Pirate, a 20-year-old Red Skull, was arranged by Novi to stay on the first and second floors of the hostel. Then he sat on the chair where the captain was sitting and looked at William suspiciously.

William noticed Noway’s gaze, he frowned and stared back.

“Are you also Marine?” Noway looked at William up and down and asked suspiciously.

William was astonished. He realized that the strong Pirate smell on his body made his colleagues suspicious. He reacted quickly and took out the empty cigarette case from his pocket with two cigarettes in it. He drew out a piece of Yarlin’s way of igniting it slowly, took a sip, and fiercely said: “I was recruited, do you have any opinions?”

“Call for security?” Novy asked. .

“The Pirate Ship that sent Lieutenant Yarlin was the same Pirate Ship that I had stayed in. The brother on the ship was killed and clean, and the captain’s head was chopped off to get lime powder. It’s wrapped up.” William’s face showed just the right color of terror memory.

“Then why are you not dead?” Novi pinched the earring with his right hand and continued to ask.

“hmph!” William’s face twitched, fiercely took two puffs of cigarettes, as if someone had lifted the fig leaf, and said angrily: “I saw the opportunity early, and he was the first to beg for mercy. Lieutenant Yarlin thought I might be useful, so he spared my life… It turns out that I made the right choice and survived, hahaha~”

Some hysterical laughter, William stared at Novi with a sullen and weird expression. That expression made Novi heart shivered with cold, and he heard the other man’s grim voice: “I’ll give you a piece of advice, obediently follow Lieutenant Yarlin’s instructions, and don’t move anything dangerous. Mind, otherwise, it will really die!” After finishing speaking, William no longer paid attention to Novy, but turned his head to Fick and winked and walked upstairs. They should go to bed.

Noway said no more, he sneered, believing that William was a greedy person who was afraid of death, but he no longer doubted anything.

In the room.

“Tiago Chamber of Commerce came from the Grand Line, the purpose is the color stone mine, where the specific delivery, the confidentiality of Tiago Chamber of Commerce is done very well, we do not Clear; then the Tiago Chamber of Commerce fleet consists of seven ships, and there are about 300 sailors on it. The overwhelming majority sailors are not threatened, but there are about 40 sailors, the Tiago fleet. The combat members of Gu are all sturdy in size. From my observation, they are the guys who dare to fight Pirate, and the most notable is the leader of the fleet, the man named Tunas.” Calci recalled The man’s several dealings, he said with dread: “A sinister and cunning smiling tiger, very dangerous.”

Calci said that many things about the Tiago Chamber of Commerce are unknown. For Chamber of Commerce His hard power and hole card judgments are also not very clear. Yarlin did not suspect that Calci had concealed anything. This is normal for the opponent not quite clear.

The cooperation between the merchant and Pirate must be on guard against each other. How can they expose their own cards?

“Tell me several times in detail about the cooperation content.” Yarlin also knew that this kind of thing still needs to be judged by himself, so he asked Calci.

“There were three cooperations in total. The first time they came up on their own initiative. As a businessman, they dared to contact Pirate, who is notorious like us, so I was very curious. So I met Tunas. He At that time, I came by myself and said that I wanted to discuss a big deal with us.” It took a long time, and Calci thought while recalling, “I can’t remember exactly what we talked about. There were twists and turns, but As a result, I agreed to his proposal to help them block Caishi Town, and as a reward, they would pay us a fortune every month.”

The specific amount Calci did not say, Yarlin naturally Will not ask.

“People are allowed to enter, but people are not allowed to go out. Anyone who wants to go to sea will be done by our Red Skull Pirates.” Calci said roughly, “Then it has been maintained for 3 In the past few months, the dead were actually some bad luck ghosts, and the townspeople on the island who wanted to go to sea. It was not difficult.”

“Later, it was the second cooperation.” Carl Qi’s expression changed this time, and he showed a funny smile: “This time, Tunas came up and asked us to help him kill a person…hehe, this person is their own person, and he wants us to pretend to be the sea. An accident of grazing.”

“oh?” Yarlin’s eyes lit up, and an interesting smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Go on.”

Calci pondered the words. The organization slowly said: “In fact, the content of the second and third cooperation is the same. They are all murders… Every time the Tiago caravan comes over, in addition to their own ships, they will follow in pieces. Some small merchant ships, there may be something nasty in the middle, in fact, the strength of the Tiago caravan can completely solve it by themselves, but Tunas may not want to stain Tiago’s reputation, so it is all through Our Red Skull Pirates handled it.”

“Take it all away?” Yarlin grasped the point of the problem.

“no no no…not all, only one is dealt with each time, one of the merchants and the crew on his ship.” Calci hehe sneered: “Tunas is a cannibal without spitting out bones. Asshole, he needs the power of those East Blue local merchants, but he doesn’t want them to pose a threat, so every once in a while, he will find the most threatening among them, let us red skull Pirates help him clean up, this way , He can always maintain the use and control of those merchants.”

Yarlin poured a cup of tea again, handed it to Calci, and habitually touched his eyelids with his fingers, which showed that he was thinking and Calculating crafty plots and machinations.

“Killing the chicken to warn the monkey and the use of waste, obviously just like eating alone, but with a bunch of small tails. You only need to donate some leftovers and use Pirates… ….” Yarlin glanced at Calci who was drinking tea, and in his heart he had a general judgment about Tunas, who had never met before: “Intimidation and temptation, even if the businessmen guess the truth, they can only dare to be angry and dare not speak. , Being led by the nose by Thiago Chamber of Commerce, this is more profitable than blunt’s killing clean, Calci’s cannibalism is a very apt description.”

Yarlin He stood up and walked to the window, looking at the dark sky outside, the faint rays of light flashing in his pupils. After a while, he turned his head and looked at Calci grinning said with a smile: “putting it that way, You should not be completely unfamiliar to those small businessmen.”

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