Pokémon: Mysterious Elf Beast

Pokémon: Mysterious Elf Beast Chapter 117


There is no use for eggs.

Although the momentum of this lightning is very vast, it has no effect at all in front of the large number of lightning rods!

"Haha." Ma Zhishi laughed twice, obviously he was happy to see Thunderbird's biggest reliance, but it didn't work in front of him.

However, isn't Ma Zhishi unable to attack anymore?The little god really can't understand where Ma Zhishi's confidence comes from. Don't forget that the attack of the electric system is also your biggest method.

While the little god was thinking, the Lightning Bird had already issued a second attack.

Its long pointed beak is the second weapon of the Lightning Bird. The Lightning Bird flapped its wings and quickly approached Ma Zhishi, and that long pointed beak had already pierced frantically.

"Hey." Ma Zhishi just smiled slightly, facing the strong attack of the lightning bird without fear!

I saw three small magnetic monsters spread out and blocked Ma Zhishi in the form of a triangle. A transparent wall was formed in the middle, perfectly resisting the crazy attack of the lightning bird.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding..." After seeing that the attack had no effect, the Lightning Bird still did not stop attacking, but madly attacked the light wall.

"Pretty!" The little god looked at the lightning bird's stormy offensive and involuntarily praised.

It has to be said that it is very beautiful that it is not retreating here. Even if the defensive net made by the little magnetic monster can withstand the attack of the lightning bird, but at the same time as the defense, they will also consume a lot of energy, so the shield cannot support how long time.

If the offensive is stopped in this way, Ma Zhishi will inevitably have the means to counterattack. With Ma Zhishi's means, it is very likely that the Lightning Bird, which has consumed a lot of physical energy, will be driven into desperation!

After all, the huge hand cannon in his hand does not look like a toy...

"!" The little god couldn't believe what he saw.

"how is this possible!"

The shield of that little magnetic monster lasted for more than 30 seconds under the attack of the lightning bird!

This is the legendary Pokémon, not the little Lada and the like that can be seen casually on the roadside, and it can't break the shield of the little magnetic monster in 30 seconds?

"Haha!" Ma Zhishi laughed as he watched the lightning bird helpless.

"Miscellaneous bird, you didn't expect that you can't even handle a small shield!"

"Flash!" The Lightning Bird yelled angrily, and had to retreat obediently, looking for a new attack method.

"Hey." Ma Zhishi smirked twice, and the huge muzzle was aimed at the lightning bird flying in the air.

"Boom, boom!" Two consecutive beeps, two shells were fired, and they hit the flapping wings of the lightning bird hard.

"Flash!" Even if it was a lightning bird, it had to fall back to the ground obediently if its wings were injured.

Ma Zhishi pointed his thumb down at Lightning Bird and stuck his tongue out, "Go to hell!"

The two shells started to move, slowly turning around, showing an evil smile, they were ball Pokémon

-Naughty bullets!

"Pop." Ma Zhishi snapped his fingers.


The light from the naughty bullet made everyone unable to open their eyes.


Chapter 87 Desperate Determination!

"What happened?" When the light dissipated, the little god quickly opened his eyes and stared at the situation inside.

However, in the dust raised by the shock wave generated by the self-detonation, only a figure standing up swayingly can barely be seen.

"Flash!" The lightning bird roared. As a legendary Pokémon, it would never allow itself to be defeated like this!

"Hey, it's a legendary Pokémon, and the perseverance is much stronger than ordinary Pokémon." Although Ma Zhishi admired the lightning bird on his mouth, the huge hand cannon in his hand has not stopped firing.

"Boom, boom, boom." Three more naughty bullets were fired.

"Lightning!" The lightning bird forcibly opened its scarred wings, and a little bit of metallic color appeared on its wings, turning into a sharp blade and slashing the naughty bullet back.

The naughty bullets that were shot back didn't fly anywhere, and all flew straight towards Ma Zhishi who was holding a huge hand cannon.

"Little Magneto!" Ma Zhishi yelled.

In an instant, the little magnetic monsters once again formed a protective net, perfectly resisting the impact of the naughty bullet.

But these naughty eggs seemed to have just been arrested, and they didn't listen to the master's words very much. They blew themselves up when they hit the protective net of the little magnetic monster.

"Boom!" There were three loud noises at the same time.

"Okay, pretty!" The little god greeted the lightning bird again involuntarily, even if it is a protective net that can attack the lightning bird under the crotch, it should not be able to withstand the explosion energy of three naughty bullets.

The Lightning Bird seemed to think so too, and had sprinkled its feet and rushed into the dust.(Why do you feel an inexplicable sense of joy?)

"This should be over!" The little god hid in the corner nervously watching the rapid changes on the field.

"Hahahahahaha!" But at this time, the scene changed again, and Ma Zhishi's magical laughter came out from the dust again.

Since he can laugh, it means that he has not received much harm!

The dust was fanned by the fast-moving lightning bird, first Ma Zhishi’s iconic exploding golden back head, (I really can’t call this hair, please forgive me, kneel.) Then Ma Zhishi’s faint smile, and finally It's the shiny barrel.

"You still underestimate me too much, now you are done!" Ma Zhishi smiled triumphantly.

"Crap!" Seeing that Lightning Bird was about to be hit, the little god called out nervously.

"Lightning!" However, the Lightning Bird didn't panic too much. It seemed to be like this for granted. Not only did it not regress, but it approached Ma Zhishi more quickly!

"This is..." Xiao Shen and Ma Zhishi were shocked by the strange behavior of Lightning Bird.

"Lightning!" The lightning bird roared, emitting a large amount of electric current all over its body.

"It's awful!" Ma Zhishi reacted instantly and hurried back, but unfortunately the hand cannon in his hand was too heavy to move quickly.


"Boom!" A huge light shone on the entire room, and a powerful current gushed out of the lightning bird!

"Ah!" Ma Zhishi's screams followed.


Then fell into peace.

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