Caesar also knew a secret.

This trick, with the power of destruction, seems to have a special effect. Unfortunately, Caesar does not know what the effect is....

................................ to be continued ................. .................

Chapter [-]: Destroyed Wish!

Chapter [-]: Destroyed Wish!Chapter [-] Destroyed Wish! . "Broken Wish?"

Others are also very curious about the trick Caesar said, but unfortunately, now is not the time to be curious.

Moreover, Caesar did not know much.



When Jirachi gathered energy, the monsters of the earth also seemed to be feeling it.

Speeding up the pace of progress, I can no longer take care of the creatures along the way. It seems that there is something delicious somewhere.

As a product of star energy, earth monsters have an instinctive desire for more star energy.

The huge energy can make him go further.

Perhaps, when the energy is really huge to a certain extent, the monster of the earth will really become another Groudon.

The amount of energy that needs to be consumed is enormous.

"Seven Six Three"

Groudon without wisdom will only instinctively crave more energy.

No regard for the dangers involved.

Kirachi gathers a huge amount of energy, and you don't need to think about it, you know, it is used to deal with him, but the monsters of the earth don't care at all, his poor brain.

There is no fear at all, fear of these two words.

There are only cravings and devouring....

At this time, the number of emerald green shots on the monsters of the earth has increased to dozens. Like a group of demons, they waved randomly on the ground, elves, trees, and even the land.

Everything that comes into contact with it has been squeezed out of all the energy by starvation.

Incorporate into the body of the monster, making it bigger and bigger.

When it was just created, it was only a three- or four-meter monster. Now, it has swelled to a hundred meters away!

It can be seen that in a short period of time, how much power he has gathered!

It is a pity that the head of the monster of the earth does not know how to use this huge power, otherwise, even Jirachi is not the opponent of the monster of the earth.

In the final analysis, after the energy in Kirachi's body has been squeezed for a wave, the recovery is limited.

If not intercepting the power of comets in the sky.

Maybe Kirachi can't use such a trick at all...


"I'm going to stop him"

As the monsters of the earth approached, the expressions of Caesar and the others became solemn again.

This time, the energy gathered by Kirachi is too huge, and it is impossible to complete this move in a short period of time. If this is the case, it is very important to divert the attention of the monsters of the earth.

"I will go with you"

This kind of thing, of course, will not let Caesar take the risk alone.

Just kidding, Shirona is a champion no matter what, and she won't choose to hide behind a man when something happens.

"Come out, bite Lu Shark fiercely!"

Without waiting for Caesar to say anything, Hirona had already released the bite land shark.

Caesar shrugged and didn't care. With Hirona's strength, he didn't need to worry at all. Instead of worrying about Hirona, it's better to consider his own safety!

"Come on, fire-breathing dragon!"

At this time, the fire-breathing dragon that is currently the strongest elf in Caesar's hands is the best choice. A flying, huge fire-breathing dragon is fully capable of carrying Caesar to attract the attention of the monsters of the earth!

As for Caesar's safety, there is no need to worry about the fire-breathing dragon.

With super powers, Caesar is fully capable of protecting himself!


The fire-breathing dragon roared, feeling very excited about fighting such a dangerous opponent!

The fire-breathing dragon race is very belligerent in itself!

And to the level of Caesar's fire-breathing dragon, ordinary battles really don't look good!

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