Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 414 Should we die or live?

Seeing that the roaring giant was approaching fifty meters away from everyone, Renn suddenly waved his hand.

This hand was so understated, like chasing away a fly.

However, the effect is...

"Bang! Ping ping ping pong -"

If Matt's Bigby's Hand series is still like standard magic, Ren's version of Bigby's Hand can be called [God's Palm].

With palms of the same size, as the owner of the holy relic [Newton's Apple], the power of Wren's magic involving mechanics has reached a crazy level.

Even if Renn took action at the moment when the giant's center of gravity was most unstable after raising his feet, the effect was still outstanding!

Such a big giant was like a chicken that had been kicked away by a human. With a bang, it was slapped and rolled more than a hundred meters away.

Unable to maintain balance, the multi-armed giant rolled over thirty times on the ground in an extremely embarrassing manner. Finally, it relied on its four arms and legs to pull the ground tightly to prevent it from continuing to roll.

Even so, its embarrassment formed the most striking contrast with the ferocity of the large multi-armed giant that day.

Downs was stunned and took back the apple, handed it to Ren, and smiled bitterly: "Master, as expected, I can't control such a powerful holy relic."

Compared to him, the shock of others was the most exaggerated. Everyone's mouths were so wide that they could stuff eggs.

Tangs, a legendary mage certified as level 25 by the Adventurer Association, was not qualified to control a 'mere' little apple. How powerful must the original owner of Apple be? How strong should Ren be who can control this apple?

Ren said lightly: "Well, when you reach level 40, you can barely play it."

Ren is not bragging. He was able to achieve what he did just now based entirely on the total [intelligence] of his prostituted disciples, plus the total mana obtained by superimposing the disciples and adding the multiplication coefficient. According to this standard, there is no hope for Towns to reach level 40.

The key is that everyone can easily follow this idea and deduce that Renn's challenge level is at least level 50 and above.

That's outrageous!

Most gods with weak divine power do not have this challenge level!

You still say that you are not the true God?

Is he not the true God at this moment?

Damn foreign modesty!

After Towns humbly asked for advice, he saluted and thanked Renne. Others were already in a state of confusion in the wind.

Ren glanced into the distance and found that the multi-armed giant was obviously a little dazed after being beaten. He simply stopped doing nothing and went directly to the actual combat class: "Matt, you go practice. Barend, let Mashana come over." Help me keep an eye on it."


"Okay, Master!"

Ren quickly eroded a piece of unclaimed land and teleported the Dwarf Gundam over. Then his third and fourth disciples went to bully the multi-armed ‘boy’.

It stands to reason that this kind of legendary battle will definitely attract attention.

After experiencing Lane's "Appletown Giant" drama, the audience's appetite was whetted. So much so that no one was interested in watching Matt use his master-level combat power to fight against a level 22 legendary multi-armed giant.

It's all Ren's fault. Why do you show yourself as a saint when you have nothing to do?

Tangs lowered his head humbly, leaned over, and asked eagerly: "Master, how many holy relics do our school still have? I wonder if I can ask for a holy relic... to help in my lifetime?"

Downs dared not say that he wanted to keep such a sacred object as his own.

As a disciple of the School of Physics, it’s not too much to use it when necessary, right?

How do you want Ren to answer this question?

He didn't know where the apple came from.

The system didn't even tell him whether this thing was a lottery or a drop reward for killing bosses with multiverse entries.

Renn could only laugh and raised his eyelids: "There are many things like holy relics in our physics school. To control a holy relic, first of all, you must have the strength, secondly, you must be expert in the counterpart, and finally, whether you have established a Enough merit to win the favor of a great scientist."

Ren spoke, but seemed not to say anything.

Just leaving a hope for Downs, he left with his hands behind his back.

Downs was stunned for a long time, unable to realize what Ren meant.

On the other hand, Flora couldn't stand it anymore, so she came up and kicked Tang Si secretly: "Elder brother, you are usually so wise, why are you confused now?"

"Huh? Am I confused?"

"Stupid! Are you saying you're not stupid?"

"Why am I confused?"

Flora put her hands on her hips and puffed out her cheeks. She was obviously a junior sister, but she looked like a senior sister: "Master can obtain the holy relics of other great scientists. That is Master's network, not our network. And that's also It is not something that Master can control. But have you forgotten, what is our Master’s last name?”

Not to mention Downs, even Harry, Nocha, and Von Dark, who had always been qualified to peek at the screen, suddenly realized it.

The master’s surname is Tesla!

Downs's heart suddenly became hot. Compared to other great scientists, Nikola Tesla had too many things that could be called holy relics.

What electromagnetic coils, Wardenclyffe Tower (Tesla Tower), alternating current, pumps...

It is completely conceivable that as long as a used object comes out, Downs, who specializes in plastic energy and lightning, will benefit endlessly.

Downs's eyes were really shining with lightning in a physical sense.

At this moment, a master who deliberately returned to his room in the Mage Tower but couldn't help but peek at the screen fell down on the spot.

Oh my God! It’s like a boomerang! At that time, I suddenly said that my surname was Tesla, so why did I get into so many troubles? Where can I find the relics of Nikola Tesla to give them?

Am I overdoing my pretense again?

Woohoo! So sorry! Why do I have to keep pretending to be cool all the time?

At this time, Ren didn't know that another of his disciples had given him a slightly abstract job.

Over there, Matt's fierce battle with the multi-armed giant is still going on.

At first, both parties were in a situation where there was nothing anyone could do.

Whether the multi-armed giant shoots explosive tumors or throws rocks, there is no way to hit the extremely flexible Matt.

And Matt's Bigby series of fists obviously can't hit the thick-skinned multi-armed giant.

In fact, after hitting this level, the multi-armed giant was already afraid.

It is not an idiot, of course it knows that the other party is completely playing tricks on it.

If it continues to fight like this, let alone revenge, I'm afraid it will be beaten to death by endless powerful enemies.

It really wants to escape.

It's a pity that once it expresses such a sign, the terrifying metal giant that is stronger than it slaps it and tells it - no! You do not want!

As time went by, Matt became smarter.

He no longer used rough blunt force attacks, but instead used Bigby's index finger, making an attack posture that used his fingers as a drill, deliberately avoiding the thickest part of the multi-armed giant and attacking its joints instead.

This is a shame.

Every attack from Matt made the multi-armed giant feel as if its six limbs would soon no longer belong to it.

It knows very well that unless the little man opposite gives up, or the huge metal giant suddenly shows mercy and lets it go. Otherwise, following in its father's footsteps is its only outcome.

At this moment, a little woman walked over with an ecstatic pace.

The key is that she is holding a relatively fresh apple in her right hand.

"Multi-armed giant! Do you want to die or live!?" Flora declared in broken giant language with a powerful voice.

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