Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 869: friendly negotiation

  Chapter 869 Friendly negotiation

  Xu Huo followed behind them.

  These white monkeys have a specific path, and after a few back and forth between the trees, they entered a giant flower bush. They covered the small buckets on their heads and passed through the ground, bouncing up a small hillside.

Behind the hillside is a deep river about ten meters wide. Several monkeys climbed up the short trees by the river, pulled off the tangled vines and tied them to the bucket, and then threw the bucket into the river. There was a bang bang bang bang sound, and the monkeys immediately pulled up the vines, and there were several black fish with **** wide and sharp mouths stuck in two of the buckets.

  The little monkeys cheered, and the one with the fish threw the fish to their companions. They squatted on the branches and waved the black fish happily. Then they ate the fish with their neat and sharp rows of white teeth.

   This meal is very ceremonial.

They were fishing in front, and Xu Huo was watching from behind. However, the fishing process was not so smooth. After one of the monkeys' bucket was bitten by the crocodile and spit it back to the shore, several monkeys joined together and jumped on the shore while screaming. Judging by the movements and expressions, it was probably cursing, but the crocodile in the water couldn't understand.

  After jumping for a while, several monkeys got together and whispered together, and then they began to squat together on the shore, one monkey performed drinking water, and the others waited with circles of vines.

  The crocodile that had been nearby came towards its prey very quickly, but its speed was not as fast as that of the white monkey. When it opened its mouth out of the water, it was covered by vines, and was directly dragged to the shore by several monkeys.

  When they got to the shore, the crocodile was not as flexible as the monkey. Several white monkeys cooperated with each other, scratching and smashing, and tossed the crocodile in a short time.

  The crocodile was defeated and bit off the vines and retreated into the water. A few monkeys were angry and yelled at the shore for a while before they took the bucket and changed to another place to fish.

  Xu Huo saw that they had gone far enough to get close to the water, and gave the crocodile some anesthetics when it surfaced, and then dragged it ashore with a kite string, locked its mouth tightly and began to take pictures.

  After the appreciation of the three reptiles is completed, the small projection screen showing his number reappears and prompts:

   "It has been detected that there is no entry and exit cabin near guest No. 313, please find the cabin door as soon as possible."

  The monkeys were attracted by the sound, imitating his appearance and standing upright in front of him.

  Xu Huo wrote numbers on the crocodile's back and threw it back into the water. After it regained consciousness and struggled, it retracted the kite line, and then greeted several monkeys.

  The monkeys stood still, and one of them stretched out its paw to point to the kite string in his hand.

  Xu Huo pointed to its barrel.

  The monkey hides the bucket behind his back, still pointing to his hand.

   "This won't work, I'll show you something good." Xu Huo grabbed a handful of lollipops, peeled one and put it in his mouth, and threw another one for the "negotiation".

  The little monkey followed his example and ate it. It seemed that the taste was not bad. After communicating with his companions, he approached him.

   Xu Huo, who failed in the second negotiation, moved the snake cage forward, broke the branch with a water knife and gun, and drove the monkey on the tree back to the ground.

  The monkey, which even wants to catch a crocodile, will definitely not be frightened by him, so he quickly changes positions to cooperate.

   Half a minute later, they were all successfully hung up by Xu Huo.

  Xu Huo sat on the stone next to him, took out the tattered "Graceful Door", demonstrated the movement of opening the door, patted the door, and pointed to the candy in his hand.

  The monkeys howled angrily, all their good teeth were shining outside.

  Xu Huo smiled and administered two injections of anesthesia to the one that screamed the loudest. Then, in front of the other monkeys, he took out a pair of pliers from the toolbox and pulled out the two front teeth of that monkey.

  The monkeys fell silent.

  Xu Huo knocked on the door again, but after getting no response, he pulled out the tooth of the second monkey.

   Soon it was the leader's turn. Seeing its "ugly" companion, it shed hot tears.

   A minute later, Xu Huo led a bunch of candy-eating monkeys to find the hatch.

  The group of monkeys mingled in this jungle, and successfully took him away from the river bank, and walked eastward for a distance of about a few hundred meters. The projection screen reminded him that there was a cabin in front of him on the left.

A few monkeys couldn't understand human language, but they were indeed walking in this direction, but when they approached, Xu Huo discovered that this forest had just undergone a fierce fight, and there were a lot of blood and beast footprints on the ground. It was almost flattened, and a large tree with a half-open hatch on the trunk could be seen from a distance lying on the ground, and the ground under the roots had been excavated and damaged, exposing the metal watering column—obviously, this The channel has been blocked and destroyed.

   There are two wounded people hiding not far away.

  A player entered the zoo before, and it was not surprising to meet a living person. The entry and exit cabin was destroyed like this. I don’t know if they have completed the adventure mission.

  Xu Huo walked to the big tree, flipped the hatch at the monkey, and patted it.

  The monkey spat out the candy stick with a "bah" and held its head up, refusing to move.

  Xu Huo held candy in his left hand and pliers in his right, and stretched out in front of them.

  The monkeys were arrogant and took the candy obediently within three seconds.

   "Wait...wait a minute!" The person hiding behind the tree jumped out, it was a woman, and she said in a trembling voice, "Can you take me with you?"

  The fellow player also came out. Xu Huo remembered that they also received a white ball task, and the task requirement was to capture a colorful ant alive.

   "Have you completed your mission?" He asked, both of them failed, but the player had more battle injuries, and the woman who spoke was only scratched.

  The female player took out a bottle, and inside it lay a colorful ant the size of a palm.

  Xu Huo noticed that her lips were slightly purple, and asked again: "Poisoned?"

   "I accidentally got caught by an ant." The female player said cautiously.

  The protective clothing on her body is intact and should have been changed. The condition does not look too bad, but it is not a small risk to take an ordinary person to find the next one to enter and exit the cabin, especially after a fierce battle.

  Xu Huo examined the two of them, but did not immediately agree to go with them.

   "I have insect repellent!" The woman who spoke first said quickly, "Spray it on your body and wait for the smell to dissipate, and the general poisonous insects will leave automatically."

   "I will never hold you back!"

   "The goal of three people is too big." Xu Huo looked hesitant.

  The woman looked back at the female player, struggling with conflicts, and finally took a step forward as if she had made a decision.

  Xu Huo knew what she was going to say, but before giving her a chance to speak, he interrupted her first, "Then let's go together, and take care of each other in case of danger."

  The woman's complexion changed, and she happily lowered her voice and said to the female player: "Great, we can be together..."

  Before she finished speaking, she was pinched and broken her neck by the female player. The female player said mockingly, "I don't know how many times I saved her on the way, and now I want to get rid of me, ungrateful thing!"

  (end of this chapter)

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