Pirates: The wages are in place and the Yonko will be kicked out.

Chapter 5: All those who come to your door are blind fishes


Facing Porusalino's words of welcome, the visitor nodded and spoke in an emotionless tone.

"We will be roommates from now on. Please give me your advice."

Porusalino smiled and turned sideways, making room for the visitor to enter the dormitory, "My name is Porusalino."


"Sakaski, you look very strong."

Porusalino narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

The latter did not answer the call, nor did he react in any way. He just packed his luggage.

Porusalino did not feel unhappy at all because of the other party's cold attitude. On the contrary, in his eyes, such a cold attitude was the normal behavior that the man in front of him should have.

A little reference to the original plot of One Piece will tell you that if this big brother suddenly has a lot of mood swings towards you, and even talks to you a lot...

In most cases, there is only one possibility - he intends to use the "Pluto Dog" to fool you in the face.

Therefore, facing Sakaski's indifferent attitude, Porusalino just smiled disapprovingly and put forward standard suggestions for breaking the ice between boys' new roommates:

"Speaking of which, it seems it's time to eat. Do you want to go to the cafeteria together? Sakaski."

Sakarski subconsciously planned to refuse, but after thinking that he didn't know the location of the canteen, he nodded hesitantly.

Although he could also find it by asking others or spending time, such a waste of time and energy was completely unworthy in his opinion.

"Wait until I finish packing."

he added.

"No problem~"

Sakaski packed his luggage very quickly, as was his capable style. The whole process of making the bed and sorting out his own groceries took less than five minutes. After waiting for Sakaski to finish it, Porusalino walked to the cafeteria one after another with him.

In fact, it stands to reason that Porusalino just joined the Beihai branch today and should be as unclear about the location of the canteen as Sakaski. However, Porusalino is now a social terrorist - a social terrorist, so he has already inquired about some basic information about this base.

What basic allowances, what commuting time, what daily tasks...

Under the leadership of Porusalino, the two walked into the cafeteria despite the surprised and curious eyes of many ordinary sailors. After each ordering a meal at the dining window, we randomly found an unoccupied table and sat down together.

The navy canteen of the Beihai branch, like other branch canteens, does not provide food selection services, only ready-made set meals. Fortunately, all the food is free, and considering that sailors generally have large appetites, there are no restrictions. As for the food, it is not much different from the ordinary university cafeteria before Porusalino traveled. It is because the sea area of ​​​​One Piece World is too vast, so there are relatively more fish and seafood, and there are slightly less vegetables. Some. As for the taste, it's quite satisfactory, the standard big pot rice taste.

Sakaski himself is not a talkative person, especially with his new roommate whom he just met, and Porusalino himself does not like to talk during meals, so the two did not communicate at all during the meal. .

The two of them finished their dinner in silence, and then walked towards the dormitory together. It is worth mentioning that Sakaski finished his meal first and waited for him for a few minutes.

The two of them originally planned to go straight back to the dormitory, but just downstairs of the dormitory, something unexpected happened to them.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

Porusalino squinted his eyes and looked at the big men standing in front of the two of them.

Although he is said to be a big man, he is actually a little shorter than Porusalino and Sakaski. But among ordinary soldiers, these five or six are considered big men.

"It's nothing, our brothers are just taking a walk."

The leader, the bald Scarface, laughed playfully.

"Eh? Let's go for a walk. It's a good habit to take a walk after dinner, which is good for digestion... But can you please give in a little bit?"

Porusalino said with a smile, looking at the entrance to the dormitory building blocked by several people behind him, "My roommate and I are going back to sleep."

"Give way..."

Scarface made a serious expression and turned to look at his companions, "This new guy asked us to give in. What do you think?"

"Brother, it's not impossible to give in... But if this new guy just says a word, we have to give in. Doesn't it make us old navy soldiers look very shameless?"

Someone behind Scarface said.

"Yes, brother. Everything must be reasonable, right? It is our right for us brothers to walk here. This little brother wants us to give up our rights to provide convenience for him. It is a bit too selfish. It's just that Well... we are very friendly, as long as he is willing to show something, we are still happy to care for the newcomer..."

Another person behind Scarface said.

"That's the truth, brother."

"Well... what you said makes sense,"

Scarface nodded and looked at Porusalino and Sakaski with a very embarrassed expression, "You two little brothers, you have also seen the result of our communication just now. I really want to give it to you. It’s okay, but my brothers don’t seem to be happy… Even though I say I am their eldest brother, I can’t make decisions for them, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to be the eldest brother…”

"Eh? Is that so..."

Porusalino narrowed his eyes and stopped Sakaski with his right hand, who was already trying to step forward. "Then, big brother, how are you and your brothers going to show us?"

"...Well, let's do this,"

Scarface pretended to think for a while, and said seriously, "Since everyone is a sailor in this branch, it is also a fate. As seniors, we naturally will not bully or trick you juniors... I have There are five brothers here, plus me, there are six people in total. Just give us 10,000 beli each, a total of 60,000 beli. If anything happens in the future, you can say hello to the brothers. How about it? The price is very reasonable. Is it a discount?”

After saying that, Scarface looked at Porusalino and Sakaski with a smile, as if he was convinced of them, and several people behind him also smiled maliciously.

"Sixty thousand Baileys, indeed, this is a more reasonable number..."

Porusalino nodded.

Before Scarface and the others came, they had thought of taking action. After all, the two of them looked tall, especially the one in the red shirt. He was tall and strong, with a fierce look on his face. But they really didn't expect this skinny monkey in yellow clothes to be so smart. For a moment, Scarface felt a little regretful - he would have been more generous if he had known better.

However, although he felt a little regretful, Scarface still said: "Since you think the numbers are reasonable, little brother, then..."

"Senior, I have a question."

Porusalino spoke suddenly, interrupting Scarface's words.

"Huh? You said?"

Scarface frowned, suppressing his displeasure.

"Senior, does he have a brother who is a bandit in the East China Sea?"

Porusalino chuckled and said, "My name is Sig, and he is nicknamed the Bandit King. He is as arrogant as you, senior..."


ps: Old thief Oda once said that Bailey is equal to Japanese currency. So 1RMB is approximately equal to 12 Baileys, and 1000 Baileys ≈ 77RMB.

ps: The strongest pirate in the world, you have to look at me, the Thief King Sig!

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