Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 327 Eat your flesh and drink your blood

If the previous time and space trap was aimed at Saw Man. Then the current shadow dragon is directed at the giant.


Ren is the giant who slayed the dragon!

In ancient times, the beings that killed the most dragons were giants. This includes giants in a broad sense and over three meters tall, and giants in a narrow sense - that is, Titans!

When the Dragon Clan sees Titan, it is the same as meeting Lei now.

Even though the 'giant' Ren En is only 1.8 meters tall, the key is that he kills a lot!

As soon as he saw his figure, the shadow dragon could hardly suppress the reverse impulse mixed with fear and the desire to kill.

Thanks to this, Renn easily discovered the other party's existence through system scanning.

Being scolded by Ren, the huge squirming shadow couldn't help it: "What do you think of the great shadow dragon? A loach in the gutter?"

"Oh, you can be." Ren responded sarcastically.

"Haha! Your arrogance stops here. This is the plane of shadow! My world!" Following the words, the cold air around him spurted out, and the temperature dropped to at least fifty degrees below zero in an instant. Not only that, as the surrounding light changes, the entire space seems to be changing rapidly. Something almost lawful was expanding crazily, eroding the place where Ren and the others were standing.

In a sense, the sinister dragon was right, this was the world of shadows, its home turf.

Non-shadow creatures are really at a disadvantage fighting in such an environment.

Feeling the surging shadow power swarming from all directions, the three of Gunteya couldn't help but shrink back towards Ren. Shadow energy is a typical negative energy, which is very similar to what the undead play. To most living people, this stuff is poison and highly corrosive.

Even Sanders, the shadow dancer who also played with shadows, felt uncomfortable. Because this power has a strong dragon imprint, this power is also harmful to Sanders before it is transformed into the power of shadow that enters the body.

Seeing the humans huddled together in fear, the shadow dragon seemed very happy: "Give you one last chance to surrender! Serve me as your master, otherwise I will peel off your skin as a decoration for my claws and take your head off." Use it as a trinket and circulate it among the dragon clans. Let all the dragon clans see that the so-called [Dragon Nemesis] is nothing more than that."

The cold and unruly declaration, if it were another opponent, might have frightened the opponent to the point of trembling.

However, this is the physics school that quits the dragon meat burger set!

Without even prompting from Ren, Guntya was the first to stand up.

"Bastard dragon, are these your last words? Your evil deeds have spread throughout the Kaos continent! Your despicability makes even the devil ashamed! Bah! You asked me to surrender, I can't wait to eat your flesh! Drink Your blood!"

The legendary barbarian slapped his chest hard, making a loud banging sound.

What a strong momentum!

Not only him, but Sanders and John stood side by side and responded in unison: "Eat your flesh! Drink your blood!"

Renn: "..."

Shadow Dragon: "..."

As long as the large and small bottles on the barbarian's belt are not oil, salt, ginger, onion, sauce and vinegar, or if the guy puts away the tears at the corner of his mouth, who will believe it?

Ren had never understood before that Mao Gangtya thought that a tough man who was actually quite intelligent would be willing to work in the Physics School. But recently he understood that this foodie came here just for the dragon meat!

If you want to enjoy the free dragon meat meal, what could be more simple and crude than directly serving the school of physics?

What Ren wanted to complain about more was the two guys at the back: Hey! I saw the way you two separated the shadow reeds!

By the way, when there is a shortage of toilet paper, the shadow plane reed grass, which is relatively flexible and not easy to scratch, is the best substitute.

If Guntea is a pure foodie, then for those two thieves, Shadow Dragon Meat is definitely a great supplement.

Needless to say, Shadow Dancer Sanders, John, who recently also wanted to switch to Shadow Dance, had probably been planning for a long time.

The three guys turned their heads in unison: "Please, Mr. Tesla, lead us to victory!"

Ren was speechless.

I have seen people painting cakes, but I have never seen the guy being painted. In turn, he asked the person painting the cakes to paint restaurants instead.

That’s ridiculous!

Opposite, the Shadow Dragon, who had lived for so long, was certainly not an idiot. He was furious, and his angry dragon roar echoed throughout the airspace.

"You want to eat me! You humble ants! I'll eat you first!"

Everyone couldn't see anything clearly, only a large group of shadows came towards their faces.

Without any hesitation, the extremely primitive power of Guntea exploded, and with a loud shout he activated [Victory Roar], and this guy rushed forward with an ax in hand.

This is what the Barbarians do as forwards.

The violent power from the barbarian ancestors was poured into the big axe, and then the [Lizi emblem] on it was activated, and a dazzling thunder light suddenly rose from the ax blade.

The momentum of this [violent strike] was not inferior to the diving attack of the opposite shadow dragon.

However, it was only the first contact between the two parties...

"There's something weird!" Sanders shouted.

The space on Guntea's left side was inexplicably distorted, like a mass of stirred ink, revealing a translucent light black claw.

Gunthea's reaction was not unpleasant. Even though he hit the ax horizontally in front of the tip of his claws at the last moment, when his body and claws passed by each other, everyone could clearly see that the tip of the claws drew a bright arc, and the claws drew out a bright arc. The larger barbarian flew out like a doll, bringing out a string of dirty blood beads.

Fortunately, he was wearing a set of dragon skin scale armor. It can only be said that the strength of Color Prince's dragon skin and scales is absolutely top-notch. Even though everyone has glimpsed a deep claw mark on his chest and abdomen, if the defense is not broken, the defense is not broken.

He escaped the fate of being disemboweled, but the impact he suffered head-on was unavoidable.

The legendary barbarian spat out a mouthful of blood.

What’s even more outrageous is that Shadow Dragon seems to have the special ability of [Multiple Attacks]. At the same time, four people were attacked at the same time!

Sanders managed to dodge with a shadow jump, but John was not so lucky. He was a step too slow to dodge, and before he could react, his body was hit by the opponent's majestic and almost unstoppable force. His whole body was like It was swept away like a cannonball.

The one who really shocked Long was Ren.

Ren didn't dodge, but slapped him on the back with [Bigby's Protective Palm].


Even if the barbarian, who was famous for his strength, could withstand the blow from the giant dragon, he would at least feel dizzy for a while under the shadow dragon's exaggerated 29 points of raw power.

But no!

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