Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 421: Unbearable to Get Rich Again

The School of Physics suddenly emerged as an absolutely neutral branch of the school [Mechanics], which surprised many outsiders.

An absolutely neutral camp that is willing to generously grant divine spells and allows part-time workers is definitely a good thing!

Not to mention those believers from the good camp who were originally too embarrassed to learn due to human feelings, even the evil sect has been tempted.

Unfortunately, there was no requirement for [Mechanics], but Ren, who was in charge of teaching, had a requirement, so he was immediately stuck and refused to allow guys from the evil camp to attend the lectures. He also used legal orders to force the apprentices to swear an oath, prohibiting them from teaching mechanics knowledge to the evil faction.

After all, the laws of mechanics themselves have no attributes. If the evil sect masters the laws of mechanics, I don't know how far it will strengthen the enemy.

For this reason, Lane had to mix personal goods into Newton's three laws. To unleash the power of dynamics, he must first shout Newton's name and swear not to use mechanics to harm kind and neutral people.

But no matter what, mechanics has been completely spread.

In a demon palace in Baator Hell, the being who was actually no stranger to Ren started talking to himself again.

"Wonderful! So wonderful! I don't know how many big devils are trying to destroy the alliance between the Knights and the Physics Faction. My Lord's move of absolute neutrality immediately made those big devils lose their chance. Hahahaha! [Mechanics] can be absolutely neutral. Believers The power of faith you offer me belongs to the school of physics, and you are worthy of being my lord. It’s really wonderful! Hahahaha!”

The joyful laughter echoed in the depths of this gloomy magic palace.

The mysterious demon lord was right.

Because of [Newton's Apple], Renn accidentally made a wonderful move.

Even if all the gods are in decline now, don't forget that the battle for faith is most often more cruel and bloody than the war between countries.

If Renn directly seizes the right to believe in the five northern provinces, the Knights who do not have the support of the God of Knights will certainly admit it. In the final analysis, the great knights are the only ones who don't feel guilty.

The conflict between the Knights and the Physics Faction was thus laid. Once something happened, for example, the God of Knights expressed dissatisfaction after returning, this would probably trigger a war between gods.

But [Mechanics] is absolutely neutral and allows part-time jobs. This is another way of saying it.

In this case, the main god eats meat, and the second-person god drinks soup. It is the main god who has the final say on how much soup he or she is willing to share with the part-timer.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of outsiders, it was clear that Ren En could take away all the meat, but not only did he give away the meat, but he also only wanted to drink soup.

You, the god of knights, claim to be a lawful and good god, so you can’t look too ugly.

This resulted in the two parties not only no longer having conflicts, but actually becoming closer.

On the other hand, the expansion of the scope of the physical school’s beliefs is also an indisputable fact. This is the benefit of [neutrality].

Soon, Renn enjoyed the happiness of sitting at home and having wealth and wealth in the sky.

Since there is no need to worship real apples, the number of people worshiping [Newton's Apple] from afar suddenly increased to hundreds of thousands.

Everyone was thinking that Newton was such a kind man and he didn't demand any sacrifices, so it would be nice to say goodbye. What if He, the old man, takes a fancy to me and gives me magical powers? It won’t be a loss if I study [Mechanics] by then!

This number is many times more than the number of people auditioning for magic apprentices!

It seems that no matter what era it is, the talent of a kitchen knife is far simpler and easier than the talent of a master.

At this time, Ren finally noticed that there seemed to be a mark like this [? ? ? 】The power flows into the academy's magic pool in large quantities.

No, this can no longer be said to be a magic pool. Because even the pond is marked [? ? ? 】.

"Is this [the power of physics]? Or is it the legendary power of faith?" After saying these two terms in his own words, even Ren was shocked: "No! Wait! Could it be that I teach physics? Can I also rush to become a god? But doesn’t becoming a god require fragments of the godhead? Do I really want to find these things?"

Ren was stunned.

what is this?

It always feels like this is like the discovery of gold mines in Saudi Arabia before he traveled back in time, which made the already rich family even more overwhelmed [rich].

Ren bared his teeth, and he suddenly remembered why Camel rushed to Rabbit's stall every time there was a defense exhibition.

If my neighbor is hoarding guns and I am hoarding money, am I not stupid?

This thought scared Renn and he quickly checked his attributes.

His current base panel is already pretty scary.

[Strength 24, Agility 19, Constitution 23, Intelligence 52, Perception 30, Charisma 33! 】

Except for agility, the other five basic attributes are all legendary level. He is even better at master's key attribute [intelligence].

(Again, Ren can use the portion of his disciple’s basic attributes that exceed 20 points for free, and calculate them into his total attributes as a bonus.)

Thanks to the Mind Flayer's substantial improvement in intelligence and the slight improvement in perception of all his disciples, as well as Flora's promotion, Renn's attributes have now reached a point where he is quite sick.

There are many legendary monsters in their thirties, but none of them have key attributes exceeding 50. Most lichs and demilichs with a challenge level of level 30 rarely have intelligence exceeding 40 points.

Ren didn't think he was any smarter.

This does not rule out the possibility that the holy relic [Newton's Apple] that came to him in response to his summons took up this extra part of his intelligence.

Otherwise, based on this intelligence value alone, he should have transformed into Einstein long ago.

Specialized magic methods include [Evocation system, Protection system, Enchantment system, Conjuration system, and Transformation system. 】The first four series of specializations are given by disciples, and the transformation series is given by the Apple God.

In a sense, now is the time to discuss what departments are not specialized in.

There are seven disciples in the prophecy department, Nocha, and the future is promising.

There are only illusions and necromancy left, and Ren is still a bit blind.

This kind of thing can't be rushed. We have disciples and specializations. When all his second-generation disciples become legendary, his basic attributes will be comparable to those of abnormal legendary monsters with a challenge level of around level 40.

This is still his personal attribute, not counting the additional bonuses brought to him by the academy system and the academy's magic pool.

Now that it has come to this point, Ren reckons that if he plans well and the academy's magic pool is fuller, there will be no pressure to beat the gods with weak divine power.

But just by upgrading, there is an upper limit to the improvement of strength.

Ren knew that there was a Dragon Lich with a challenge level of 50 in the game. It stands to reason that this strength has long surpassed almost all gods with weak divine power, as well as a large number of weak gods with garbage points.

It is still not a god.

If you want to become a god, you have to mention the three definitions of priesthood, godhood and divinity commonly used in the world of Kaos.

If Ren wants to become a god in this world, this is the hurdle he has to overcome.

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