Pirate One Punch Cap

Pirate Punch Cap Chapter 300

"Why is only the fourth sister here?"

K on the side couldn't help it, and roared angrily.

"Master! It's not that the few beasts didn't come, they did come, but after they came, they left. Except for Miss Fourth, the other people came only for the purpose of dividing the family property and achieving their goals. Stay here!"

Gain suddenly waved his hand, his brows eased, and said.

"Forget it! Don't mention it, they are all my children. Since they like power, money and territory, just give them to them, and I'll be lazy!"

Gain looked at his son again.

"Leach, but if you want, I can ask your two uncles to take them back!"

Leach shook his head.

"You don't have to worry about it, the family property is fine! I don't want it, but they are cold-blooded and ruthless, but I have written it down, and I will go and get it back personally!"

Chapter 374 Don't Understand!(two)

Leach shook his head.

"You don't need to worry about it, forget the family property!

I don't want it, but they are cold-blooded and ruthless."

Gain looked at his son and said.

"My empire is over, and it can no longer give you shelter!

After that, you have to work hard. In the family property, only the economic newspaper, I saved it for you, as well as your two uncles and their subordinates. This is the only thing I can leave you!"

Leach lowered his head and was silent for a while. He always wanted to ask a question, but he didn't dare to ask!

Uncle J is the confidant of the old man, why would he betray him, stabbed him, and then run away!

Which side of the forces can lure the military divisions of the world's largest gang?

Or is Uncle J always a spy?

Leach dare not ask!

Because in the old man's heart, the three uncles k, q, and j are his confidants, best partners, and subordinates!

As his own military division J, he betrayed and hurt himself. The most distressed one should be the father himself!

"Papa! Why is Uncle J? Why?"

Leach didn't dare to look at his father's eyes, but he still asked, and Gaien's face also appeared sad, Uncle K said.

"Master Leach! J. That guy is a traitor. He betrayed the master, robbed our confidential documents, and went to seek refuge in a stronger force than us, in exchange for his prosperity!"

Leach couldn't believe that his father was the godfather of the world's No. 1 gangster, and that power could surpass his own father and dare to provoke his own father!

"Who is it? Where does the gangster have such a method?"

Gain looked at his son.

"Leach is the government of the world. They are the biggest gang. They do not want to have a second government within their sphere of influence!

So I didn’t want my gang to continue to expand, so I came to assassinate me and get rid of me!"

Gain looked at the sky.

"I was prepared for such a result!

I also made careful arrangements, but in the end I didn't expect that the person who started on me was the person closest to me!"

Leach doesn't believe it, why would the world government do this?

Why don't you know?

What's the point of being the head of cipherpol?

But after thinking about it again, what the world government is doing is inevitable. My father's career has developed so well these past few years!

The World Economic News under its banner has gradually deepened its influence in the world. How can the world government allow a gang to possess such power?Destruction is inevitable!

"The bloody storm in the gang, the ultimate end, and there is never a good end, j is also smart, using his own intelligence, not only in exchange for prosperity and wealth from the world government!

I also let my identity be washed out and become a member of the world government, and my life thereafter is also free and smooth!It's amazing!My strategist!"

Leach said.

"Father, who planned all this?"

Gain looked at his hesitating son and said.

"It's the first saint of Putuo, you don't know it!

j The person he went to trust was Putuo Yisheng, this person was the highest executive officer of cipherpol, the spy agency of the world government!

So Leach, this person is now your superior!"

Gain seemed to have exhausted his life, looking at Leach, his eyes were deep and solemn.

"Now that you know who the enemy is, what do you want to do? Is it against the world government? Become a gangster? Or assassinate him now?"

Gain looked at his son, looking forward to Leach's answer.

Leach's eyes were bloodshot, but his eyes became more and more calm.

"No! The path you just mentioned is all stupid. I will continue to stay in the world government, sitting in the position of the section chief!

Looking at Putuo Yisheng with enthusiasm, find the right time, pull him off the horse, and ruin his life!"

Gayen laughed suddenly, patted his son on the head, and said with a smile.

"Hahaha! That's right!

As my son, how can I be dazzled by hatred?

Forbearance and development in secret is what you should do, and it is the last thing I want to see!

That kind of Leach can be my son of Bridget Gain!"

Leach held his son's hand.

"Father, I know, I have grown up, I will not be impulsive! I will not be careless! Don't worry!"

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