As the crowd gathered more and more, countless people began to kneel, and the angel gate in the sky was slightly loosened at this moment.

Da Gu knew that he couldn't do anything, if he allowed them to develop like this, when the angel door was opened, he might be too late to stop it, these two women really had ghosts in their hearts, and they didn't plan to cooperate well from the beginning.

Da Gu also reflected at this moment, he seemed to have fallen for the other party's tricks, maybe the black mark could not wake up the Qin Dynasty at all, but would aggravate his coma, but the Qin Dynasty did launch a sword intent to collide with him once.

Could it be that it was the last strength of the Qin Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Da Gu regretted it infinitely, he had known that he would not hand over the black mark to the Qin Dynasty, it seemed that the Qin Dynasty must have been plotted by the other party.

"Gather the victory team immediately, these two people are Kirielo's people, they are planning a conspiracy, we must organize it as soon as possible, and inform Captain Megumi of it as soon as possible. Da Gu said hurriedly, and then disappeared.

Ye Rui stared blankly at the back of Dagu leaving, he hadn't reacted yet, and he hadn't found any trace of the Kiri Elrod for several days, but at this moment, he had found it.

It wasn't until Da Gu disappeared that he reacted and hurriedly dialed the phone number of the captain of the intermediary association.

"What! The Kiri Ellod people appeared in the center park!" The captain of the intermediary club was also shocked when she heard the news, she thought that the other party was retreating, but she didn't expect to attack again, which means that this time is a decisive battle, the other party didn't know what the reason was last time, suddenly disappeared and reappeared, must have made all preparations.

"Assemble at once, and all the Victory Team members head to Central Park. Captain Megumi quickly realized the seriousness of the problem and quickly issued a secret decision to make a decision.

Moments later, all the members of the Victory Team gathered at the TPC headquarters.

"Where did this kid Da Gu go?" dug the well and looked around, but he didn't find Da Gu's figure.

"He's already gone to Central Park, where the incident happened," Ye Rui said with some concern.

"This kid is too much, and he goes to such a dangerous place alone and doesn't call me. Digging the well said in an atmosphere, slapping it on the table, "Let's go quickly, Da Gu, this kid is more reckless, what if we are not attacked by someone in him?"

Lina also looked anxious when she heard this, no wonder he couldn't contact Da Gu no matter how much he called just now, it turned out that he rushed to the central park in advance.

The rest of the members of the victory team hurried to the central park, and the crowd at this moment was already gathering more and more, and the entrance was already surrounded by water.

But fortunately, there is another channel.

At this moment, Da Gu had already rushed to the Central Park and confronted Man Xue and Man Yu.

"Since you two are not willing to cooperate sincerely, why do you want to deceive me?" Da Gu asked sharply, looking at the crowd of people who kept kneeling in front of him, his heart was extremely angry.

"When did we deceive you, but you secretly swallowed the black mark, what do you want to do?" Man Xue was also angry, Da Gu this guy said one thing in his mouth, did another, completely different from what he looked to and what he said, I don't know why Man Yu wanted to negotiate with this guy in the first place.

"Don't pretend to be a ghost here, I see that you Kiri Elrods don't have a good heart at all, don't blame me if you don't disperse the crowd here, you're welcome. Da Gu said angrily.

"You're welcome, I'd like to see what else you can do, I remember you were our defeat last time. "Man Yu didn't bother to explain too much to the Qin Dynasty at the moment, the main god seemed to have suffered a heavy blow, and the great ancient in front of him had lost its use value.

It couldn't be better to use this guy's power to open the gates of hell.

"Then let's fight to the death, I'd like to see how much you can do now. Man Yu sneered, he knew very well that if the two of them didn't fight Dagu first, I was afraid that the main god would not show up, and when the time came, he would pretend to be invincible and be killed by the other party, and the main god would definitely appear.

Because he knows very well that the host will never let the two of them die so easily, even if he dies, he will die at his hands, and he knows this very well.

Without the two of them, the gates of hell would have been difficult to open.

And the two of them are the most critical keys.

The Lord God would never watch the two of them die.

The next moment, Da Gu took out the transformation device directly from behind him, and a huge giant of light rose from the ground.

Man Xue and Man Yu also instantly joined their hands, and in an instant, the two figures merged into one, and a tall black figure appeared opposite Ultraman Tiga.

At this moment, the members of the victory team who were rushing into the central park saw two figures in front of them, and they instantly became vigilant.

"Ultraman Tiga appeared. Lina said excitedly, seeing the figure of the giant of light, his uneasy mood gradually calmed down.

"Is this the person of Kirielo? how different from the last time, it seems to have become more powerful. "The digging of the well has noticed that this time the people of Kiriaelo are clearly different from the last time.

"Whatever, no matter how powerful he is, he can't be the opponent of Ultraman Tiga, we have to evacuate our crowd quickly. "The deputy captain of the sect quickly arranged.

"Xincheng, Yerui, you drive the Victory Feiyan to help Ultraman Tiga. The deputy captain of the sect took a look at the battle between the two, and this time it seemed a little unusual.

"I'm going too. Hearing that the deputy captain of the sect did not let him go, Lina shouted loudly, how could Ultraman Tiga's battle be without his help.

Hearing this, the deputy captain of the sect immediately frowned, the battle above is so dangerous, leaving him below can be regarded as a kind of protection, I didn't expect this girl to be so desperate.

Looking at Lina's stubborn expression, she finally nodded.

The rest stayed in the central park and immediately evacuated the crowd.

Ultraman Tiga looked at the Kiri Ellod on the other side.

Without too many words, he just started to do it.

He could clearly feel that the opponent this time was obviously different from the last time, could this be the opponent's confidence?

Ohtani waved the fist in his hand and headed towards the opponent, without launching the fist intent, even so, at this moment,

his fist was different due to the past.

A punch hit the opponent's chest directly, and the Kiri Elrod didn't react for a while, Dagu's speed was so fast.

The Kiriellod people who were directly punched by Dagu retreated again and again, and the fierce attack made Kiriello's men kneel directly on the ground.

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