Pokémon: Mysterious Elf Beast

Pokémon: Mysterious Elf Beast Chapter 194

"Ha!" The scarred Hackron looked up to the sky and roared. This battle was the hardest and the easiest it has ever fought!

This is its common victory with the little god!

This guy may be able to rely on it... Hackron closed his eyelids and fell straight down. He slept so peacefully. Hackron knew that he would never be lonely again.

"Thank you." The little god took Hacklon back with a heavy heart.

"Okay, Hackron is so powerful, it can knock down the fast dragon!"

"Hackeron is so handsome!"

"The trainer is also great, this battle is really great!"


This time, the audience in the field reached a boiling point. Such a wonderful and exciting battle has really not been seen for a long time.

However, Xia Shu's actions will disappoint them, "I'm sorry, I give up in this game."

This action not only made the audience cries of dissatisfaction, but even the little god was a little strange.

"Why give up? You still have a chance."

"No, I have already lost, as a trainer, I have already lost to you." Xia Shu said seriously.

"You are very strong, and there is also an inexplicable aura in your body. The battle with you has made my heart boil without fluctuating for a long time. To be honest, these dozens of minutes are the most fulfilling time I have had in decades. ."

"I was forgiven by the fire elf, but I failed as a trainer. There was no way to control my fast dragon, and I was almost..." Xia Shu lowered her head with guilt.

Xia Shu raised his head again, "Little God, you are really a very interesting guy. I have seen my ideal self in your body. Maybe that's why I'm so excited."

"However, I would not admit defeat so much. After I go back, I will discuss with my father and work hard to exercise myself." Xia Shu came to the little god and stretched out his hand. "At that time, we will have another wonderful experience. Fight!"

"Since you have said so, I can't help but give you this face." The little god shook Xia Shu's hand and smiled, "However, no matter how many times, I won't lose."

"Hehe, I will pay you back this sentence."

The audience understands people. Since Xia Shu has said so, they can only silently applaud themselves at this time, applaud for their wonderful battle, applaud Xia Shu's determination, and for the little god. Power applause!

"Xia Shu gave up, and the third round of the preliminaries was Xiaoshen's victory!"

On the big screen, the photo of the little god was enlarged, and the word "WIN" was typed out.

"Although we did not enjoy the gripping third game, their performance and spirit expressed were so outstanding. Let us once again give us applause for these two outstanding trainers."

In applause, the two left the venue.

From the back, they all look mature like that!


Chapter 163 Xiaomao vs. Path

"The moon elf won, the little god player won the game and qualified to participate in the race!"

From the end of the battle with Xia Shu, in the next two battles, the little god won the victory in one breath, and the momentum is unstoppable!

"Pop!" The head of the little god slowly shrank and placed it next to the other three players who participated in the race. They were the masked guest, Xiaohuo, and Xiaozhi.

"Xiaozhi also successfully entered the main match, and then we will see Xiaomao and Xiaolan." Xiaoshen paused, "I remember that their opponents in the last round were very strong. One was to use There is another trainer path of the Giant Pincer Mantis, it seems to be Xue Yao."

"Yu." Xiaosaki stood at the door and waved towards Xiaoshen, "You hurry up, Xiaomao's game is about to begin, didn't you say you want to watch it? Xiaozhi has passed."

"Yes, yes, I'm here." The little god quickened his pace and walked towards the venue where Xiaomao played.

When Xiao Shen and Xiao Saki rushed to the competition venue, they found that Xiao Shige and Xiao Lu had just entered the field.

"Fortunately, the game has just started." Xiao Shen took Xiao Saki's hand and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, Xiao Su, Xiao Saki, here!" Not far away, Xiao Zhi was standing up and waving at them. It seemed that Xiao Zhi had already taken a place for them.

"Thank you." The little god took Xiao Saki's unceremonious butt and sat next to Xiao Zhi. However, while the little god was happy, he didn't notice what Xiao Zhi called him to suffer. This shows that he has been silent. Accepted the fact that he was a sufferer.

"How's it going."

"Well, Xiaomao is in very good shape, and he will definitely win."

"Really, it looks like there will be a good game."

Xiaozhi slapped the little god on the back, "Compared to this, the match between you and that summer tree is more scary. I didn't expect the two of you to fight so intensely. It's a shame not to see it."

"Well, it's okay, I was playing hard at the time, I really thought he was such a strong guy."


"Okay, now that Xiao Mao and Xiaolu players are in place, I announce that the fifth round of preliminaries in Division 6 now officially starts!"

The game has not yet started, and the field is full of gunpowder. Koji and Xiao Mao both appear extremely confident, and they both firmly believe that they will win the game.

"I will leave it to you, Kyuubi."

"Gotha Duck, it's up to you."

"Oh, this is a disadvantage for Xiaomao. The water-based Gotha Duck has an absolute advantage against the fire-based Nine Tails."

"Really, that's not necessarily true, even flame Pokémon have a way to deal with water Pokémon!"

Kyuubi immediately raised his head to face the sun in the sky, as if gathering something.

"Gather, launch!" Xiao Mao roared, "Sunny flames!"

The powerful beam of light condensed in an instant, straightly hitting the Gotha Duck.

Xiaolu probably didn't expect Xiaomao's attack speed to be so fast. Before he had time to command the Gotha Duck, the Gotha Duck who tried to dodge was still hit by the sun and flames, and his whole body was blown out.

"How is it possible, isn't Sunlight Flame a nirvana that can only be fired by accumulating energy?"

"The characteristic of my Nine Tails is the drought characteristic, which can make the weather become clear when I appear on the stage, and I also wear hot rocks to it, which makes the sunny days last longer!"

In the case of a sunny day, not only the power of the flame element will be greatly increased, but also the skills of the grass element will be added, and the sun flame can be released directly without storing energy.

This is exactly the secret that Kyuubi can directly release the sun and flames.

The role of the clear sky is more than that, the power of the water system's trick will be greatly reduced under the effect of the clear sky.

At this time, it is a joke that the water-based Gotha duck is in an advantage over the fire-based Kyuubi.

"Tsk." Xiaolu shook his head. Originally, he thought he was using the Gotha Duck to deal with Xiaomao's fire-breathing dragon and Kyuubi, but he didn't expect to be enlisted.

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