Pokemon Pearl

Chapter 54 - 54 - The History of the Peninsula

The next morning, as the sun rises over the mountainous horizon, at around 5:55 a.m., Rico and his team are walking down the street to a convenience store to buy some snacks and quick breakfast items for the day. They'll be staying at Galen City for 3 days, before going back home by 5 in the afternoon. At the little, yet functional convenience store, they went aisle after aisle searching for what Rico needed. After a while, they found it and get some cheap items that can be eaten and drink without having to cook or mix.

"Wow, those are really easy to eat," Rico commented to himself. Litleo then responded with plain commenting. They then all proceed to get some small and sweet, packed muffins at a pastries aisle. There as he pull one of the packs off the shelf, Rico suddenly saw the same Pokémon Trainer he had encountered back at the airport in Kawayan City at the other side. Surprised suddenly, Rico fell backwards on his hands to the floor.

"What the...? It's you again?" the Trainer, named Grey, responded to this encounter as he saw Rico at the other side as he get some drinks. Standing up, Rico dust himself off and replied with a bit of embarrassment, "Yeah, sorry about the sudden reaction." Upon seeing Rico's Pokémon, Grey was mildly amazed by them, and asked Rico, "Who are those Pokémon? I never seen these before."

"This one is Riolu," Rico positively introduced his Pokémon to him, "A Fighting-type from the Sinnoh region." Riolu the responded with happiness and greeting.

"Wow, a Riolu," Grey replied back in calming down. "That's amazing. Then how about that one?" He was directing to Piplup.

"Oh, this is Piplup," Rico positively introduced his Piplup to him, "a Water-type, and one of the starters of the Sinnoh region."

"Amazing, a starter Pokémon," responded Grey back in amazement.

Later, walking down the streets after paying for their snacks, Grey commented to Rico, "Wow, kid, you had strange-looking Pokémon. I never seen them until I got here."

"Woah, seriously?" replied Rico back in attention.

"Yeah, what I have are Eevees in different evolution forms," Grey responded back.

"Wow, Eevees," Rico responded in rising amazement. Then in his mind, "He must have been lucky." They then stopped at an intersection when the pedestrian crossing light was indicated red, allowing traffic to flow in. They waited in patience. 30 seconds later, the light turned green, and they were allowed to cross the street. After that, they went to the same park where Rico, Maneki, and Theodora had a battle. At this time of day, the park was bȧrėly busy, with small families having a bonding time and looking at the sunrise at the east and regular people jogging across, often with their Pokémon. They settled at the park's concrete, sheltered, and elevated stage and eat up their light and easy breakfast. But, their hotel's breakfast was still waiting for them.

"I really liked the feeling of being at an empty stage as the sun rises or sets," Rico commented in embracing the environment as he eats his breakfast pastry with chocolate filling, "it's just... peaceful and a nice scenery, as if I would paint a picture of it with oil paints." Riolu then responded with happiness.

"Yeah, you're right," Grey added positively as he drinks his bottle of orange juice. "It is beautiful." This follows with a short silence as the sun rises over the sea horizon at a sufficient elevation high enough to see the sea from above and bȧrėly being blocked by buildings. Then, after 2 minutes of peaceful silence, Maneki suddenly called in Rico's phone, catching their attention in its vibration function. Upon hearing it, Rico picked it up and responded, "Hi, dude, good morning." At the hotel's buffet section, Maneki replied, "Rico, where are you? Breakfast is ready in 25 minutes."

"Right," Rico responded back seriously, "just let us finish our time and we'll be there." He then ended his conversation and said to Grey, "Grey, I'm finishing my breakfast and have to go back to our hotel."

"What hotel?" Grey asked him back.

"White Flowers Resort," Rico answered back.

"What? That's my hotel as well," Grey replied. Rico was surprised by that.

"Wow, what a coincidence," Rico commented positively. Litleo then responded with agreement.

After finishing their light breakfast, all of them rushed back to the hotel in time for breakfast, with Rico apologizing to Maneki and Mr. Fukui for going out without any permission. Maneki and Mr. Fukui then accepted their apology, telling them to grab their trays, plates, and utensils and start picking for breakfast.

Later that morning, all of them went to a table for four, settle down, and eat up, while their Pokémon are eating their special food around them.

"So that guy is Grey?" Maneki commented on Grey. "Literally? Is that a codename or something?"

"Yes, he is," Rico happily responded. "And not a codename."

"I'm here for a historical tour," Grey reasoned his visit in the peninsula.

"Oh, us too," Mr. Fukui replied back. "About the Leron's Sunken Civilization?"

"Yes, that's it," Grey responded positively.

"Then join us," Mr. Fukui offered him. as he smiled happily. Thinking about this, Grey answered him, "Sure."

By 9:00 a.m., at Galen's big and busy seaport, Rico, Maneki, Mr. Fukui, Grey, their Pokémon, and 200 other people and their Pokémon of various kinds and types boarded a ferry with excellent viewing decks for their long-awaited tour, under a smart and positive tour guide. Everyone are going around to find seats, often under the shades to protect them from the heat of the sun. This takes then over half an hour to go to their seats, but in the end, everyone is completely here for the tour.

"Alright, everyone, are you ready for this tour?" the female tour guide asked the crowd in bright expectation. The crowd then responded with excitement.

"Okay then, let's go!" the tour guide exclaimed in positive confidence. Up the deck, the captain started the ferry's engine and off they went for their long tour. But meanwhile, a group of bad guys, which composed of rebellious and psychopathic teenagers and their Pokémon, set sail to ruin their tour and the precious monuments for fun. However, Blue Ninja and his team are watching them from a distance and are now ready to strike them.

Sailing across the sea away from the city, the tour guide constantly explained to the group about the ruins that had been buried underwater for over a thousand years, including its history and background prior to the earthquake that sunken it. Many of the tourists are looking down the waters at the sunken ruins of old buildings, structures, and monuments, often covered in seaweed and seagrass after centuries of being underwater. The structures underwater are around 5-11 feet only and often had their roofs and most of the walls destroyed, exposing their interiors to the outside through the crystal clear waters of the sea. Down in the sunken streets and parks are broken artifacts that had been left untouched for a millennia, including broken stone tablets, wooden crates, furniture, and carts, broken and shattered pottery, etc. Two kilometers away from their location is a long and skinny group of broken and partially connected pillars of a long stone bridge called the Galenus Bridge.

Back at the ferry, as the others do their own thing, Rico and his team are glancing down at the ruins in great positive enthusiasm, while Maneki and Grey are taking cover under a shaded area and Mr. Fukui is having a conversation with some tourists while sipping a glass of orange juice.

"Wow, those ruins looked historical and awesome," Rico commented positively like a happy child. "I think that'll be great theme for my journal." Starly, on Rico's hat perching, then responded happily with agreement. Riolu, sitting on an empty bench, then responded with happy comfort.

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