Players In Marvel

Chapter 381: Apparently, Hyde's Pharmacy is screwed up!!

Los Angeles.

Inside Hillrock Hills.

In the dimly lit room, a man covered in bandages was sitting in front of the dining table.

His tactical watch pops open to form a tiny mini computer! !

And on the open screen.

This is a super bomb with a complex structure. Lines of data codes are flowing, and the sound of hitting the keyboard never stops.


Frank knew that something had happened.

Originally through the data of the super bomb he stole from Calvin Zabo.

Only need to input from the remote terminal, you can end this bomb crisis.


With the appearance of Patton.

Hawkeye, a veteran agent from S.H.I.E.L.D., was simultaneously conducting bomb disposal operations at the Commonwealth Bank Building.

The special type of arrow, the "shielded" arrow specially made in the S.H.I.E.L.D. laboratory, has been embedded in the Super Hyde bomb at this time.

Perfectly shields all external signal connections, which naturally includes Frank.

After a brief attempt to break out.

Frank chose to give up. This shielding measure was not something he could crack in a short time.

The Punisher, who never grumbled, changed his plan immediately!

even though! !

Frank didn't know that the famous Hawkeye was already involved in the situation in Los Angeles at this time.

But knowing it or not doesn't matter.

During the war, Frank always followed his own rhythm, and the Punisher never looked at other people's faces.

The bomb disposal will continue.

In war, bomb disposal is an art.

Coincidentally, however, no one is more skilled in this art than the Punisher who is immersed in the never-ending war.

Since the first plan has failed, then immediately start the backup plan.

This time it went fast.

Don't worry too much, just put some data into it and make some small changes.

Frank does this very quickly! !

"Beep beep!!"

Data is continuously input, lines of code fill the screen, and the tiny progress bar begins to be marked red, and gradually comes to an end.

click! !

It was the sound of the card slot popping open, and a small black card strip that was only about one-third the length of the little finger popped out.

With detailed data on the Super Hyde bomb.

Through data hedging to remotely close the bomb, or rather, use this data to make a feasible bomb blocking device! !


For the skilled Frank, the latter is easier.

But the problem is...

Now you need to stuff this black card into the Super Hyde bomb and let it read...

Scrap the bomb before the countdown ends! !


From Hillrock Hills to the Commonwealth Bank Building on Center Street, there is a considerable distance.

And, more importantly.

At this time, there was no one else on the streets of Los Angeles except the blue Hyde.

How to get through the blockade of the Hyde Corps and reach the destination, this is what Frank needs to consider.

And he now...


"The rare job is over, uncle, do you want some hot dogs?!"


"Let's go to bed?!"

The child who was asked to take care of by Sakata Gintoki was watching him on the sofa in the living room with a black cat.


The important thing is that he is holding a bun, not a hot dog.

But obviously...

Frank is not the kind of person who would correct such a mistake.

"Is there a gun at home?!"

This guy asked a strange question.

Even in the face of such a cute child as Shinnosuke, Frank, who still had a cold face, said such words in a stern tone.


"Shouldn't my uncle ask me, isn't there any hot dog here?!"

Shinnosuke shook the bread in his hand, this was the only stock Gin-sang left him at home before he went out.

And the uncle in front of him not only didn't ask him... he even refused to sleep! !

What a troublesome man! !


The black cat screamed, and Toshio moved away from Frank's position, hiding behind Shinnosuke.

Obviously, it doesn't like Frank.

"Yes Yes!!"

"I really can't help you, just wait a moment."

"After I finish this bite, I'll go out with you to find my mother!!"

Shinnosuke devoured his mouthful of bread crumbs, and then looked like he was about to choke to death. !


"Live, come alive!!"

Shinnosuke's face was flushed red, and he looked like he had lingering fears.

So, how does Yin Sang manage the house? There are children at home alone, and there is no water to drink! !

If you choked to death, wouldn't it be too pitiful! !

What an annoying adult! !


Frank watched Shinnosuke play tricks in silence. In his previous life, no child had dared to do this in front of him! !

Punisher isn't scary anymore? !

Are all the bandaged wounds fake now? !

Incredible! !

As expected of a member of the Silver Time Master House, this kid named Nohara Shinnosuke, like Yun Sakura, is an incredible child even if he is a child.

"Little devil!!"

"I'm not messing with you, I need a weapon."

Los Angeles safe house bombed.

The weapons and equipment that Frank stored, as well as some cash for the operation, have all been destroyed.

Even the monster truck he liked couldn't pick him up this time.

But no matter how bad the situation is.

As long as there is a gun, Frank dares to rush towards the Commonwealth Bank Building alone! !



It seems that he was infected by the uncle who was full of fighting spirit in front of him.

Shinnosuke's little face became very serious, and the little meat paws saluted, then picked up the black cat Junxiong, and ran upstairs with quick steps! !

Soon! !

From the dim second floor, Shinnosuke carried a large suitcase and ran back out of breath.

Snapped! !

It looked very heavy, and the box was thrown right in front of Frank.

"All the guys are here!!"

"We're going to the enemy's lair, roar, let's start!!"

With a beret on and a small epaulette stuck on his shoulder, Shinnosuke confuses Frank by looking like he is going to do something big! !


"I only said it once!!"

As Frank spoke, he reached out and tore open the cardboard box in front of him, looking at the bundles of knives, guns, and even Gatlings and high-explosive grenades! !


So what is he expecting? !

How could it feel like asking such a kid would get the answer he wanted.


"These toys are useless at all, and..."

"You have to stay here honestly, then you can't go, this is not what the kid should be involved in!!"

Rare! !

Frank doesn't always have the ability to say such long sentences all year round.

tonight! !

Gu Wei

In the face of Shinnosuke, he made an exception! !


"It doesn't come in handy?!"

Shinnosuke's mouth opened wide, and his little face showed extreme surprise and disbelief! !

"It must be phone fraud, it's fraud!!"

"Sister Whitney said that all the products she bought for me are genuine!!"

Shinnosuke retorted loudly, flipping through the pile of toys in front of him.

These are gifts bought by Whitney, the landlord's sister who likes Shinnosuke very much.

boy! !

Naturally, swords, planes, cannons, and Gatling! !

This uncle is really strange, asking if there are guns at home, of course there are, they are all here! !

hateful! !

Don't do it now, it's just bullying children! !


No wonder he is still single at such an old age, with a fierce look, he is really sad for the rest of his life! !


Although this kid didn't say anything, from the pitying look in his eyes, this kid must be thinking something that shouldn't be.

Shaked his head! !

Frank didn't intend to get to know Shinnosuke in the same way. He was just a child and didn't seem to understand what he meant.

Get up.

Frank simply sorted out what he had on him now.

A Gebo fighting knife that never left his body, a... gone, and the Browning automatic pistol he carried with him was gone.


Subconsciously, he looked up at Shinnosuke, the kid who dragged him here at first.

"You were seriously injured at the time. In order to be faster, I threw away some of the burden!!"


"No need to thank people!!"

Shinnosuke's twisted body, although he said no, but the little boy's face was full of anticipation.

Praise me, praise me! !

This is all about the emotions written on the face, okay? !



Frank held back for a while, and two words popped out of his mouth.

Although, the weapon he carries is not a burden at all, but... what can he say in the face of the little ghost who rescued him? !


"There is no need to be so polite in our relationship. If you must thank you, please pay one trillion yuan!!"

Shinnosuke spread out his hands embarrassedly and looked at Frank expectantly! !


One hundred trillion, for the first time, Frank knew that his life was so valuable! !


Such is the character of the Punisher, even if he is facing a child, he will take it seriously! !

"I don't have that much."

"But when this is over, I'll take the cash from the other safe houses as a reward!!"

Frank was serious.

Although he understood that this little devil in front of him might just be joking, he also understood that Sakata Gintoki also clearly rejected his commission.

But how it should be.

If, this time, he didn't die, after the incident was over, he would pay the corresponding thanks.


"Then I'm a billionaire, and I'll ask my father to find a new wife!!"

The surprise came too suddenly.

Shinnosuke selectively ignored Frank's sentence, he didn't have that much, and then...

Trapped in the happy life between him and Nanako's sister after he became a rich man.

Blue sky, white clouds, swimming pool, and ice cream mountain and action superman toys! !


This scene is so beautiful.


I haven't seen Sister Nanazi for a long time, you in another world, are you okay? !

The thoughts in the mind of a little brat can change in countless ways in one second...

Even with Shinnosuke's facial expressions, there was a high-energy chain reaction. To be honest, Frank has been through so much, but this is the first time he has seen a kid with such a rich expression.

"Hey, uncle!!"

"When are we going to..."

In a short time, Hiroshi Nohara, Miya, Xiaokui, Xiaobai, and even the neighbor aunt had arranged for Shinnosuke.

It was blinking star eyes, looking forward to asking Frank when they would be able to withdraw money.


Before Shinnosuke could finish speaking, suddenly...

Snapped! !

Snapped! !

Snapped! !

The sound of the windows of the villa shattering.


Frank almost subconsciously picked up Shinnosuke, covered his chattering little mouth, and rushed towards the other side of the living room.

Careless! !

Damn, he shouldn't be like this! !

He was touched by the enemy at the door, and he was just talking to this kid, this shouldn't be! !

The lunatic who was immersed in the war suddenly entered the harbor wrapped in warmth, and his mood was relaxed for a while, which caused...


"The Punisher, I've heard his name!!"

"Doctor, let us do it directly, don't scoff, kill him!!"

"Yes, tear him apart, and we will be able to make the name of our Hyde Corps!!"


"Kill him!!"

The Blue Hydes have come to the door.

From the very first time Frank's safe house was bombed, Calvin Zabo had scattered a lot of Hyde Corps, and the whole city was searching for him.

Almost at the same time that the bomb disposal duo Kate and Button was discovered.

in the car.

The contact call Calvin Zabo received, it was this group of Hyde who were looking for Frank's trace, and finally found the target.

Punisher! !

It's really a big name, as long as people who are targeted by this name are all shocked and heartbroken.

And now...

The city of angels will be his death, and the Hyde Legion, who killed the Punisher, will use his head to show the power of Calvin Zabo! !

Bang! !

Sawdust flying! !

Snapped! !

Broken glass explodes! !

These muscle monsters swelled to the limit, with the limbs they are now proud of, they are not as wild as beasts and break into the villa.

They are not unarmed.

The entire blue system, the firearms that you carry, and the Hyde Corps are fully equipped.


These used to be just the bottom gangsters in Los Angeles, but now they have gained the power of "beasts".

The tyranny that surged in the body seemed to shred everything.


They have so many partners on the scene and only a lingering and seriously injured person is besieged in front of them! !

Punisher? !

Hehe, such an enemy is equipped with a gun? ! What are guns? ! Just broke in and ripped him alive! !

Indulge in such a sense of power, indulge in the call of their beasts, such a wild attitude, such a wild gesture, that these blue hyde have never experienced before.

It's not just that they haven't seen it, and Frank has never seen it, throwing an M16 automatic rifle in through the door as a stick.


I picked up the gun and checked the ammunition... It's good, isn't this a weapon? !


Who said that Calvin Zabo's Hyde Pharmacy has no side effects at all, hasn't this group of guys already completely confused the Hyde Pharmacy? !

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