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Chapter 29 Mega Evolution, Charizard X

Seeing the fiery beast showing off its muscles with him, Charmander was disdainful from the bottom of his heart.

I'm just a master in his early stage, what should I pretend to be?

Do you have the ability to fight a frog?

You take advantage of the fact that the frog is tired and pretend to be a fool. Who got used to your bad habit?

After moving its limbs, Charmander smiled evilly.

Slowly took off the Immutable Stone from around his neck and threw it into Xu Mu's hands.

I don’t know where to find the Mega Evolution Stone of Charizard X that was originally rewarded by the system.


【Are you ready? 】

[I am about to start the operation and witness the miraculous moment! 】

Charmander said as his body lit up with a dazzling white light!

The light of evolution!

This cautious monster that had been living in Novice Village for several years finally chose to evolve today.

Since he followed Xu Mu out of the old principal's backyard, he has experienced many battles, large and small, along the way.

And the combat effectiveness of the pseudo-king stage alone is no longer enough to protect himself.

Normally, after so many battles, Charmander felt that his strength should have improved a lot.

However, no, due to the limitation of race value, Charmander is still at the level of False Heavenly King, and the improvement is not much.

Therefore, Charmander also had the idea of ​​evolution.

It just so happened that today, under the attention of many powerful people and in front of the mythical beast Yandi, Charmander had a chance to appear!

If you don’t show off now, when will you wait?


A strange dragon roar sounded, and a single horn grew out of the little fire dragon's head, and its body became several times bigger visible to the naked eye!

Fire dinosaur!

"What's the use of evolution? Such a weak guy, even if he evolves, he can't block the blow of the Explosive Beast!"

Venerable Dongfeng is always desperate for his life. Seeing the evolution of Charmander, he immediately opened his mouth to draw hatred.

It was as if all the hatred between heaven and earth was drawn to him.

What, is it hard for no one to beat you?

You have been an MT for a long time, are you not used to being beaten?

Xu Mu looked at Lord Dongfeng speechlessly. To be honest, there was no point in scolding him.

This old guy's face can't be too thick. He's been slapped in the face so many times and he still doesn't have a long memory?

If you don’t believe it, just watch, he will be slapped in the face next!

Lord Dongfeng made rude remarks, and the fire dinosaur was very angry.

After evolving, his temper became much stronger, and he naturally became a little more irritable.

With a casual burst of flames, the Green Lotus Earth Fire was used to the extreme by the Fire Dinosaur, spraying straight towards Lord Dongfeng.

The Explosive Beast stepped forward and used protection to block the jet of flames. Only then did Lord Dongfeng escape with a small life and was not burned by the Fire Dinosaur.

"How dare you attack me!"

Venerable Dongfeng was almost attacked. He broke out in a cold sweat and jumped in anger.

"Fire Explosive Beast, teach him a lesson, Gunsmoke Charge!"

Explosive Beast is naturally obedient. Even if his trainer has cerebral palsy, he is still his trainer after all.

After condensing the fire energy in his body, the Explosive Beast will attack.


【stop! 】

The fire dinosaur suddenly stretched out a claw and signaled the fire beast to wait.

The Fire Explosive Beast didn't understand the situation and dissipated the charge of Gunsmoke Charge in a daze. He looked at the Fire Dinosaur, wondering what he was going to do.

[Wait a minute, I haven’t finished pretending yet! 】

The fire dinosaur raised its head and finished speaking arrogantly, its body lit up with dazzling white light again!

Huge wings, one horn turned into two horns, thick lower limbs, sharp claws...

This is Charmander's final evolved form - Charizard!


Roar again, this time the dragon's roar has that flavor.

After the Charizard evolved, he first admired his new body, and then moved a few times to feel the sudden increase in power.

[Not bad, not bad, the king is in the early stage! 】

[If I try harder, I can catch up with the frog. 】

Nodding with satisfaction, Charizard enjoyed his current power.

He was satisfied, but everyone else was dumbfounded.

Even Xu Mu himself didn't expect that Charmander could evolve twice in a row?

This is too weird. Except for the thousand-year-old ghost stone in the original comic, it seems that this situation has never happened!

"I have the key stone here, and you have the mega stone over there. Good guy, it turns out that was your idea. You are really cautious!"

Only now did Xu Mu understand what the little fire dragon meant.

From the moment he took down the Immortal Stone, this guy had no intention of keeping a low profile.

The ultimate goal of Gou is to show off!

The little fire dragon has been living in poverty for so many years, and it’s time to stand up again!

Xu Mu's key stone was actually given as a bonus when the system rewarded the mega evolution stone.

At the moment, although Xu Mu was happy for Charmander's strong rise, he also felt the deep calculation coming from the system.

I always feel like I’ve been tricked by the dog system again!

By the way, Charmander's check-in mission is to fight the Master!

I wipe it!

Xu Mu originally thought that with a cautious character like Charmander and a temperament that would never take action unless he was sure of victory, it would be a fool's errand to complete this task!

At that time, he was glad that he was stable and laughed at the miscalculation of the dog system.


Forget it, as long as Charmander is happy, no, it should be called Charizard now!

"Come on, Charizard, show them something more powerful!"

After Xu Mu figured it out, he laughed and shouted: "Mega evolution, Charizard X!"

The mysterious power comes from the key stone, and at the same time, the evolution stone worn by Charizard responds simultaneously!

Wrapped in the light of evolution again, Charizard continues to evolve!

Black wings, faint blue flames, and a sharp dragon roar!

Charizard X——Enter!

This time, Xu Mu was too shameless!

Relying on the power brought by super evolution, Charizard X can leapfrog and challenge a fire elf with no problem at all!

"Come on, Charizard X, start Dragon Dance, and then give him a taste of Dragon Wave!"

Xu Mu didn't let Charizard X use any difficult combos or skills that were too powerful.

After all, this guy has just evolved. He is not familiar with the body and is not very skilled in the use of power. These are normal phenomena.

"Fire Explosive Beast, charge with gunpowder smoke! Then continuous big character explosions!"

Lord Dongfeng's idea is also very practical. He charges with gun smoke to increase his speed, and then uses the big character explosion to block the dragon's wave.

On the field, Charizard X and Explosive Beast soon started fighting.

Off the field, Sirona opened her mouth slightly and looked at Xu Mu and Charizard X in shock.

She didn't expect that this new friend who saved her and Yuanlu Shark would actually have the strength to defeat the Venerable!

Of course, she never expected that this new friend wanted to be her boyfriend.

"Come on, Xu Mu!"

Clenching her little fists, Sirona cheered Xu Mu in her heart with a serious look on her face.

She is too pure. Sirona, who has received the highest education since she was a child, has an extremely pure mind and does not understand the intricate relationships outside, nor does she understand power and interests.

She only knew that Emperor Yan needed help; Xu Mu was right!

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