Shirona sighed and replied, as a champion, how could he not know this.

This is a little messed up.


Caesar was silent, and his heart was full of struggles.

If it goes on like this, the loss will be too great.

But doing so...the consequences are completely unpredictable...

It could get better, it could get worse...

Caesar's heart is also full of confusion...

"I do have a way..."

In the end, Caesar spoke up. He needed some other people's opinions on this matter.


As soon as Caesar spoke, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

A group of them have no choice but to do nothing, but Caesar actually said, he has a way? !

I can't help other people not being surprised, not doubting, this is a bit of a fantasy, okay~!

"any solution?"

After being silent for a while, Du opened his mouth and asked. He, who is most familiar with Caesar, has already discovered that the hesitation between Caesar's brows seems to be a bit special!

"I once obtained something related to Gu 1.2 Lado and Kyogre in a ruin, which can greatly improve the strength of the two... Moreover, it is permanent!"

Caesar didn't say much, just vaguely talked about the function of the two orbs in his hand.

Suddenly, everyone's faces changed!

Like Caesar, they also thought about the consequences of doing so.

The four heavenly kings were silent.

Du and Shirona don't know what to say...

Although I know there is a surprise, but this surprise is too big, it is no longer a surprise, but a fright~!

.................................To be continued...................... .................

Chapter [-] Decision!

Chapter [-] Decision!Chapter [-] is decided! . "What do you think?"

Du and Shirona looked at the four heavenly kings in the Fangyuan area at the same time.

The two champions are not there. As outsiders, it is not easy for them to make decisions on their behalf. They can only listen to the thoughts of the four heavenly kings.

Several heavenly kings looked at each other and felt the pressure.

Usually this kind of big thing, not to mention the king, even if it is a champion, it is not their turn to take care of it.

But now...the four of them represent the opinions of this Fangyuan Continent, and they can't be prudent.

Duo and Shirona are higher than them in positions, but after all, they are not local champions and have no right to make decisions.

Although Caesar was the one who proposed it, he was not a system with them, and he had no right to make a decision. No, it is better to say that Caesar expressed this opinion, and he had the idea of ​​shirk his responsibility.

If something goes wrong, at least someone will help him take the blame.

He didn't want to do bad things with good intentions, so he might as well listen to the opinions of the locals.

"Use it~!"

The four heavenly kings are not indecisive people either. Headed by the dragon king, Genji, they all agreed to 17 Caesar's proposal.

In the worst case, it's no worse than an entire continent sinking into the ocean!

If it drags on, I don't know how many casualties it will cause. Instead of regretting it at that time, it is better to take advantage of it now!


Caesar nodded, took a deep breath, and from the system space, took out a crimson magma orb like a magma wrapped around it.

On top of the orb, a layer of flame is burning, which looks very extraordinary.

A terrifying force, hidden in the orb, is triggered but not released!

It is a person, you can see that this thing is extraordinary!


Everyone looked at Caesar with strange expressions. Originally, they thought that this thing was hidden by Caesar, but they didn't expect it to be carried with him. This is really bold enough.

It can be seen that Caesar has obtained this thing for a while, but he does not seem to have the slightest idea of ​​handing it in.

This made the champions and heavenly kings present feel a little strange in their hearts.

"It's not that I don't turn it in, but this thing, once there is no suppression..."

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