Popular Science is Weird: Do You Call This a Learning Anchor? !

Chapter 104: I'm so touched, look at the network of Brother Xizi

"Sorry, madam, our school is a decent school, 100% responsible to students, all means are reasonable and legal."

"Then please use your legal means to help my daughter."

"Yes, don't worry..."

On the phone, although the conversation between the two of them sometimes flashed through the current, they were still clearly dialed out.

The shadows on the wall changed like ink rippling in a basin, and gradually formed the appearance of a girl secretly lying at the door and hearing all the conversations between her mother and teacher in the room.

Although the shadow can't make up her facial features, just this silhouette can make people see the infinite sadness and pain.

Then the shadow on the wall changed again.

Girls receive a reasonable education, then resist, and then be educated...

Around unknowingly, the first string of crying in the corridor and the laughter of the perpetrator came again.

It makes people shudder.

"...I have never told you the story of the dolls in my family."

Lin Muge sighed.

"Brother Xizi was sent to...somewhere I can't say, and if you say it, you will get a 404. If you see it, you can type it on the public screen."

He looked at the pictures in front of him and pursed his mouth slightly.

"Octopus Academy"

""Serious School""

""Reasonable and Lawful Means""

"Brother Xizi is too miserable..."

"There are still many people like Brother Xizi in this world..."

"It's really chilling to hear my mother and teacher say that..."

Rows of barrage flashed past.

Although they are all silhouettes, in this small room that seems likely to collapse at any time, the appeal is extremely strong.

"This room should be built according to Xizi's dormitory."

"Including this corridor, if I'm not mistaken, there should be a lot of Xizi's relics here."

"That's why she can exert such power."

"If you have the opportunity, you can feel it. Standing next to the relics you liked in your lifetime will make you feel invincible in the world, but that's the way it is."

Lin Muge sighed.

"Brother Xizi's tactic is very good. First use his own experience to win my sympathy and attract my attention."

"When a person's attention is attracted, it is the best time for you to scare him."

"Everyone who is weird in the live broadcast room can also learn this technique."

He turned the camera.


"Barrage Guards Barrage Guards Barrage Guards!"

"Is it so scary!!"

"Brother Xizi...cow"

"Can this be predicted too?"

"Is **** behind the pigeon..."

Behind Lin Muge, there was no so-called room.

Behind him is full of darkness, and countless ghosts are wailing in the darkness, as if they are crawling out of hell.

Under such a scene, he appeared extremely small, as if in a trance as a grain of sand in the sea.

"This isn't scary."

"Brother Xizi, the real horror is not made like you do."

"This kind of thing is just looking at the big battle, but to be honest, even ordinary people can't scare it, because it's too...unreal."

"To be honest, the call you just vomited blood was even scarier than this."

Lin Muge stretched out his hand.

"Look, everyone, these ghosts seem to work hard to figure it out and then pull me in, but they all pretend to be."

"I stretched out my hands, you just pretended to catch me!"

He took a step forward, and the ghosts in the dark took a step back in horror.

This scene is hard to not think of the densely packed sailors in the South River.

"This is not a special effect, brothers, these are all sisters from the underworld that Brother Xizi called for me."

"I'm so touched, look at the network of Brother Xizi."

Lin Muge fixed the camera, first shook his side a shot, and then quickly shook hands with them one by one and high-five when the underworld sisters didn't react.

"This is after all the sisters Xizi brother invited to Yangjian. As Xizi brother's family, I must also be a little enthusiastic, and I can't lose Xizi brother's face."

Lin Muge chased after the hideous ghosts and entertained him.

"I knew it……"

"Is it true that even ordinary people can't be scared...I feel like I'm almost scared to death..."


"Seeking the mental shadow area of ​​Brother Xizi now"

""Sisters of the Underworld""


"Will the pigeons entertain me so warmly when I die?"

Although Lin Muge faced countless terrifying ghosts, this terrifying scene became dramatic in just a few seconds...

Lin Muge's enthusiasm on his face seemed to really just want to warmly entertain these brothers and sisters who came from afar from the underworld.

"Forget it, stop making trouble."

He sighed as he watched the ghosts scrambling to leave him, and then turned on the light in the room.

"Here is another wave of science popularization for everyone."

"If you are not stupid or silly, you will destroy the light first, but this room is the most...complicated place in the heart of Brother Xizi."

"This is the place where she has been tortured. It is the place where Xizi's heart is scared, so she specially left a lamp here."

"Even if it is a ghost, there will be light in my heart, right, Xiaocan."

Lin Muge looked at the flashing red figure outside the door.

"Come on, brothers, let's witness what kind of gift Xiaocan prepared for me."

He hesitated for a while without turning off the light, opened the door and strode into the dark corridor.

"Very well, Xiaocan really did a lot for this science popularization, which really touched me, so let me take everyone through the underworld."

Lin Muge took a deep breath and took the camera.

"The first point of knowledge has been said before. Spirituality has no power without fear."

In the darkness, a terrifying vicious dog with black gas and fangs protruding from his mouth, bit the arm that Lin Muge had proactively extended, and then it turned into a plume of black smoke and exploded.

"The cute puppy just now is the image Xiaocan imagined in her heart. Now I am in her territory. In theory, if her strength is strong, www.readwn.com~ can control everything."

While talking, Lin Muge stiffened his chest on the sharp sword pouring out at him, and then pulled up a side of the unknown corpse that jumped out of the trap full of spikes.

There are gusts of wind and wind, and the contradictory interweaving of desperate shouts and children's frolicking makes people feel painful inexplicably.

But it couldn't hide the excitement on Lin Mupi's face.

"Should I say, this temperature really feels like going home."

Lin Muge stretched.

"These are not a thousand hands, everyone should be able to see it."

Pairs of pale hands on both sides of the corridor stretched out and grabbed Lin Muge's legs.

"Xiao Can, are there any surprises? This is too routine. Don't tell me about these hands. I guess everyone is tired of watching it."

Lin Muge sighed and said.

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