Pirate's Silver Fox General

Pirate's Silver Fox General Chapter 291

Donald Duck's mouth crooked.

Then Foxy instilled some ideas of transparent fruit into Napoleon, just as he instilled some ideas into Zeus.

Sometimes it's hard to imagine it, and even if it is described, Napoleon may not understand it, so Foxy just put those ideas into Napoleon's mind.

Just wait for him to absorb it slowly.

At least now Zeus has developed the weapon fruits very well, many of which are thoughts instilled by Foxy, otherwise, with the clean white paper-like innocence of Zeus and Napoleon, how could there be so many ideas.

New world waters.

The three warships sailed in the wind and waves, and it is not difficult to see a few navy figures on the deck.

In the warship office, the Navy and CPO led by Karp are watching the latest news.

"The Emperor Pirates appeared in Tarafasto, what are we waiting for?"

Sakarski's face was slumped, he wanted to catch Gaspard sooner, not only was he hateful or hated traitors, but he wanted to hit Foxy.

Otherwise, Sakarski would not be so obsessed. This time it can be seen from the prevention of the BIG MOM Pirate Group that Sakarski has a fire in his heart.

He needs to vent.

Gaspard is the best catharsis.

No matter whether it was private or public, Sakaski didn't think he was wrong.

What's more, no one denies that Sakarski's justice is wrong.

Right and wrong are just different camps, after all, there is no absolute wrong or right in this world.

"Master Gaiacoste was also very dissatisfied with this matter and gave us a month."

A CPO next to him spoke with a very flat voice.

In the first place, Karp was picking his nostrils. He didn't care about the one month CPO said, and he still went his own way.

But in the end Karp got serious when Sora called in person.

Then the naval intelligence began to investigate the next island where the Emperor Pirates might land on the island, and the warship quickly moved towards that island.

Three days later, the whole god descended the horn and jumped.

"Dead duck, you are deceiving too much."

The flower garden that Catalina personally took care of was messy at the moment, but I couldn't see who did it, but the flower garden was still being brutally killed.

Catalina trembled with anger, although she couldn't see who it was, but she was sure it was Napoleon and Donald Duck.

And it was 100% instigated by Donald Duck.

Seeing and smelling colors cover the entire flowerbed, but it is still not aware of Donald Duck and Napoleon.

Now Donald Duck and Napoleon squatted transparently, silent.

Katerina's sight was directly offset by Donald Duck's sight, so I couldn't find the existence of a duck and a hat.

After a few minutes, Katerina saw that the flower garden was gone, thinking that Donald Duck and Napoleon had already left.

But when Catalina had just squatted down to tidy up, she fell into a shit on the spot with a kick in her ass.

"I will kill you."

Catalina was furious, but Donald Duck and Napoleon had already left quietly.

Next came Bakar's roar from the kitchen.

Obviously a duck and a hat are starting to harm the kitchen again.

There is also the practice in the boat pole training room, where the evil king, Bashas, ​​and Gaspard have all suffered badly.

But when Donald Duck and Napoleon were about to tease the orgy Baron in the grove, they suffered.

Obviously, the sight of the Baron Carnival is slightly higher than that of Donald Duck.

As for making fun of it, it was in vain before it started.

In the sight of a smile, there is no difference between Donald Duck and Napoleon being invisible and not being invisible.

And Shilock, not even a duck or a hat.

"It seems that the development is pretty good."

Foxy reached out on the lawn chair and grabbed a sneaky duck neck.

To outsiders, Foxy seemed to be holding the air, but as if there was something.

Forced, Donald Duck's body became solid, and Napoleon was wearing Donald Duck's head with his tongue out.

Donald Duck flapped his wing away from Foxy's hand, his expression a little decadent.

Glancing at the idiot, Foxy rolled his eyes, "Just like you are invisible, people who see, hear, or perceive everything can find it, so it's better to practice seeing, hearing, and seeing when he has this time to play nonsense."


Donald Duck curled his lips and looked disgusted.

Speaking of it, Donald Duck's visual color is not weak, but compared to the devil fruit and the armed color, the visual color is still slightly worse.

"Napoleon, what is the scope of transparency now."

"Father God, it is still impossible to cast God down transparently."

Napoleon was a little lost.

"Take your time, don't play around with this idiot, and develop according to the ideas I give you."

Foxy glared at Donald Duck, who turned around and left a stuffed duck butt for Foxy...

Chapter 411, the big lie sweeping the world

Fishman Island, Dragon Palace City.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Tiger looked at the boxes in front of him, his expressions were incredible, grateful, and uncomfortable!

"It's worth it, anyway these devil fruits are useless to us."

Otohime nodded and looked at the devil fruit in the box. "We can only do this for the sake of safety, otherwise you will not succeed; whether this is successful or not, it will be hell behind you, but This may be an improvement for Murloc Island."

"You don't need to hesitate, do what you want!"

Seeing Tiger was silent, Otohime didn't want to put pressure on the other party.

"The price is too high."

Tiger hesitated.

"There is no cost or no cost. These devil fruits are not important to our murlocs. Only by using them as bait can the pirates get the attention of the world government. Only in this way will the danger be minimized."

Otohime turned to look at the 21 devil fruits in the box, all of which were collected by Dragon Palace.

And this is only part of it.

As Otohime said, there are not many murlocs willing to eat devil fruit, how could the murlocs give up the sea as the daughter of the sea.

Devil fruits are not important to Murloc Island, but the announcement of these 21 devil fruits will definitely cause quite a stir.

After all, these are 21, not two each.

The most important thing is that a few of the 21 Devil Fruits are extremely powerful.

Six animals are common species.

Animal department·Black bear fruit.

Department of Animals · Jin Mao Rat Fruit.

Animal department·Weasel fruit.

Animal line · Antelope fruit.

Animal line camel fruit.

Animal department·Sea lion fruit.

Four insect species.

Fauna, insect species, flies.

Fauna, insect species, centipede.

Fauna, insect species, chameleon.

Fauna, insect species, bumblebee.

Five ancient species.

Fauna, ancient species, stegosaurus fruit.

Animal department, ancient species, double crown dragon.

Animal department, ancient species, sickle dragon.

Animal department, ancient species, marsupial lion.

Animal department, ancient species, dire wolf.

Five Superman series.

Superman series·Taste fruit.

Superman series·Paper fruit.

Superman series·mini fruit.

Superman series · Jacket fruit.

Superman series, fluttering fruit.

And the last natural fruit.

And in order to be foolproof, Otohime also came up with a assassin. For the pirate, this assassin was even more important than the 21 devil fruits.

It will even make the whole sea crazy, whether it is pirates, merchants, nobles or navy, even the world government will find a way to get it.

But before that, Otohime still needs to meet someone, otherwise these devil fruits won't be able to get rid of.

Three days later, the kingdom of Kamabaka.

The kingdom where the third human gathers, the entire island is extremely unique, it looks like a pink love mushroom from a distance, and is surrounded by a rainbow.

Otohime took a shark in the rolling sea, followed by Tiger and Shinpei on the island.

And someone has been waiting on the shore.

Wei Shoulong looked at the trio of Otoji, with a gentle touch on that murderous face, followed by Ivankov and several revolutionary army cadres.

The two sides shook hands and then came to the Kamabaka Palace.

"I don't know what the cooperation of Princess Otohime is?"

Long directly named the subject. He did not ask why Otohime knew that Ivankov was a member of the revolutionary army. What he was interested in was what Ivankov conveyed.

Two days ago, Ivankov called suddenly and said that Princess Murloc Island wanted to see him. At the same time, he knew his identity. The most important thing was the cooperation that Otohime said.

"Mr. Long, I'm sorry for the sudden interruption, but we all have a common enemy, so I think we can cooperate!"

As Princess Otohime spoke, an atmosphere filled the palace unknowingly, and even the dragon was silent.

Long did not bother, and motioned to Otohime to continue.

"Things should start from..."

Next, Otohime told about Tiger's experience, and Tiger also opened his clothes nearby so that the dragon and others could see the hoof of the flying dragon.

"The purpose of the Revolutionary Army is to liberate the people of the world. Peace, freedom, and equality are the ideals of the Revolutionary Army. To achieve this goal, we must overthrow the rule of the world government. Our fisherman island also loves peace, and we also hope to get out of the deep sea. ..."

For some reason, listening to Otohime's words, Ivankov and others agreed from the heart.

Only the dragon's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes changed.

But he didn't stop Otohime.

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