Pokémon: Mysterious Elf Beast

Pokémon: Mysterious Elf Beast Chapter 152

"?" Xiaozhi raised his head suspiciously.

"At that time, the badge that was returned to you was fake. How can I return it so easily for what I got so hard?" Xiaolan proudly showed off the two badges on his ears.

"Hey, I'll trouble you here!" After speaking, Xiao Lan ran out.

"Ah! Xiaolan, you fellow!"

"Oh, you are breaking up, are you just a bunch of little ghosts?" Na Zi couldn't help but smile when she saw this scene.

"Forget it, you all have to die anyway!"

"Come out, Flaming Bird!"

"Yongjila, use an instant transfer to pull the lightning bird and the freezing bird together!"

With a scream, the ice-blue frozen bird and the yellow lightning bird appeared on both sides of the flame bird.

"Hehe, are you in a panic when you see this scene?" Na Zi sneered.


Xiaozhi nervously looked at the three Pokémon birds in front of him, one of them was so difficult to deal with, let alone three?

"Ahem." Xiaoshen swam out from the stairs.

"Damn it, it took so long to finally find the exit. I knew I should have been let Kusana take me away." The little god got up wet from the ground.

"Hmm..." The little god's super intuition felt something strange.

"It seems... it's going to change!"


Chapter 117

"Haha, Xiaozhi, how about it? No matter how good you are, you can't fight these three legendary bird Pokémon!" Na Zi said proudly, standing behind the three bird Pokémon.

"..." Xiao Zhi chose to be silent.

I have to delay it. I can't deal with these three by myself. If Xiao Mao and Xiao Shen can rush over, there should be no problem.

But can I postpone until that time?Xiaozhi thought with cold sweat.

At this time, Xiao Lan was hiding in a corner, looking around outside.

"Well, I don't seem to be chasing."

"Hehe, quickly throw away the fake." Xiao Lan took out the fake gray badge and blue badge.

"Then put the real ones in." Xiaolan put the badges in one by one.

"Boom bang bang bang!" As soon as Xiao Lan put the badge in, the instrument began to exercise vigorously.

"Hey, what kind of Pokémon is it? Will it be a Pokémon as powerful as the machine Pokémon last time?" The last time the power of the super dream gave Xiaolan an extremely deep impression.

"Bang!" At this moment, a ball of light appeared from the notch in the middle of the energy amplifier.

"Ha, this new Pokémon is mine!" Xiaolan stretched out his hand excitedly.

"Shoo!" Just when Xiaolan's hand was about to touch the ball of light, the ball of light suddenly rushed in one direction.

"Huh! What's going on?" Xiaolan stared blankly in the direction where the ball of light was leaving.

Damn, we must find a way.Xiaozhi's hand touched the Pokémon ball on his belt, ready to resist Nazi's attack.

"Pop!" Suddenly a bright light flashed from the door.

This... what is this?Xiaozhi was baffled by the sudden bright light.

Humph, finally here!A smile appeared on the corner of Na Zi's mouth.

"Don't be kidding, those stinks! How could this be."

"The fire in the building is getting bigger and bigger, feel free to flee!" Outside the Sirov Building, members of the Big Push Rockets were evacuating in a panic.

"Well, did you hear anything?" a Rockets member said to the person next to him.

"What sound? Are you stupid?" the Rockets member scolded.

"No... I really heard it!"

"Bang!" Suddenly a big rock snake rushed out from under their feet and knocked the Rockets to the ground.


"What the hell is going on!" The members of the Rockets suddenly became more panicked.

"Dayan snake, use shock!"

"Boom boom boom!" Big Rock Snake rushed into the crowd, and people were constantly being knocked into flight.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The members of the Rockets screamed.

At this time, Xiaogang walked out and took out an intercom from his pocket, "I am Xiaogang, and the south exit has been suppressed."

Xiaogang stood in front of the big rock snake, "Oh, little god, Xiaozhi, because of you, this big rock snake is resurrected again!"

"This time I will show you its power!"

"I'm Xiaoxia, and the north exit has been blocked!" Behind Xiaoxia, members of the Big Push Rockets did not dare to move forward because of the obstacles of the gem sea star and the sea star.

"I am Li Jia, the west exit is already under my control, and the east exit has also been suppressed by the elite trainers of Golden City!"

Lijia looked towards the Sirov Building where the fire continued to spread.

Xiao Shen, Xiao Zhi, Xiao Mao, thanks to your attack on the Rockets’ base Sirov Building, we righteous trainers have surrounded the Golden City regiment as planned. This time, the Rockets will definitely be eliminated.

Although a little sorry, in order to prevent the Rockets’ intelligence network from knowing this plan, I did not tell you this plan.

However, you will definitely win!

Li Jia, Xiao Gang, and Xiao Xia looked at the Sirov Building and silently cheered for them.

And in another secret base of the Rockets.

"Go on, the formation of the Rockets has been disrupted by us, there is nothing terrifying!" Xiao Saki is directing the townspeople of Zhenxin Town to launch a counterattack.

Under the attack of the townsfolk, the Pokémon of the Rockets suddenly became panic.

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