It is also necessary to have strength, otherwise there is no capital for negotiation. He has already seen the reality very clearly, in this world, it is completely about looking at the fist to speak, whoever has the big fist has the right to speak.

If someone beats him to death, he has nothing to say, after all, his strength is not as good as others, but this weak Ultraman in front of him dares to speak disrespectfully and provoke his majesty.

Takeo Yamanaka didn't take Ultraman Tiga in his eyes at all, Ultraman Max, who is more powerful than Ultraman Tiga, has been subdued by him, and he is still unconscious, he doesn't believe it, Ultraman Tiga can still turn out the palm of

his hand It just happens that Ultraman Tiga and the Kiri Elrod people can be used as the energy to open the gates of hell, before this he was still difficult to choose, but now he has also made a decision, Man Xue and Man Yu are not useful among the two guys, although they are quite handsome, but they are absolutely useless to him, what he needs is strength, not two vases.

But it's okay to be able to contribute to the opening of the gates of hell, and the two of them can be regarded as a well-deserved death.

Takeo Yamanaka didn't look at the Kiri Elrod people behind him anymore, and he didn't dare to run away under his nose.

Instead, he turned his attention to Ultraman Tiga again.

"Come on, let me see what kind of courage you have to challenge me. Takeo Yamanaka waved his hand at Ultraman Tiga, revealing a middle finger.

Ultraman Tiga was about to attack at the moment, but he heard the sound of breaking the air behind him, most likely Xincheng and digging wells, and the two wanted to help themselves.

The next moment he immediately made a gesture, when Xincheng and Digging saw this gesture, they were immediately a little surprised, this was their gesture of victory to communicate with each other, how could Ultraman Tiga know?

The two were very hesitant, because they didn't want to see Ultraman Tiga fighting alone, and since they knew the meaning of this poem, it meant that they were teammates.

At this moment, Ultraman Tiga can't care so much, even if his identity is exposed, he can't let Xincheng and the two of them rashly approach here, the opponent in front of him is definitely not the level of Kiri Airo's people, he can also use his body to save his strength, if this guy wants to attack Xincheng and Horii, I'm afraid he will have to suffer from the enemy on his back, and the opportunity will be seized by the other party, and he will probably be defeated at one time.

This was the most taboo in the battle between the two, and Shinjo and Horii hesitated for a moment, but finally drove away quickly in the Victory Feiyan.

Hearing that the two Victory Feiyan behind him were gradually moving away, Ultraman Tiga was relieved, he didn't want anyone to die before him, even if he wanted to hurt his teammates, he had to step over his corpse first.

Although the opponent in front of him is very strong, far surpassing the person of Kirielo in terms of strength, he is also not jealous, and the strengthening in the past few days has made breakthroughs, and he may not be able to fight with the opponent.

Is it that the opponent has to fight to know that Ultraman Tiga has no fear from beginning to end, but he is a little worried that he will not be able to take the opponent away despite his best efforts in the end.

At this moment, in the ward of the intensive care unit, Qin Chao accidentally opened his eyes, a tall black figure, he naturally saw it very clearly, sure enough, she guessed correctly, the other party's strength has increased again, and it is really the backer behind Kiri Ailuo's people.

There was nothing wrong with being careful, but fortunately he left a hand to pretend to die, but maybe his move didn't have much effect on the mysterious guy, and he could feel the majestic power in the other party's body.

And at this moment, although Dagu is still very strong, but I am afraid that he is not the opponent here, but he has no intention of making a move at this time, he wants to see what kind of strength Datani can reach, and in the face of terrifying pressure, maybe he can go further.

It's because he knew about this guy who suddenly appeared too early, let the two fight first, so that he can know more about it, so that he may be in a more advantageous position in the next battle.

Qin Chao took a look, and at this moment, the people of Kiri Ailo who were lying on the ground looked at the tightly closed gate of hell in the sky not far away.

Maybe the other party's purpose from the beginning was the gate of hell, open the gate of hell, and release the demons in it, Qin Dynasty didn't know what would come out of the gate of hell, but maybe the people of Ailuo had a way to control it.

Maybe it's their ancestors, but will it be their ancestors who will come out again now, maybe the people of Kirielo have had their own little calculations from the beginning, maybe the plan has been flawed.

Otherwise, the other party has no reason to send him that kind of thing that suppresses black energy again and again, it seems that the other party wants to borrow a knife to kill people, Qin Chao quickly figured out the problem that he had been unable to figure out before.

Maybe in this battle, the people of Kiri Airo behind that guy may be able to come in an unexpected use, and often carefully calculate in their hearts that they may be able to use each other, anyway, the mantis catches the cicada and the yellow finch is behind, and it is not good to say who this yellow finch is.

However, this big black guy in front of him is probably the common prey of the two of them, Qin Chao looked up, looked at the hell gate in the sky, and frowned, Kiri Airo's people were able to summon a hell gate, which is enough to show how deep the people of Kiri Airo were in the past!

But with the change of time, there are still only these remnants of the defeated generals, but this has also caused him a lot of threats and troubles.

If they can successfully control the black guy in front of them, I'm afraid this battle will be extremely unfavorable to them, but it's hard to say now, maybe the two of them are fighting among themselves, maybe it's not true.

"Do you need us to do it now? Ultraman Tiga is probably no match for him. Lucia saw the scene outside the arena and frowned, he was still a little worried about Dagu, this guy in front of him was positive and powerful, he was really worried that Dagu would be injured.

"Don't use Dagu for the time being, this guy's potential hasn't been fully stimulated, this is a good time at this moment, if there is a fatal danger, it's not too late to make a move. Qin Chao said with a smile, Lucia was already very happy to think like this, after all, there were few trustworthy people around him.

The battle between Ultraman Tiga and Takeo Yamanaka is about to break out, and Ultraman Tiga is still the same, and there is no fancy.

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