Pirate's Silver Fox General

Pirate: Silver Fox General Chapter 217

Foxy nodded.

Baron Carnival and Guy Ram did not speak, and the atmosphere began to depress for a while.

Two hours later, two figures appeared on a cliff under the light of moonlight.

Looking at the horizon line of the stars reflected in the sky, Foxy stands with his hands behind his back, his long hair dancing with the sea breeze.

Standing by the Baron Carnival, he didn't know what the man in front of him told him to do.

"Are you and Lily one?"

Foxy took the lead to break the silence and said a word that didn't seem to his head.

"Yes and no." Although I don't know why Foxy asked, the Baron Carnival still tells the truth.

"What's the specific situation?"

Foxy frowned and turned to look at the revelry baron and silent Lily.

"Lily's roots are still on Carnival Island. She can only draw nutrients from me now, so we are considered as symbiotics. Lily will be weak as long as I am injured. And now Lily can also recover by absorbing some plant nutrients."

"What will happen to you if Lily is injured?"

"If Lily is injured, the Baron may be a little uncomfortable."

Lily answered Foxy.

"That means it won't endanger life, right?"

Falksey probably understood the situation of the two. Baron Carnival and Lily should be a parasitic model. Baron Carnival injury causes Lily to be unable to absorb nutrients and will naturally be injured, and Baron Carnival will only be a little uncomfortable.

In other words, the two existed at the upper and lower levels, not on the same lifeline, but at the same time distinguished life forms.

Strictly speaking, it is not a so-called symbiote. After all, a true symbiote should be both prosperous and all lost.

And now Lily can also absorb the nutrients of plants, which means that Lily can live without the Carnival Baron, but will become weak.

It seems there are still some opportunities to leave Carnival Island for one person and one spend.

"I won't let Lily get hurt."

The Baron Carnival reached out his hand to touch Lily's head, his eyes full of determination.

Sometimes Lily stayed with him when he was lonely, and Lily also changed her former partner, so now the Carnival Baron is not alone.

"I now give you an opportunity to increase your strength, but there may be life-threatening, but danger is also an opportunity."

Foxy turned and held the healing fruit in his hand.

Lily blinked in a daze, even the Baron Carnival.

"Isn't this the devil fruit obtained from the little human race?"

The Baron Carnival had already guessed Foxy's plan.

"It's the fruit of healing." Lily still didn't react.

"Since Lily can still reach the state of life by absorbing plant nutrients, then you two are not both prosperous and the same, you should be two living entities.

The power of this Devil Fruit is very powerful, although it is only an auxiliary ability, you should be able to imagine its role at a critical moment."

Foxy looked at the Baron Carnival.

"Monarch, do you want Lily to eat this devil fruit?"

"Yes, as long as Lily gets this ability, you will be protected from injuries in the future, and it is even more important to your strength."

Foxy thought for a long time about the leaving and leaving of the healing fruits, but finally felt that it was handed over to Lily.

Now that the life of the Baron Carnival is in his own hands, Foxy is not afraid that the other party will escape his palm, mainly because he now needs a spokesperson.

And this spokesperson must not be too weak, and the minimum requirement must reach the rank of the next four emperors, or even the level of the four emperors.

He not only controls the navy, but also secretly controls a four-emperor-level power.

"The emperor's pirate group will definitely be the strongest pirate group in the future. If you want to secure the position of deputy captain, you must be stronger than everyone else, and you have the inherent advantage of Lili.

"So the monarch wants me to stay firmly in position as the deputy captain?"

The Baron Carnival knew what Fawkes meant.

"If you don't want me, I have no opinion. From now on, the cadres of the Emperor Pirates will not be small roles. Now it is just that you have a higher advantage. If there are cadres that beat you in the future, I will replace you without hesitation, but Now I can give you a chance."

"I'm sitting down for the deputy captain."

A man has ambitions, including the carnival baron.

"Lily, eat it."

In fact, the Baron Carnival is also betting. After all, this is a fact recognized by the sea that the devil fruit cannot eat two. What if Lily eats this devil fruit and his body explodes?

So this is a gamble.

If successful, in some respects, the Baron Carnival can be regarded as a person with the ability of two devil fruits.

Lily didn't speak, and the two branches took the devil fruit and opened the blood basin and swallowed it in one mouthful.

One minute.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

Everything was calm, and the Baron Carnival did not explode.

It succeeded.

From this moment on, Lily was also a demon fruit capable person.

It also means that the Baron Carnival does not have to worry about injury in the future, as long as he breathes, he can't die...

Chapter 310, The Witch of Ice: Huaidibei

Riding the wind and waves, a Ferrari slowly passed by with a low growl under the blue sky.

Foxy was sitting on the co-pilot and smoking his mask. The most important thing was that his left eye was opened.

After feeding the healing fruit to Lily, another half month passed. In this half month, Lily used the healing fruit to restore Foxy’s left eye. The price was that the Baron Carnival slept for three days and three nights, and within a kilometer of a radius. The forest withered as if drained of life.

Immediately after the two sides separated, Foxy resumed his naval status and continued to capture the pirates, while the three Barons of Carnival established the Emperor Pirate Group and began to roam in the new world.

Everything is developing according to Foxy's plan.

"Hey... go there?"

Donald Duck looked at Foxy with the steering wheel.

Foxy spit out a smoke ring, squinting his eyes, flicking the soot and saying, "I haven't shown up for more than a month. If you want to appear on the stage, you must make a shining appearance and go to the white beard sea."



As Donald Duck stepped up the throttle, Ferrari rose to speed and roared and disappeared to the sea level.

Fawkes probably estimated that his reputation still needs to be raised.

So he stared at the white beard.

Even if he can't beat the white beard, it is good to be able to support it for an hour or two, and he also wants to learn the strength of the real strongest man.

Regardless of success or failure, the news of his battle with White Beard alone will spread even if he loses.

After finishing his reputation at White Beard, Falksey planned to catch a few more big pirates, and then went back to Malin Vandor to hand over, and then it was time to go to Fishman Island.

Three hours later, in the boundless sea, Foxy and his party finally encountered the Pirate Ship.

"Father, found the Pirate Ship."

Donald Duck is already asleep in the back row.

Now Zeus is driving automatically, and even Foxy squinted for a while.

"Pirate Ship?"

Foxy took out a cigarette and lit it, looking at the huge pirate ship riding the wind and waves in the distance, with the skull banner hanging high.

As for where Foxy couldn't see the arrogance, he felt arrogant anyway.

Just boring can pass the time.

"Let's take a look."

Foxy rubbed his forehead.

At the same time, on the icebreaker pirate group, a pirate on the ship pole observation tower put down his binoculars and issued an alarm to the deck.

"An unknown thing was found ahead."

"Something unknown?"

The pirate on the deck was dumbfounded.

What is unknown?

"It seems to be a metal box running at sea, very fast."

"Metal box?" A woman walked out of the cabin.

Wearing long blue hair, thick lips, wearing a striped blouse with floral buttons, and a lace scarf.

He wore a purple-blue skull hat on his head, a broad spotted turban, and a cloak behind him.

Confidence appeared in the handsome facial features.

The figure is also bumpy and curled up, wearing a pair of blue high heels, this is a very beautiful woman.

And the age is only around twenty-five.


The most important thing is that this woman turned out to be the captain.

Widibei took the binoculars handed up by him, looked at Ferrari, which was rushing towards them, and saw Foxy in the co-pilot.


Waidibei was a little confused.

This situation is either a pirate or a navy floating in the sea, so Waidibe immediately made the crew alert.

Not long after, when the distance between the two sides was more than 20 meters, Zeus changed to a white cloud state. Foxy stood on it and looked at the pirates headed by Whitby.

As for Donald Duck, he was still sleeping on Zeus.

Floating on the bow of the ship, Foxy looked surprised at Whitby.

Looking at the position where this woman is standing, it is very likely that she is the captain, and she is somewhat familiar, as if she has seen it somewhere.

While Waidibei looked at Foxy, his expression changed directly when he saw Donald Duck lying on Zeus.

She remembered who this man was.

This man was famous in the new world more than a month ago.

If it's a pirate, it's fine, but the navy is the key.

But isn't the report saying that the lunatic seaman is a cyclops?

Why are my eyes good now?

If it hadn't been for Whitby, he would have barely recognized Donald Duck.

"Captain, it's a lunatic seaman."

Not only did Waidibe recognize it, but the other pirates also recognized it.

They all swallowed their saliva and were cautiously guarded. After all, the lunatic marine's record is there, and it is difficult to think about it.

Besides, the lunatic seamen are notoriously cruel and mad. Even the big sea pirates who offered a reward of 500 or 600 million such as the Death Pirates have been killed, and their hearts are really a little frightened.

"Everyone, do you mind taking a downwind boat?"

He took out a cigarette and lit it, and Foxy looked at Whitby.

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