Like yesterday, when he got to the seventh needle, he felt his body slightly out of strength, but not like yesterday.

Yesterday, I felt that my whole body was drained of Qi and blood, but today I just feel a little tired. After all, I spent so much real Qi!

Ye Fan took a short rest, and then picked up a silver needle. This is the eighth needle. As long as you stick to it again, the Jiulong Huitian needle will be completed!

When the eighth needle went down, Ye Fan's forehead had burst out a lot of fine sweat. He could feel that his body seemed to be evacuated.

When the needle was finished, he didn't have any strength all over. Bu Yifan still bit his teeth and insisted. There was only the last needle left. He had to finish it anyway this time.

After a short rest, Ye Fan picked up the last silver needle and slowly stabbed the last acupoint.

This time is obviously more effective than the last time. At least this time, I went in. Although it's only a little, it's also a good start.

Then ye fan secretly mobilized his Qi and transported all his Qi to the needle, but things didn't go so smoothly.

When the silver needle just entered a little, Ye Fan could clearly feel that there was a force against him, resulting in a stalemate.

The sweat on Ye Fan's forehead has become so big as a drop of water. If this stalemate continues, his daily achievements can't last long.

After biting his teeth, he still decided to give it a go. The worst result is to do it again tomorrow, so ye fan has no hiding at all!

The whole body's Qi was poured into the silver needle, and his last acupoint was stabbed fiercely.

Just when ye fan was about to lose his hold, the silver needle seemed to break through the barrier and drive in directly.

When the ninth needle goes down, Ye Fan slumps down by the bed. You don't have any strength. You just want to be here and have a good rest.

But the next scene surprised him. The nine silver needles suddenly began to shake, and then there was a colored halo on them!

Seeing such a scene, Ye Fan widened his eyes. He didn't expect that the Jiulong Huitian needle would have such an effect.

Fortunately, he just pulled up the curtain by the bed and drove Ding Junhui out. If he saw such a scene, I'm afraid he would leak it out.

Ye fan can't feel any fatigue. He has been tightly attracted by the phenomenon in front of him. According to the description of the therapy above the jade pendant, he said that there will be some strange phenomena. When the strange phenomena pass, he can pull out the silver needle!

Although Ye Fan doesn't know what the jade pendant describes, it seems that he understands now. The reason why he doesn't describe this strange scene clearly is that he is afraid and will be frightened!

But fortunately, the nine day dragon returning needle was finally applied. Looking at the current scene, it should be very successful.

Ye fanxin is also curious about what this scene will look like in the end. The jade pendant doesn't explain how long it will be cured!

The waiting must be long, but this time is the most meaningful. Ye Fan observes the ever-changing scene in front of him. This strange scene lasted for several minutes before it dissipated slowly.

When the halo all dispersed, Ye Fan pulled out the silver needle on Mr. Liu, and then took his pulse, beating more alive than before.

He looked at his pupils and gradually recovered his look, but now he didn't wake up. Even when he became a vegetable, his consciousness was awake.

However, his physical functions have all retreated, so it is because he has just recovered that he is obviously not very familiar with his body control!

But he rested for a moment and saw Mr. Liu lying in bed slowly turning his eyes. All he could do now was his eyes.

When he saw Ye Fan, his eyes were full of grateful eyes. During his coma, his consciousness was very clear. Even Ye Fan's illness was clear in his heart!

However, the process is not very clear, because in the process of treatment, his meaning is slowly disconnected. When he recovers again, he can turn his eyes!

This shocked the man. He never thought he could stand up one day.

Although he said that he came here with money now, our bodies still couldn't move enough, so we bothered him with some simple tricks!

In such a situation, I'm afraid many people will struggle hard, but this will only make them feel some panic and make them more afraid in their hearts.

Er YeFan calls him a small move, which is to let him mobilize his nervous system, seriously paralyze his body, and come out of this state.

Although Mr. Liu can't speak yet, he can still hear what ye fan says, but he doesn't have eyes to go to and from work!

When he could move a little bit, he waved to Ye Fan slowly, after he could do some simple actions.

Ye Fan went out to call someone directly. He must need a nurse in his current state. He can be said to be a hospitalized patient now!

When ye fan came out, Ding Junhui standing at the door whistled a little leisurely.

In his opinion, Ye Fan can't cure Mr. Liu's condition anyway, because no vegetable is treated by a doctor now!

Speaking depends on their own recovery, that is, when their will can wake up. If they can't wake up all the time, they will be a vegetable all their life. If their consciousness wakes up, they will wake up as long as they stimulate his cerebral cortex to the people or things they care about.

But Mr. Liu lying in this bed, no matter how they treat and stimulate, they are helpless. They have used all the methods they can use, but they still have no effect.

In their hearts, they can only believe in miracles. It is precisely because the medical facilities here are the best that they will always stay in this place for treatment.

Ye Fan has thought of Ding Junhui's expression of eating shit for a while.

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