Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 898: You just met a good friend

  Chapter 898 Good friend you just met

While on the train, Xu Huo checked the information about this subregion. The overall situation is similar to the background of the game. However, those abandoned base cities that became epidemic areas are not completely Jedi. Before they cut off contact with other cities, there are A large number of people were trapped in the city, most of them died due to various reasons, but some barely survived.

  Xu Huo believes that the one who appeared just now is the survivor of W18, and there are signs of people's activities in the building to prove this.

  He didn't take off his invisibility cloak, just stepped on the "gentleman's posture" downstairs, and then stopped on the fifteenth floor.

There was a small trap set by others in the corridor. Xu Huo simply grabbed the strings and walked through the air, but he obviously underestimated the other party’s intelligence. As soon as he reached the corner of the corridor, the electronic monitoring eye attached to the wall flickered—before Where he passed, all the electronic monitoring was unavailable. This one seemed to be a modified trigger monitoring, and it was in a static state before he came out.

  The place I chose was good.

The person hiding in a certain house on this floor has already woken up and ran to the distance through the passage of the outer balcony. Xu Huo took off his invisibility cloak, walked directly through the space to the front room, opened the door and stood on the balcony superior!

   At this time, the young boy in animal skin who was running and jumping on the balcony suddenly stopped, turned around and jumped directly from the balcony!

  The balcony of the house was not perfectly aligned, so he nimbly jumped downstairs and quickly got in.

Xu Huo also went down, and as soon as he reached the window sill, several animal teeth flew towards him. He caught one of them and knocked out the others with it, and cut through the big net that was covered in front of him. At that time, the boy had run away without a trace.

  Passing through the room and entering the corridor, I saw the other party looking at the end of the corridor. Their eyes only met for a moment, and the other party rushed to the vacant position in the middle of the floor and jumped down!

  In the middle of the fourteenth floor, there is a deep hole with a diameter of about fifteen meters. The reason for its formation is unknown, but this large living creature is dormant in the depths of the cave.

Xu Huo appeared above the hollow, dropped the "balloon string" to catch the man, cut off the rope tied around his waist while lifting him up, and waited for him to take out a glowing ball and prepare to throw it down Only then did he make a sound to remind, "Look back."

  The boy turned his head sharply, but he was not shocked that the rope behind him broke, but looked at him with horror and despair—of course, this despair was not because he was caught, but the giant alien who heard the sound!

  In just the blink of an eye, the eight-legged alien species at the bottom of the cave rushed up to the twelfth floor, with a hoarse hissing sound like the wind from its huge mouth, and jumped towards the person hanging in mid-air!

The balloon line was recovered at a high speed, and the sword energy flashed as the boy rose, and with a scream, the injured eight-legged alien fell back, and Xu Huo threw "hurting others, not himself" towards the opposite pillar, and circled twice Then turn it into a rope knife!

  The young man who escaped from danger hastily said, "Hurry up, you are no match for it..."

Before he finished speaking, the eight-legged alien rushed up to the fourteenth floor, and bumped into the "hurt others, not yourself" - Xu Huo couldn't hold it back with his strength, but he stood far enough to wait for the other party. When he plunged into the floor of the fifteenth floor, he happened to be taken over by the arched rope knife. The "Eye of the Dead" swept it coldly, and half of the abdominal cavity of the eight-legged alien was cut open!

  Green viscera splashed out like water, Xu Huo used the air barrier to block it, and when he stepped back, he wrote "This road is blocked", cut off a few giant feet, and then removed the ceiling.

  The floor of the collapsed floor kept falling, and the injured alien fell to the fourteenth floor. However, when he was about to deal with this monster in one go, he suddenly felt that many creatures were approaching rapidly!

   "The smell of blood will attract scavengers, and they will eat all living things they encounter!" The boy's voice was full of anger and regret.

  At this time, even the eight-legged alien didn't care about chasing and killing its prey, and dragged its injured body to the ground.

  Xu Huo moved to the balcony, and the outer walls of several nearby buildings were covered with hard-shelled beetles with the size of human heads, and they moved very fast, emerging from all directions, and came straight towards this building!

Grabbing the boy who turned his head to run, he leaped into the air and directly stretched the "gentleman's posture" distance to the limit. After surpassing the roof of the building, he used the strings to climb another 50 meters, completely separated from the city distance.

The boy who was suspended below slowly floated up like a balloon. When the two intersected, Xu Huo smiled, "You stopped me from killing the alien species just now to avoid attracting scavengers, but there are alien species activities here. Bloodshed is unlikely."

The boy's back was tied with a balloon string, and his limbs were facing downwards. He was unable to remove the props, and he couldn't turn over by grabbing the rope. He could only hang in mid-air like a piglet, floating upwards and saying: "Scavenging insects swarm for a month!" They only hunt once, and they have a good sense of smell, even if a bird is killed in the city, they can climb up from hundreds of meters underground and eat it!"

"Then it shouldn't be able to fly." Xu Huo glanced at the alien species on the ground that were chased to the point of no escape. Basically, as long as they were bitten by carrion swarms, they would be eaten up within half a minute, and their bones were gone. left.

  Someone appeared on the top of the adjacent building. He turned his head and saw Shangguanxi excitedly shouting at him from a distance of about a hundred meters: "Brother Xu! Brother Xu! I'm here!"

   "Yelling will attract flying aliens!" The boy said immediately.

"Brother Xu! It's me, Shang Guanxi, your good friend you just met!" The carrion worms were about to bite their butts. How could Shang Guanxi want so much? Seeing that Xu Huo didn't intend to move, she couldn't stop Shout: "My projectile has timed out, can you give me a hand!"

   "Shut him up!" the young man shouted.

"Shut up first." Xu Huo glanced at him, took out "Go to Destination", and led him through the glass-framed door to Shangguanxi's place, and hung down the words "Hurt people, not hurt." Self", motioning him to climb up by himself.

The scavengers had already surrounded the top floor, Shangguanxi quickly grabbed the props, slid directly up the rope to Xu Huo's feet, and said: "Brother, can you go higher, these bugs can **** jump up !"

  Xu Huo moved the strings, suspended between the two buildings.

   "Are there any other players getting off here?" Xu Huo asked.

"Yes! That Ding Wei with the book!" Shangguan Xi mentioned it quite angrily, "In the car, she took the initiative to strike up a conversation with me. I kicked it out, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have used up the props so quickly!"

   "No wonder holding the book every day, daring to turn your face faster than turning the book is all practiced!"

  (end of this chapter)

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