Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2043: Help from players in other areas

 The environment is important, but it is always oneself who can determine a person’s upper limit.

However, meeting Huahan Werner was not without its benefits.

  At least he can be sure that people in Area 011 will not disturb him for this matter in the short term.

 As for the evolution of time, he described the state of water and rain.

 Xu Huo got up and walked to the bedside, looked at the dark night outside, and placed "It will rain if you hold an umbrella" on the balcony.

Raindrops gradually fell from the night sky, and the light rain soon wet the ground.

This is not the first time he has obtained props that can connect to other spaces. The difference is that "it will rain when you open an umbrella" must be connected to a nearby space where it rains. The amount of rain is random, but it will definitely rain after the umbrella is opened. Judging from the state, it is even a bit like the introduction of time power from other spaces as described by Huahan Werner.

 He moved a chair and sat on the balcony to watch the rain.

Because the connected spaces were different, one rain stopped and another rain immediately followed. However, there were two rains with trace amounts of toxins in the middle, so he had to close the umbrella and reopen it.

 It took several changes to avoid the tragedy of poisoning all the plants in the garden.

 The rain was heavy and light, and it was almost pouring in the second half of the night. Xu Huo closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep listening to the sound of rain.

Before dawn, a group of people suddenly entered the castle. The person being chased was an injured player. He barely blocked the rain with a floating prop. He climbed over the rose flower wall and broke into the front yard almost in a panic. , while running towards the gate of the castle, he looked back to see the dense figures gradually approaching in the heavy rain.

He was pursued by a team of white epaulettes. When the leader saw him entering the castle, he immediately released arresting tools to force him out.

The injured player ran on the spot for two seconds under the effect of the prop and was pulled back into the flower wall. He used a substitute prop to barely escape from the flower branches. Then he shouted in the direction of the castle: "Mr. Xu, save me! Mr. Xu, save me!"

The faces of everyone with white epaulettes changed. Before they could stop it, the downpour suddenly disappeared. The lights on the porch of the castle came on, and a figure walked out of it. It was Mr. Dong. He looked at the flower wall and pointed at the watch in his hand from a distance. .

People from the castle have already appeared. White Epaulettes didn't dare to enter before, and now they don't dare to enter anymore. He can only watch the injured player crawling towards the porch.

“Excuse me, the prisoner who escaped is the prisoner that White Shoulder Band wants to arrest. Please Mr. Dong, please let him out.” said the leading captain.

 The distance was a bit far, but it did not prevent the people inside from hearing. Mr. Dong did not respond. Instead, he raised his head to the side from the porch.

 The group of white epaulettes outside was then clearly seen, and there was a person sitting on the balcony on the second floor opposite. He merged with the darkness, and seemed to slowly reveal his figure after realizing that there was someone above.

The injured player stopped in front of the gate and knelt down while looking at the people upstairs. "Mr. Xu, I am also a player from outside the area. I took my younger brothers and sisters to settle in Area 011 to let them live in a safer environment. , but I didn’t expect that District 011 didn’t treat us as human beings at all. My sister was working-study and was killed for no apparent reason. In order to find out the truth, my brother followed the disappearance of the white epaulettes! I only found out after I came back from the dungeon and saw the letter he left for me. After spending a long time investigating this matter, I found out that my sister was used as a cult sacrifice and was killed to death..."

  The man knocked his head heavily on the ground, "I didn't find my brother, but there are many cases like mine. I was not rigorous enough in my work and was spotted by the white epaulettes. They came to kill and silence me!"

"Please help me! You are very famous in District 011. Many of our foreign players know that you are not a local. I have no choice but to break into Rose Flower Castle. I want to find my brother, whether he is alive or dead. An explanation! I want those who trample on human lives to pay the price! Only you can help me!"

  No one interrupted the man while he was speaking, and he was also very rational. He explained the cause and effect of the matter as quickly as possible, and tried his best to win goodwill. Xu Huo, half lying on the chair, finally raised his head and looked at the white epaulettes outside the castle, "Are his words true?"

 The white epaulette leader is Bran.

This person is not too famous, but Xu Huo once met him when he was delivering something to the Law Enforcement Department when he was working as a non-staff member at the game government base. Bran was a captain of the White Epaulets and tried to take the supplies by force. Stopped by Ran Ying with black epaulettes.

Bran obviously recognized Xu Huo, he gritted his teeth secretly, "This is a matter for the Law Enforcement Department..."

"Is it true?" Xu Huo asked again, but this time Bran opened his mouth and unconsciously spit out the answer, "Yes..."

"No!" He suddenly came back to his senses, looked at the people upstairs in shock, and then his face darkened, "Don't think that just because you have become a guest of the Werner family, you can interfere with the law enforcement department's handling of the case. Do you want to cooperate with District 011? enemy?"

"I'm serious." Xu Huo stood up and walked to the balcony, "Of course you will resolve the matters of your Law Enforcement Department. However, I remember that the laws of District 011 clearly stipulate that the Law Enforcement Department is subject to supervision from all walks of life. This should be to prevent players from Entitlement is overextended.”

“You are from a noble family. In addition to the law enforcement department, you also represent some aristocratic forces. Do you alone have the final say?”

Of course not, but Bran personally led people to chase him in order to completely eliminate this matter. "This player invaded the confidential location of the Department of Law Enforcement and assassinated members of the Department of Law Enforcement. The Department of Law Enforcement arrested him legally and compliantly. Regardless of his former Because of that, he violated the laws of District 011 and disrupted the order of the district, so he should be arrested."

"I respect the laws of District 011." Xu Huo motioned to Mr. Dong to open the door.

Mr. Dong did as he was told, and the player who was still kneeling on the ground looked away in disappointment, preparing to escape again.

“Don’t you have a ticket?” Xu Huo suddenly lowered his head and looked at him.

The other party was unsure of his attitude and lowered his voice: "I'm afraid that next time I come back, everything will be wiped out by them!"

 “Let’s go.” Xu Huang looked back.

The man hesitated for a moment, and finally took out the ticket. When the white epaulette who came after him saw the man disappear, he was furious. Bran looked at Xu Huo upstairs angrily, "How dare you let him go!"

 Xu Huo raised his eyebrows slightly, "He is a player."

The players have tickets, who can control them?

Looking at the angry face of the other party, he said calmly: "Or do you want to do something to me, the new insider?"

Bran slowly suppressed his anger, took two steps back and stared at him, "I hope you will not regret interfering in the internal affairs of Area 011."

After saying this, he led the people away.

"Regret?" Xu Huo looked at the glimmer of light appearing on the horizon, "What does this matter have to do with me? I'm just a passerby."

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