"Zoroa, move at high speed!"

Caesar smiled slightly, and he understood a little bit about Vine Tree's thoughts, but fighting was not that simple.

After a flash of light, Zoroja, whose speed has been greatly increased, is not something that Hot Monkey can keep up with, even if Hot Monkey's instantaneous burst ability is really strong, it is the same!


Immediately afterwards, Caesar gave the order again.

Illusion is not a unique trick, but a characteristic of Zoroja. The reason why Zoroa is precious, rare, and difficult to capture is because of this active characteristic.

Most of the characteristics are divided into active characteristics and passive characteristics.

Passive traits are common, but active traits are very rare.

The characteristic is like an inherent ability, and it does not consume energy and physical strength at all.

Among the active features, Zoroja's hallucination is also outstanding, confusing the vision, but in battle, it is very strange!

"Hot Monkey! Be careful"

Fujiki ordered anxiously, although he didn't know exactly what kind of elf Zoroja was, his intuition as a trainer told him that this opponent was difficult to deal with!


However, a scene that made Fujiki unbelievable appeared, the hot monkey went crazy, constantly attacking the surrounding air, while roaring, as if it was fighting some enemy.


Recalling Caesar's order at the time, Fujiki's face became ugly. This kind of ability, after special training, is really very difficult!

Especially for the fighting department!

If you switch to another type, even if you can't see it, there is no shortage of large-scale attacks, and it is not a fighting type. Although the lethality is strong enough, it is a single attack skill!

"see through!!"

Fujiki's mind calmed down quickly, and after a while, he found a countermeasure.

In the fighting department, there is a special trick for unseen opponents, to see through, this trick can also see through the illusion.

After all, what the illusion affects is only vision, not hearing. The hot monkey who got the order has a flash of white light in his eyes, and is no longer affected by the illusion.

He stopped and looked at Zoroja angrily!

At this time, Soraya has already distanced himself from the hot monkey!

It is obviously not a wise thing to get close to the fighting department!

"Shadow Ball!"

Caesar's order sounded again, and the dark energy ball blasted towards the hot monkey!

It just hit the hot monkey in the face, and there was a small explosion!


The hot monkey itself is an irritable elf, and he was directly stunned by the trick. The anger at this time has almost turned into reality!

Tengshu looked at the hot monkey, and smiled bitterly. Even he is very difficult to control the hot monkey in this state!


Caesar's eyes lit up, and he ordered loudly. The evil-type trick was weird, but it did not lose to the super-type and ghost-type at all. It was like the lethality of the trick of cheating had nothing to do with the trick user.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

It depends on the strength of the recruiter.

As a fighting elves, the power of the hot monkey needless to say, plus, the common feature of the hot monkey is the angry acupuncture point, which matches the hot character.

It can be said that as soon as it enters the combat state, the attack power has been increasing.

Now, being used by Zoroya, the power of this move can be imagined!

The whole body is wrapped in black brilliance, intense pain, blessing on the hot monkey, making the hot monkey more and more angry, the more angry, the more powerful the hot monkey, but also the stronger, the more the damage of the fraud, the more high!

"Hot monkey!!!"

Fujiki looked at the hot monkey worriedly, Caesar's use of skills has reached the extreme.


Any of Vine Tree's tactics made it easy for Caesar to find the flaw and use it.

This way of fighting is simply hopeless.

The duration of the fraud is not long, only a few seconds, it is not enough to take away all the stamina of the hot monkey, at most it will make the hot monkey's physical strength seriously exhausted.

Change to other elves, at this time, the vine tree may choose to withdraw.

But the hot monkey...

Seeing that angry look, Fujiki smiled bitterly. If he took back the hot monkey at this time, it is estimated that even if he was a trainer, he would be attacked by the furious hot monkey!

This irritable elf, although powerful, is difficult to control...

"End him! Zoroja!"

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