Chuck chuck!


“Yang Yu, what I’m looking for is so hard for you…”

“Thank you, another bowl!”

Hong Kun is almost paralyzed at this time On the ground, my eyes are a little dizzy, and my legs can hardly move.

Didn’t expect, I will meet Yang Yu here.

It’s a life from a desperate situation!


There is also hot noodle soup to eat.

“Uh…Can you let Psyduck put down my Shuckle first, I’m really afraid it will swallow my Shuckle…” Wu Youqian looked at his eyes and shook with the cool breeze The three dull hairs flicked, and the eyelids jumped wildly.

Psyduck is like this… such a naive Pokémon.

How dare to let it out in the forest casually, don’t you fear that the road will be crooked?

To be honest, even if he meets Gyarados of Junior Brother Han, his eyelids won’t blink, but when he meets a Psyduck… the head hurts!


Psyduck put Shuckle down, then ran to the holding head beside Hong Kun and sat down.

So tired duck.

“Sorry…” Hong Kun swallowed the noodle soup, then immediately apologized.

“It’s okay, I’m very curious, why do you want to let Psyduck lead you in the forest, don’t you want to do it?” After Wu Youqian gave Shuckle a few mouthfuls of moo milk, he used The Poké Ball pendant is put away.

“Hong Kun, how did you find here?” Yang Yu was also a little surprised, “This is too fate!”

Wu Youqian secretly held his forehead.

He remembered what he said before.

Meeting is fate…

Meeting this nasty batch of Psyduck, forget it… It’s all a misunderstanding!

“On this road, at first, it’s okay. Psyduck led the way. I found Berry by myself, but he could find me some Integral Points. Didn’t expect to go deeper into the forest, even the shadow of the Integral Points card. I didn’t see one, but Psyduck ate the Berry on the road…”

“And…this kind of operation?”

Zhao Xiaozhou ate a bowl while eating. stand up.

“Even if it is bad luck, it is impossible to find an Integral Points card, right? I… today… I didn’t find any points!”

Hong Kun recalled the whole day The whole person’s face was miserable, as if he had been beaten in the forest. It was miserable and miserable. He could only comfort his wounded soul with a mouthful of hot soup…

“Who gave the Integral Points card? I took it all! It’s too much to even give me soup!”

After Hong Kun shouted, he looked at Yang Yu affectionately: “I don’t know how Psyduck found here. Here, in short, I found the army!”

“There are even lamb chops to eat! This is too happy!”


“If we also have lamb chops to eat…that would be happiness too!”

Hong Kun’s voice spread all around.

This voice is full of the happiness of bitter and sweet, full of desire for fragrant lamb chops, full of cold night, what an unforgettable experience to be able to eat a hot dinner.

This is a national tournament!

This is in the meteor forest!


Someone actually grilled lamb chops in the Meteor Forest!

Do you guys come to vacation or play games?

Another strong fragrance of cumin wafted…

“Here, shall we go straight to it?” Feng Wenheng felt that his footsteps began to float, even Can follow this fragrance to fly to the roast lamb chops.

“Otherwise! Lamb chops won’t come to our side by themselves!” Qiu Yu roared in a low voice, with a trembling sound in his throat.

“Here, is this person willing to eat for us?” Wang Yang felt that he could not help it.

“If you refuse to use Integral Points to exchange for them! Or you can make money, but I think the probability of exchange for Integral Points is a little bit bigger…” Qiu Yu touched his scoring bracelet. It hurts a bit.

Feng Wenheng gritted his teeth: “But the Integral Points we have collected so hard…”

“You smell this lamb chop, isn’t it fragrant?!” Qiu Yu was heartbroken. , Has made a decision, “I’m ready to pass!”

Wang Yang no longer knows what he is doing now, he just opened his eyes as if he was fascinated, and stared straight at the place ahead. The flutter of lamb chops.

“Fragrant fragrant fragrant… fragrant, really fragrant!”

Feng Wenheng looked at Wang Yang’s disappointing look, and he even hung his saliva directly on the ground, and took a fiercely shot. Click on your thigh and make your thigh feel a pain…

If your thigh hurts, your heart won’t hurt anymore…

For the lamb chops!


“Su Li……”

Hypno’s silhouette appeared from Wu Youqian’s side, and at the same time stretched out three fingers, and then Waved his hand.

“It seems that someone is coming, there are three in total, and they are not strong.”

Hong Kun and Zhao Xiaozhou both took a sip of hot soup at the same time.

I don’t see their tension at all.

Hong Kun knows that Yang Yu is here, so don’t worry.

So is Zhao Xiaozhou. Since experiencing that many……

I seem to eat well and sleep well, and then yell “666” to the two Senior Brothers. If you don’t mess with them, the biggest thing is Help for…

As for the danger…

Six-headed Gyarados to know?

To be reasonable, Senior Brother Han and Senior Brother Qian can come here, both of which can walk unhindered in the meteor forest.

“Someone has come to give points.” Hong Kun and Zhao Xiaozhou said at the same time.

Such a consistent pace made Hong Kun and Zhao Xiaozhou glance at each other…

There was even a feeling of sympathy.


What a coincidence! me too!

The eyes meet, an agreement is reached, and the cooperation is happy.

“Look at the situation, maybe people are attracted by the taste of lamb chops?” Wu Youqian laughed haha

“If so, I will drive in the forest during the game. Every snack bar earns more than others who work hard to collect Integral Points!” Yang Yu said casually.

Almost at the same time, Wu Youqian and Yang Yu looked at each other.


“Open a snack bar?!”


“Anyone, may I ask your lamb chops…Is it for sale?” Feng Wenheng People stand up first, after all, he doesn’t know what the situation is like here…

What if…he was robbed by someone else?

Although Normal will not play Pokemon at night, just in case!

Feng Wenheng gave most of the points to his classmates temporarily. Even if he was “robbed”, he would lose only seven or eight points.

“Who, don’t stand there, come and talk directly!”

Yang Yu, Wu Youqian, Hong Kun and Zhao Xiaozhou looked at each other and smiled.

Sure enough, it was for the lamb chops…

Feng Wenheng walked forward cautiously, and finally got a clear view of the situation here by the flickering light.


Feng Wenheng was taken aback. He saw that besides grilled lamb chops, there was even a cart. Inside the cart… actually noodles are being cooked? !


Slowbro moved towards the direction behind him, took a look at the direction behind him, and calmly took out an iron plate from the cart with Psychic, and stabilized the lamb chops Put it on top.

Golden Yellow’s oil…

glow in the fire.

Why… It’s also a game, other people’s games are played like this!

Too much!

Feng Wenheng feels that his eyes are already a little moist…

Too difficult!

It’s really hard for me!

“Eat lamb chops, Integral Points, transfer money, deduct coins, choose one of three!”

“Deduct, deduct coins?!”

Feng Wenheng’s eyes were dull .

Can you still eat lamb chops when you charge coins?

Is the deduction so powerful now? !

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