Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 340: Internal potential tapping?

With a flash of light, Ren was already a hundred meters away. After a few flashes, he arrived at a nearby hill.

Here, looking at Harry who was busy non-stop, writing and drawing on the ground, burying magic traps, and making various preparations, the three guys who followed him were a little confused.

Who knows!

I was eating hamburgers and drinking drinks in the canteen when I was suddenly taken to work by my boss.

Matt and Guntera looked at each other, silently took out their pockets, and took out the half-eaten dragon burger inside.

You can do the work, but you have to finish the meal.

This is dragon meat! It is a great sin to waste half a bite!

Sanders, who was supposed to fulfill his duties as a scout, saw these two foodies and couldn't help but ask: "Do you think that Mr. Tesla seems a little anxious recently, as if something big is about to happen?" ?”

The two foodies shook their heads in unison.

"...I didn't ask."

One is a really funny guy, and the other is a wise and foolish barbarian. You can't force him even though his characters are set out here.

Sanders sighed and went to work obediently.

In fact, he is not the only one who has such doubts. In the academy, the three Tangs who have not dispersed also have similar doubts.

Flora: "Do you feel that Master is eager to cultivate us into legends recently?"

Downs blinked: "Well, I'm the senior brother, and the pressure is always on me. I don't think Master is too impatient."

Barend said angrily: "I feel that way."

Flora seemed to wake up with a start, and suddenly recalled something: "Do you still remember what Master said, 'Ande warriors guard the four sides'?"

The two brothers nodded in unison.

"Can we assume one thing - the continent of Kaos will suffer a terrible disaster soon. In the absence of the return of the gods, only the legendary strong ones can fight? In the face of such a major disaster , Master can’t control it by himself, so we must contribute to help Master guard one side?”

Downs and Barend were suddenly startled. They looked at it carefully, and it seemed that this was really the case.

Countries looking for the School of Physics are certainly offering a sufficient price in exchange. On the other hand, what Master is doing is not to enhance the strength of the entire metahuman camp?

There are too many monster things on the continent of Kaos, and they are in tatters everywhere, but there are always people who are willing to mend this tattered world.

Master, he is so great!

For a moment, the eyes of the three of them were a little moist.

Barend was silent for a while: "I have a better grasp of various physical theories and formulas. I will find a suitable target in a few days, and Mashana and I will go out."

These two simple sentences revealed the dwarf's firm determination.

To be honest, Barend is still young from a dwarf's point of view, and he is still a person who has lived for more than eighty years. Although he was grateful to Ren for snatching his daughter back from the banshee and turned into a heroic spirit, and then became a dwarf version of Gundam, on another level, he was still somewhat incompatible with all the human brothers and sisters.

Since joining the master's sect, he has respected this master enough, but he is not determined to work hard for him. After walking around the world for many years, he has seen a lot of warmth and warmth among people, and is used to intrigues and intrigues, so his heart is somewhat indifferent.

Don't blame him, that's how it is in the world. Even in the Karak Empire, which pays the most attention to inter-racial harmony, there are still all kinds of injustices.

It wasn't until Renn killed the Colorful Prince and freed the entire Iron Hand clan from their shame that he truly felt the determination of Renn, a man from the outside world with inexplicable origins, to help protect the world.

He had seen a lot of people who were boastful, but this was the first time he had seen a man of action like Ren who would do anything even if he refused.

For the first time in his life, he was so eager to improve his power for others, because he felt that the master would one day use his new power in a more meaningful way.

Barend's current statement deeply shocked Downs and Flora.

They both said in unison: "Do you want my help?"

Barend first looked at Downs: "Master is expected to be very busy next time. Senior brother, it would be better for you to guard the academy."

Tangs was stunned for a moment: "Then I will lend you my followers?"

"I plan to ask Sixth Junior Brother." Barend turned to look at Flora: "Fifth Junior Sister, if you are free, you can come over and help me."


At this point, several brothers and sisters vaguely feel that the key to being promoted to a legend is: without the direct intervention of the legendary allies, they should try their best to kill the legendary monsters at the master level.

Even though he had the help of fellow legend Gangtya when Downs was promoted, Downs had participated in killing more than one legendary enemy for so long!

This is probably a question of whether the world recognition brought by the leapfrog challenge is enough.

Without this method, it would probably take half a lifetime to slowly figure out the laws of the world and continuously enrich one's combat experience to advance to legend step by step.

If you kill enemies by leapfrogging, you will most likely be promoted in no more than three attempts.

This is the shortcut where risks and opportunities coexist!

On the other side, Harry was nervously preparing.

He's the kind of guy who thinks a lot.

At first, he wanted to imitate the gameplay of Mara Tunnel and give the possible legendary monsters a feast.

He was embarrassed after doing less than half of it.

Not enough magic!

In the state of being connected to the physical network, he has almost unlimited magic power for him to squander. The channels of all types of elements are not only unobstructed, they are simply the size of a river flowing into the sea.

This time, Ren was extremely brutal and temporarily cut off his connection with the physical network, making it clear that he wanted him to use his magic power to fight.

Harry was in trouble.

His upper limit of magic power is less than half that of his senior brother, and he knows this.

He can only use so much magic power to create an environment where he can leapfrog and kill legendary monsters, which means that every ounce of magic power in his body cannot be wasted.

"Is this what the master said [good steel is used on the blade]?" Looking at the master on the hill in the distance, Harry nodded heavily: "The disciple understands the master's meaning."

Ren in the distance did not spread his senses. He was just muttering: "Stupid apprentice! Fail quickly so that Master can vent his anger and scold you. Only when Master is relieved can you have a good life. !”

Renn got himself a real ice throne, but there was nothing he could do about it. Even if he had 23 points of [Legendary Physique], it would be really uncomfortable to stay in this hot and miserable place without using this thing.

He scanned his goddam system. To this day, there are no prompts in this broken system. Apart from daily scans, when it comes to upgrading, I just pretend to be dead.

Ren guessed that it was either quality or quantity.

Since he couldn't receive good seedlings to increase [quantity], he could only put some pressure on his disciples to improve [quality].

Just as Ren was wandering and waiting, an evil figure emitting powerful elemental fluctuations entered his perception.

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