magic, and at the same time use it again and again during the day. , quickly become proficient in these Shinto spells that he has mastered.

Just like combat skills, which always develop fastest in actual combat, the mastery of these magical arts will naturally be mastered fastest in practical applications.

As a child who is born close to nature, and as a child who is favored by the high gods, the spells and effects that she has mastered in this short period of time have begun to catch up with the orange witch.

This also made Orange sigh. I'm afraid it won't take more than a few years for someone to completely surpass her and become the host of this shrine.

After seeing off the last guest who kept thanking him, he rubbed his swollen hands. It was not an easy task to calligraphy and painting talismans in a quiet room, but he felt very accomplished.

Chapter 115: The Ninja of the Fengma Family

It is as if this chaotic and barren city is getting better day by day because of the talismans written on it every day, and the smiles on the faces of the guests who visit every day are becoming more and more.

Not only that, even the shrine, which had not been properly repaired for a long time, had enough materials to carry out repairs.

The sense of accomplishment brought by the latter is even more special. I grew up in a shrine and have long regarded myself as a member of the shrine. Then the orange shrine maiden in the shrine, as well as the god Gao Gong worshiped, have always been... The animals staying in the shrine are all his family members.

Now, with my own efforts, my home has undergone such a huge change. This feeling of giving for my family has ranked first in my heart.

I gently arranged my clothes, then stood up and looked at the sunset, which was about to set. The sky was dyed brilliant orange, and the white birds began to return to their nests. The last touch of orange light like a flame turned into a faint purple, and stars began to appear in the sky, signaling the complete end of the day.

He was also preparing to go to the back of the shrine, where he would use a small spell to take a hot spring bath. As a Far Easterner, he naturally fell in love with the feeling of hot springs.

But let’s put aside the matter of being honest with each other for now.

As for Cheng Zi, there is one last thing to do now, which is to light up the lights on both sides of the road up the mountain. At night, these swaying lights, combined with the towering torii and the long mountain climbing road, give people There is a sense of tranquility in the distance, and the water on the side is also carrying fallen leaves like fallen leaves flowing down the mountain, as if life is flourishing and the gods are watching everything.

However, such experiences and feelings are destined to have nothing to do with these ninjas hiding in the forest.

Unlike the Assassin Brotherhood, which is still active on the mainland today, the ninjas regard themselves as tools from the bottom of their hearts, and they can do all kinds of dirty work at their fingertips, regardless of their morality or immorality.

Rats must have the consciousness of rats. This is the meaning of the existence of ninjas. After all, there are always problems that managers cannot solve with light means. Never underestimate a person who stands in the light. There is a person hiding in the shadow who can help him. The achievements and gains that a person can achieve when doing anything as a rat.

snort! God is really helping them. Even though no guests will come to this mountain peak at night, they still want to light the lights. Is it just to gain respect for God in their hearts? Although it sounds like they should be respected, unfortunately, what do the gods have to do with them?

Ninjas do not need to believe in gods. The only thing ninjas need to believe in is their master.

Now that the miko has left the shrine, theoretically only the Son of God is left! Isn't this the best time for them to invite Shenzi to Hojo's house?

"Let's go, let us use the most solemn ceremony to invite this so-called Son of God."

The masked ninja said slightly indifferent words, and at the same time took out the medicine specially used to capture children from his pocket. They are ninjas, ninjas who do all kinds of dirty work. If they just rely on their own It is impossible for the family to have such sufficient manpower from generation to generation, so they need more dead soldiers.

Then the orphans produced in the war are the best choice. They don't even need orphans. As long as they value the existence of being able to become ninjas, then they can take them away directly. They must take advantage of the fact that it is not easy for their families to use them secretly. They have it in their hands now. With this potion, you can achieve all this easily!

Sometimes, for civilians living in this era, not having children as a burden can actually make them live better.

The only ones who will really hinder them are those dignitaries who are interested in their children, or perhaps the shrines that value inheritance. This is the first time they have tried to capture the Son of God. I heard that this child can communicate with animals. .....

If it weren't for the fact that the head of the family wanted such a son of God to improve his status and the legitimacy of his destiny, this ability to communicate with animals would also be a great talent for becoming a ninja.

Think about commanding many diseases, or assassinating beasts with poison on their teeth, or rushing into enemy lines. One person can definitely influence a war.

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