Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 49 Pippi, run away in a hurry

With a sense of luck, Taiyi turned around and randomly found a new mine.

It seemed like not many people were passing by. There are no traces on the ground.

Not long after Taiyi walked in, he made a discovery. In fact, it was not Taiyi who discovered it, but Casey.

Watching Casey float, he was controlling himself with his mind and floated to a mountain wall.

Taiyi followed Casey's figure and looked over, and was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

"Is this the Moon Stone?"

Moonstone is a type of evolutionary stone. Similar to fire stone and water stone.

Pipi, whom Taiyi wanted to conquer, evolved into Pixie using the Moon Stone.

In addition, there are two groups, Nidona and Nidorino, who both need to use moon stones to evolve into Nidoqueen and Nidoking!

These two races have always been inseparable.

The clan is not small, but why hasn't it become a big clan and why hasn't it received much support from trainers?

It's because moon stones are rare!

Fire Stone, Water Stone, and Thunder Stone are the most common evolutionary stones. Although they are also very precious, they are not rare.

But besides being precious, the Moon Stone is also very rare.

There are not many Nidoqueens and Nidokings in the wild. In addition, Jigglypuff, one of Joey's assistant elves, also needs the Moon Stone if he wants to evolve into Jigglypuff.

For the evolution of Meowth and Dream Eater, the Moon Stone is also a must-have item.

But there are very few moon stones in the wild, and those that are discovered are even rarer.

"Legend has it that the skin of Yuejian Mountain came from outer space, and along with it, there was a huge moon stone. It seems like it came out of nowhere, and it may not be without reason!"

Taiyi happily took out his shovel and prepared to dig.

But Casey directly used his mind power to dig out the surrounding rocks, and a moon stone fell down.

Then, before landing, he was controlled by telekinesis and flew to Taiyi's eyes.


Taiyi felt a little embarrassed. Before he came out, he thought that he would finally go to Yuezhi Mountain. If he encountered a moon stone, he could dig it out with a shovel.

As a result, he forgot that this is a world with elves.

Casey's telekinesis is obviously much easier to use than his shovel.

Putting away the shovel in embarrassment, Taiyi held the moon stone while Casey snickered.

"The quality of this moon stone is good. It seems to be a high-quality moon stone."

Evolution stones are also divided into several levels, from low-level, intermediate to high-level and top-level, there are four levels in total.

Taiyi held the piece in his hand, which was probably a high-quality moon stone.

As for the best, Taiyi only learned it from the materials.

Taiyi has never seen the real thing.

"Pi, Pi!"

A pleasant sound came, and Taiyi turned around quickly and saw a Pipi disappearing from the corner of his eye.


Isn't this very lucky?

As soon as I entered a new cave, I encountered the moon stone and the elf Pippi I wanted to conquer!

Taiyi hurriedly followed the direction Pippi left. Casey shouted, helplessly floating on Taiyi's shoulder, and continued to guard Taiyi. Slowpoke also accelerated, but with its short legs, it couldn't outrun Taiyi.

For this reason, Slowpoke had to teleport once and jump into Taiyi's arms.

Well, Taichi paused for a moment before realizing that it was Slowpoke.

Fortunately, Slowpoke is not too heavy, and his physical strength is still enough to support it.

But Pippi is obviously very familiar with the environment here. In the process of tracking Taiyi, he has to be careful of attacks from wild elves around him.

This part was all blocked by Casey.

Generally speaking, Taiyi doesn't care about those ultrasonic bats and Arbor snakes.

Even though he hates Arbor Snake, Taiyi has no intention to care about it.

Taiyi only has that Pipi in his eyes now.

As you can imagine, the little lucky eggs of the Joey family are probably not that easy to get.

Similar dolls are also very rare, and so is Pang Keding.

And for Pang Keding, Taiyi was also afraid that he might not be able to handle their singing.

If it's the kind of fat guy who likes to play pranks, I'm afraid his face will be painted with Trump!

After following a cave, I came out of the cave and looked at the sunlight falling above my head, not much, and Taiyi fell silent.

"Sure enough, how could such a rare elf be so easy to conquer?"

There are many elves in the wild, although not all of them are aggressive.

But most elves actually have domain awareness, and have varying degrees of aggressive tendencies after being invaded by humans.

There is no way, for coming out of one cave, there are several caves to choose from.

Taiyi also chose to give up. Yuejian Mountain was really too big, and it was not easy to find a Pippi.

Taiyi had to give up on finding a needle in a haystack.

He didn't have that much time, and it would take him several days to cross the Moon Mountain.

There will be two more days to stay in Cerulean City, and Taiyi doesn't have that much time to waste.

With Casey and Slowpoke's current superpowers, they can teleport over short distances and can be used many times.

But when it comes to long-distance teleportation, it's easy for Casey and Slowpoke to go to places they're not familiar with, and it's easy to have big deviations.

Casey and Slowpoke's superpower energy is not enough to allow these two elves to use long-distance teleportation.

There is no way, Taiyi can only temporarily put down the pursuit of Pippi.

"However, since there is Pippi here, it means that the rumors may be true. If you look carefully, you may be able to find other Pippi!"

Taiyi is full of hope, and his luck has always been good.

Before he even came in, he subdued a Kechu.

In the future, you can drink tree juice brewed in kettles, which is a high-end nutritional product.

After coming in, although there were some twists and turns, Pippi was found.

If we continue, we will definitely find Pippi.

But as a result, when Taiyi entered a cave again, he provoked a group of supersonic bats.

Faced with the pursuit of the supersonic bat, Taiyi had no choice but to run away with his head in his hands.

There was no way, the two most powerful elves he had on hand, Casey and Bulbasaur, were only professional-level.

If you fight seven or eight entry-level ones, there is hope.

But with this big nest, Taiyi felt that it was better for him to avoid it.

People say that if you beat a master to death with random punches, you can't beat four hands with two fists.

Facing the group of ultrasonic bats huddled together, Taiyi could only retreat.

This reminded him of running under the sunset that day!

That day, when he went to the Viridian Forest, he provoked a colony of giant needle bees, and was also chased by a swarm of giant needle bees.

Facing the power of the group, there is no way to compete with the power of an individual unless it reaches a certain level.

Taiyi ran for a long time. In such a hurry, he didn't even have time to look at the direction. As long as there was a road, he ran straight into it.

At this moment, Taiyi also lost his way.

"Where is this? Huh? Is that Paras?"

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