Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 369 [Full] Reading Poems

In the eyes of others who didn't know the truth, this was the legendary magician Lendner deliberately giving up the game. He shouted surrender after only a few fights.

Only a strong person who understands the mystery will understand that sometimes it is hard to breathe, and it is really hard to breathe.

As we all know, casting spells takes time.

The window period between one spell and the next one often relies on spells prepared in advance, or on followers. Otherwise, the old strength has just gone and the new strength has not yet arisen, which will be uncomfortable.

Matt has jammed Lendner's CD.

You are obviously stronger, but you can't cast a single spell. If you continue like this, except for being beaten to death by random punches, what else will happen?

That's where Lendner's pain comes in.

He couldn't bear it anymore. He was going to lose anyway, so he might as well pretend to let go and lose more easily.

It wasn't until Matt stopped that everyone saw how powerful this guy who was wearing the appearance of a mage was actually a humanoid ferocious beast on the inside!

After a series of roaring attacks, due to Ren's protection, the splashing snowflakes could not hit the Grand Duke's Mansion. As a result, countless vented frost elements were sprayed into the sky, about seven or eight stories high, and a vast white snowflake rolled in. When it arrived, it buried several slightly shorter houses next to the main building of the Grand Duke's Mansion in an instant.

The referee called stop.

Matt stood extremely nimbly on the arcane hand he controlled and slowly lowered it.

Opposite him, Lendner crawled out of the snowdrift and couldn't help but shake his head. The previous series of slaps had made him suffer quite a lot. When he endured the pain, his teeth bit his lip, and the taste of blood filled his mouth.

He knew that if this kid didn't stop and had enough magic power, he might be beaten to death.

From the perspective of outsiders, it was a bit baffling that the anti-physics faction lost in both competitions.

If the first game can be considered careless and did not dodge, then in the second game, at least from the perspective of the scene, Lendner did not have an advantage.


"I lost!" Lendner simply admitted defeat.

"Oh." Matt had no special reaction, nodded, and went back to Ren's side.

It was his seemingly cold reaction that was most irritating.

Renn watched his beloved disciple come back and asked with a smile: "Matt, how do you feel?"

In fact, at this moment, Renne even expected him to say the short sentence "That's it", which would be the real killer.

Matt tilted his head: "Not as good as the lava devil."

This answer was heard by the other party as expected.

Lendner was not angry after hearing this, but instead showed a thoughtful expression: "Sure enough, compared with pure elemental creatures, my flaws are still too big!"

Here, Matt completed his task, and the little fat man, who was already overjoyed, came up to him with a bit of flattery: "Senior brother! Is there any secret to your elements being so pure?"

In fact, this is a flattery.

Matt thought for a while: "I wasn't so strong before."


"The answer is - read poetry and books!"

This unexpected answer shocked the little fat man on the spot. He never thought that after being in contact with him for a few days, he felt that Brother Matt, who had never done anything serious except eating, drinking, and eating, would actually have such a love for reading.

The little fat man couldn't help but be in awe of his senior brother.

As expected, every senior brother and sister in the physics school has a side of themselves that is unknown to outsiders.

You can't judge a book by its cover!

Sophia, who heard this not far away, frowned in confusion: "Matt really knows how to read? I have no intention of interfering with teaching disciples, I'm just curious."

"I can't do it without reading! I found that he didn't master the basic physics theory, and the purity of elements couldn't be improved. So I asked Barend to create a book for him purely made of iron sheets, and every page of the book was filled with He learned the laws of physics and had magic attached to them. Matt had to read the page 20 times before the loose leaf would open and reveal the dried dragon meat inside. The kid memorized the laws enough that he memorized them."

Sophia was embarrassed on the spot - it turned out to be [reading poetry when full]!

You just read to have enough food, so just say you didn’t read.

No, as soon as he sat down on the chair brought by the waiter, this guy started masturbating again.

Renn withdrew his gaze. He found that this kind of discussion seemed to be unacceptable to the world.

It's like he asked his disciples to practice their skills on a soul-based game, and only come out after reaching the full level, only to find that the opponent is actually a numerical RPG game - cough! To put it bluntly, after practicing the operation to the extreme, you find that it is a numerical game and the numerical values ​​on the opposite side are just like that.

Matt is so weird that there is nothing to gain from sparring with ordinary human legends.

Sure enough, when he masters the monk's boxing skills, let him go and harm the devil.

In the overall situation, the physics school has won two consecutive victories, and there is no suspense anymore.

Unexpectedly, before the referee started the third game, both sides suddenly spoke at the same time.

"I won!"

"I lost."

The winner's declaration is loud and clear, while the loser's confession is full of despair.

There was silence in the vestibule, and no one knew why this was happening.

"Lord Gamas, although that...this...everyone means this, you don't have to admit defeat before the competition." Someone said.

The blazing thought user known as Gamas exuded an aura similar to that of a dead family, and was extremely depressed. He felt extremely embarrassed. After hesitating again and again, he glanced at the slim girl opposite, which gave him a sense of déjà vu as a female devil.

"My spiritual defense has been broken! Even if she wants me to crawl on the ground like a maggot, I have no power to resist." After saying that, he, a big man, sat down on the ground and shed a few tears. Gurgling down.

So sad!

"Ah!" The crowd made a commotion.

Everyone knows that there are psychics in the world, but the spells used by psychics only correspond to the command magic in the wizard's enchantment system.

The fight between the two was over before they even officially started.

This result may seem outrageous, but in fact it cannot be considered a violation.

Didn't you say you can't size up your opponent before a fight?

A strong person in the psychic system can detect the weakness of the opponent's mind and kill him as soon as the fight begins.

Rather than being humiliated to the extreme by the other party, it is better to vote in advance.

This was the last thought of this hard-working blazing mind user.

Ren looked at the increasingly beautiful female disciple and praised her: "Well done."

Flora was overjoyed when she heard the compliment, then lowered her head and replied humbly: "It's nothing, Master. This has nothing to do with his strength. It is too easy to deal with an opponent who has already made up his mind to lose on a spiritual level. "

A farce of stealing disciples comes to an end.

There is still a little work to be done before it is finished.

Lendner stepped forward and bowed to Ren in a somewhat dejected manner: "This time, it's the prophecy school's fault. Please punish the physics school."

Renn pointed at the old man who still had no clue about the matter and was still waving his arms in an attempt to spray dirty water from his mouth: "After today, I don't want to see him still in the school of prophecy."

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