Mubai stared at the wooden door and felt a strange atmosphere, as if there was an unusual power in it.

"How should we get in?" Touko asked, with a hint of uneasiness in his eyes.

Mubai thought for a moment and then said: "Let's try to see if we can approach the door quietly and listen to what's going on inside."

The three of them approached the wooden door quietly, trying not to make any noise.

As they approached, they suddenly heard a deep voice coming from inside.

"Hurry up, we need to speed up the progress."

"Don't worry, everything is under control."

Mubai's heart moved, and he immediately motioned to his companions to wait quietly.

The three of them listened intently, trying to capture more sounds and information.

"These people sounded eager."

Red said softly.

Touko frowned slightly and said, "It seems they are carrying out some kind of activity. We must be careful."

Mubai's eyes were solemn: "We cannot act rashly, we must understand the situation clearly first.

They decided to continue to observe quietly and wait for the right time.

Soon after, there was a crackling sound from inside the wooden door, as if someone was entering or leaving.

Mubai took a deep breath, knowing now was the time to take action.

"We have to go in and find out."

Mubai decided.

Chihong nodded: "Yes, we can't wait any longer."

Touko held the Poké Ball tightly in her hand: "Be ready to respond at any time."

Mubai walked to the wooden door and opened it carefully and tentatively.

The door creaked, and Fan Bai immediately signaled for his companions to follow.

They quietly entered the seemingly ordinary wooden door and came to a dark and unfamiliar space.

It seemed to be an abandoned warehouse, with all kinds of old goods and boxes scattered everywhere.

Chihong looked at the surrounding environment and whispered: "This place looks like no one has been here for a long time.

"But the sound we heard just now came from here."

Touko said nervously.

Mubai looked around with a sullen face: "We have to be careful, someone may be watching us secretly.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps and whispers, as if someone was gradually approaching their direction.

"Quick, get these goods ready, we need to transport them as soon as possible."

Upon hearing the sound, Mubai and others quickly hid in a corner and continued to observe the surrounding situation quietly.

"Have we been discovered?" Touko asked quietly.

"Don't panic. Let's check the situation first."

Mubai said softly.

They held their breath and stared at the crowd entering the warehouse.

A group of figures gradually approached, looking hurried and nervous.

"." These people don't look like ordinary residents. "

Red whispered.

Mubai watched them, trying to find clues from their actions and words.

Suddenly, a young man walked to the center of the warehouse and looked around.

"Someone is coming in! We have to be careful!" he warned in a low voice.

Mubai, Chihong and Touko looked at each other in confusion. They knew that the situation was very tense (Wang's) and they had to be careful and not act rashly.

"They seem to be preparing for some important event."

Chihong said softly to Mubai and Touko.

Mubai frowned and stared at the group of people solemnly.

"It appears they were conducting illegal transactions or other activities in this abandoned warehouse.

Mubai speculated.

Touko held the Poké Ball nervously, ready for any possible danger.

"What should we do?" Touko asked in a low voice. .

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