Chapter 10


Lily didn’t feel good all evening because she ate too much that day.


Her stomach was not feeling well and her bed was rough.


In a familiar space, Lilly stood alone.


Her pupils dilated, a golden canopy was inlaid, and a golden cup rolled across the red carpet.


She knew it was a dream, but she couldn’t wake up.


White roses bloomed in a gorgeous vase, and a woman with auburn hair huddled on a white bed, looking just like she had before.


“Help me. Lady.”


Stammering tears clung to her eardrums.


Lily tried to run. But soon a white cloth stretched from the bed and bound her hands and feet.


Boom, she fell on the carpet.


[This is all your fault, young lady]


A flock of black spiders crawled out of the maid’s open mouth. Lily struggled to get out, but her body was as heavy as a thousand strands, and she could not move.


[Come here.]


At this point, she heard a voice from the ceiling.


A black hole opened at the top of the ceiling and white fingers popped out of it and grabbed Lily’s hair. Her jaws were forced to open.


In a flash, a spider rose up through her chest and burrowed into her mouth and nostrils.


As the sliders’ hairy legs pressed down on her tongue, Lily reflexively gagged. Not wanting to swallow, she spat, spat, and spat again.




Leo lowered his upper body, bending at the waist halfway.


He was standing beside the bed, watching Lily sleep talking, which was in full swing for a while.


There was a weariness in his eyes as he stared at her lips. His eyelashes curved all the way along his heavy lids. At the end, there was a moonlight that was not so bright.


Lily groaned. He could see that she was in a lot of pain, even breaking out in a cold sweat.


He put his hand on her forehead to check her temperature. Fortunately, there was no fever.


He lifted the blanket that was covering her shoulders gently so that she wouldn’t wake up. He was just trying to check her wounds. He lowered his head and looked because the moon was dark.


Leo paused for a moment, his actions vague even to himself.


It was unreasonable to call it worry, and too much to call it lust. So he was going to define it as curiosity, a time of curiosity under the guise of play.




But there was something strange about it. There was a sense of déjà vu, sure, but it was unclear what was familiar.


With the intention of observing more closely, Leo lowered his shoulders.  He moved his face closer until his nose touched Lily’s lips.


However, a spit flew.




Leo wiped the water from his eyelids and bit his teeth to keep from making any noise. He knew he shouldn’t have looked. He should have just walked right past it…






This time it was under his chin.


A large vein grew on Leo’s forehead as he slowly straightened his waist.


‘Should I wake her up?’


Leo tugged at the collar of his shirt and wiped the stains.


The fact that he was now wondering whether or not he should wake her was really unpleasant in itself.


So it was. It was too shameful and rude.


Lily wasn’t very cute in her cocky, slobbering attitude, so Leo climbed into bed. It wasn’t enough to inadvertently invade, so he reached out with both hands and locked Lily under him. He whispered mournfully into her ear, lying on the bed.


“Lily, wake up.”


He intended to surprise her when she woke up. If she didn’t, he was going to pour water over that beautiful face.


“You have to answer, Lily.”




Leo flinched at the unexpected answer.


Was this a different kind of deception to close her eyes quietly and move her lips in a smooth manner?




Lily tossed and turned when the wind blew with her closed lips.


Leo’s gaze, which had been hanging on her chin, was slowly beginning to go downward.


It was a curiosity.


There was no doubt about it.


He thought so as he rolled up the thin chemise that covered Lily’s thighs with his fingers.



If curiosity feels childish, it would be better to call it a petty vengeance.


He thought that as he kissed the inside of Lily’s relaxed thighs.


He had always wanted the smell of someone’s flesh. So it wouldn’t be any different now. And his red hot lips went into Lily’s dark, moist valley. He put his nose in and took a deep breath.




Tickled, Lily turned over in her sleep. It was an explicit moan in defiance, somewhat blatant for a dream.


Resisting the urge to bite her immediately, Leo bit his lips and squeezed his bottom.


He wrapped his left hand around the heated pillar, which had been slack even a moment ago and had somehow risen vigorously, and slowly stroked it up and down.


A clear liquid flowed from the tip, pale and shining in the moonlight. It flowed down and soaked into his knuckles.


He couldn’t stop his hand from moving up and down. And he lowered his head and kissed her center.


He opened his lips and blew in his breath. Pushing the watery flesh up with the tip of his tongue, he sucked the pea-sized piece of flesh into his mouth to the point it made a sound.




The sensation of flesh being sucked in and coming out made Lily’s legs tingle.The small rebellion stirred up lust. It made the man’s pillar grow bigger and hungry.


Leo raised up on his knees, tucked himself closer to Lily’s bottom.

Lily’s valley was plump and watery. He pressed it shallowly with his two fingers and inserted the round head through the gap.


Slowly, gently, the supple gesture was so stealthy that the sleeper would not notice.




Lily’s small gap swallowed the round head. At the same time, Leo continued to push in slowly. There was the dry sound of a sheet scraping underfoot.


At that point, Leo let go of his grip on the roots. Instead, he supported Lily’s hips with his hands for a little more stability. He lowered his knees so that it went in more smoothly than before. He was ready to push in harder.




Lily was suddenly awake. Perhaps because of the heat coming in after cutting through the flesh, Lily looked down, then looked up with her wide-open eyes.


He was expecting her to wake up anyway, so Leo naturally lowered his head and kissed her under her ear. He sucked her earlobe and caressed her neck.  Folded and teasingly brushed his teeth against the tip of her small, pointy chin.


Lily shook her head to pull herself together.


It was hot and damp.


It was difficult to distinguish whether it was hers or his, who exhaled hard enough to shake her baby hair on the back of her neck.


Her body was heavy, as if she had drunk water, and her mind was fuzzy, as if she was drunk.


Her skin was tingling. Her belly was numb.


Her lower abdomen groaned, and a strange, similar stimulation of something hard and got stabbed her underneath.


Finally, she managed to raise her hand and grabbed Leo’s head buried in her chest. The sensation of him sucking her mounds was soft and painful.


There was a slurping sound with each suckling and biting at the nipples, leaving a glistening saliva along the trail of the marks.


Her senses were edged, but her consciousness was becoming more and more distant.


Her blurry vision had collapsed as much as the boundary point between dream and reality.


The man’s back, which had been bent, straightened. Then the load that the bottom received doubled.


A great thickness creaked in and out. The pressure choked her.


Lily was out of breath, not even sure what she was accepting now.


Each time she inhaled, the lower half of her body packed and filled a little more.


Before long, the oozing greasy sweat seeped into the wounds. It caused a burning and bitter pain.


Lily’s brows contracted and she turned her head.


Leo, who was acutely sensitive to pain, raised his upper body on his elbows. The cool night air seeped under his lowly lifted chest.


Goosebumps broke out.


Then, this time, Lily’s back was lifted.


As if trying to regain the weight and temperature that had been holding her down with dazed, half-closed eyes. A sense of urgency and impatience occurred.


Desiring to eat and be eaten, Leo made a low sound of wind. It was a slow, finite voice, as if to calm the faltering grumbling.


Lily’s soaking wet eyelashes flickered down and up.


She couldn’t see the man’s face against the moonlight. His expression was hidden by the darkness, but she could only feel the faint hint of a smile on her skin as he placed his lips on Lily’s forehead.


He put his hands under Lily’s and hugged her body. The solid thickness and slightly higher body temperature than hers gave it a sense of stability.


Leo brushed her messy hair to the side as he held her head up and put his lips around her ear.


A throbbing vibration was transmitted from his throat. It was the closest and most vivid sound.


Lily turned her head to the side and opened her lips to Leo. As if she had been waiting for him, he entered her.


Instantly their tongues intertwined and saliva pooled under their tongues. They swallowed each other, rolling the saliva around on the tip of their tongues.


The leftover liquid flowed down from between their roughened and then falling lips, wetting their chins and under their eyes.


The taut flesh fell away and the cold air in the room pooled in her mouth at once.


Het throat, which had been wet earlier, was now dry.




The low-pitched voice scratching her skin was soft and sweet. The smell of greasy skin disturbed her rational mind.


It made her dizzy. Lily felt nauseous again.


Unable to handle the unfamiliar stimulus, Lily tossed and turned.


She twisted her hips and withdrew the man’s presence that had filled her, ans her consciousness returned in an instant. As she came to her senses, her vision became clear.






However sleep-deprived and nightmare-drunk she was, Lily accepted the man’s warmth. But…it was clear when she came to her senses.




Lily pushed Leo away at once.


Lily was struggling to get out of her tightly held arms, and the more she tossed and turned, the more slippery her thighs were. The wetness on the bed made a squishy sound.




There was an urgency in his voice calling for her that hadn’t been there at any time.


Leo’s hands grabbed Lily’s ankle, which were flapping in the air. He grabbed her and pulled her downward.


“Let me go!”


Lily kicked him in the temple with her other foot.


While Leo was reeling, she quickly got up.


She tried to get up and run away, but she was caught in the wrist as before.


Lily clenched her palms and swung her fists. There was a thin mark carved into his chest where she punched him. It was the scar she had scratched him with her nails the other day.


The more she defied him, the more force was applied to the hand that gripped her wrist.


Along the knuckles of the fingers, finger marks form. Where the mark was made, fear rose.


Lily was filled with horror. A horror that was a mixture of anger and resentment.


Lily was staring at Leo with her characteristic slow stare, and tears covered her eyes, but she wasn’t crying.


The tears she had spent her whole life collecting were lavishly shed for the old woman. So, by far, there was not a single tear left to shed for this man.


Each heart beat in silence.


The distance between them was close enough to touch, creating the illusion that the pulsations were transmitted intact.


The trembling caused the earthenware to sway. Leo’s whole body muscles contracted. The molars were sore.




The sound of him calling her was trembling finely.


She wondered if this man felt fear too, or if he was as terrified as she was.


The anxious look in his eyes. That was the case with his Adam’s apple that went up and down unstably.


“Please stop.”


At Leo’s command, Lily dropped the hand that had been covering her mouth.


Her downcast gaze was colder than ever. But there was a boiling point at the bottom of it.


“Your Majesty.”


Lily opened her mouth with a heavy heart.


It was after the sickness reached the nasal passages.


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