Pirates make money is king

Chapter 292 This is the new beginning?

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Dark space, a rabbit jumps to the old display: "Do you not revenue?"

"Revenge? What do you retaliate?"

"A poor person living in your own world."

"We are still going back, there are still many things at home."

"Yeah, the funeral is very busy."


"There is nothing to apologize, grandfather will fall, he is self-acquisition, saying a lot, don't stay up late, don't go to don't listen, I don't listen, I feel that the earth is not turned."

"I think this is quite good, the grandfather is before publishing research."

"You are really true."

"Those who have been renovated in the last century, I don't know what it will be smiling."

"Brother He ..."

"Don't say, we can only sorry you."

"Yeah, our parents are reluctant to take money to pay off, and those of those black society have found your home."

"Right, I went to pack my grandfather today to know, he lived in the upstairs, he will let electricity, it is entirely caused by the explosion of Grandpa."


"One newspaper is also reported!"

"We have followed the past experience, it is rare to learn a lot of skills, use it, you should get rid of the harassment of the black society."

"Those guys must have committed people, find evidence to send them."

"This idea is good."

"Let's do it!"

"Walk, go back, you are strange to seep."

"You are really this."

"Hey, is the rabbit not going back?"

"Don't, that is fine, I don't dare to raise."

It's hard to find someone with him, sending these people to go in to change the world.

However, this did not convince them.

How to do? I have no ability to shake more stable worlds at all.

Ah, yes, everything starts, and some people can forced intervention.

There is no special force outside the outside, then that person must be over there.


When I slept, Abbe felt that God was refreshed.

Go back once, I know a lot of things, but what there is a relationship there?

There is old man's memory, Abbe knows the old man experiment, and the basement has a radiation.

The equipment exploded, and the radiodes were affected.

At that time, I saw the radioplane accident, and I didn't dare to move my old man.

Fortunately, the radiation radiation that the old man can get is small, and there is no effect on the basement.

However, people are unlucky to drink cold water, and they don't know that they are ready to keep radios.

Because of the electric shock, everyone thinks that they make electricity into eunuch.

Have old man's memory, Abbe knows that radiodes make yourself into eunuch.

I have to accept the treatment and there is also hope, no treatment is fast.

It's almost dead, who will care about what the death will bring.

At the beginning of the birth, the death of various fate of death, the end of a fate means that another fate begins.

Here is your own choice, you will be famous here.

"Inspects of the inspectors, the front is the place where Aron is arrested."

Abbe came to the bow and looked at the ruins of the island. "The hundred pirates are both garbage."

Dewei An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An An is not here.

Someone looked at this side, Dewey said: "Inspects of the inspectors, here is unfriendly of the Navy."

"Yes?" Abbe did his hands.

The straw hat pirate group is from this island, this island is a hundred pirates, you can say that the whole island residents are close to the thief, believe that the pirate is justice.

Abbe is looking at the sky, the thief is just, this is the spirit of this comics of the One Piece.

I don't know how much this world and comics are now.

I also look at the ruins, Abbe turned: "Let's go."

Dewey looked at the island: "The inspectors are not going to see?"

Abbe said with a smile: "Smile is flying, you want to go."

I don't welcome yourself here, why bother to run over.

Come and see, it is completely wanted to verify that this world is not 100% restore comics or animation.

After reading, I found that I have too little impression on the One Piece Comics and the animation.

The picture is not right, then it will come slowly.

This time I explored this world.

Well, didn't touch the guy, I don't know if there will be new changes.

Whether it is, it is still studying, familiar with the skills that can be used.

In fact, changes have appeared, and now they will not use the skills used in this world for the first time.

That is to say, there is no Fiti to privilege skill.

Before you can kill the pirates, it is a rich experience in his fight.

Oh, wrong, I have seen the big face I have seen it, and I am a little meaning.

There are too many spirits, and it will be very miserable to learn to die.

During the room, the warship arrived in Rogue Town.

Abbe slowly walked down the warship, and the feeling of people in Rogge is not very good.

"Yes, who is Rogg Town who is stationed now?"

Dewey looked up at the Abbe cold back: "Stimoger will leave, and the headquarters has not elected the appropriate candidate to hold this place."

Abbe didn't say: "There is a charm of the sentence, the meaning of Roggue Town is different, and it is estimated that there is no ability to send abilities above."

Dewey whispered: "Generally, people who sent the inspections will stay."

Abbe is stopped, there is something like this.

Do you say that you will stay in the East Sea?

No, the Navy's big recruitment, the various branches of the four seas are talented to the headquarters training.

Three days in Rogue Town, a search to send the recruit warship to go to the great waterway.

Contact headquarters, there is no new command, and return to the headquarters normally.

Abbecon has a sigh of relief, and the four seas have a detailed chart, 90% island records, and there is no fun in such sea exploration.

There are many great waterways, and the Navy's understanding of the great waterway is less than 60%.

Sixty, you can say too little.

For those with adventure, the great waterway is full of mystery, too many places worth seeing.

Take the warship to get rid of the mountain to the great waterway.

Looking at the waterway to the upper flow, Abbe looked at Dewey: "Going to the headquarters to walk faster."

Dewey somewhat confused: "Some warships of the headquarters can cross the windless. Now it is busy, the headquarters will not send such warships."

Say, white beards have just been dead, in order to find a lot of thieves of the big secret treasure.

One by one is not true, calling the big secret treasure exists, is a dog fart?

People living in the bottom will need a peace, and the nobility and ruling class will want to be able to launch a war to get more benefits.

Roger is also good, white beards are all rulers who fail, the losers like the dog.

Also, in order to let the world remember, I will involve the people who will get close to the war.

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