Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 447 Let’s prepare anyway

Ren already recognized those guys.

Keywords: red dragon, control!

The answer is imminent - isn't this the same Githyanki who wanted them out when they were fighting the mind flayer, but was missing at the critical moment?

Renn didn't want to see these guys.

Some races, liberated from slavery, will incidentally grant freedom to other races.

Some races, under the same circumstances, will suddenly become new slave owners.

The Githyanki are obviously the latter.

The Githyanki despise all other races, traveling from their strongholds on the Astral Plane to carry out devastating raids into every corner of the multiverse.

War is the ultimate expression of Githyanki culture, and their unforgiving black eyes never show mercy. After each raid, they leave enough food and resources for the shattered survivors to survive. In time, the Githyanki would return to conquer these enemies, preying on them again and again.

This can be regarded as a different kind of ‘sustainability and fishing from all the swamp’.

The problem is that the entire Githyanki family basically pursues [extreme xenophobia], the type where they can’t even talk but can only fight.

If these guys show up when the mind flayer army attacks, it will be a wonderful dog-eat-dog affair, and no one will feel sad if they die.

They attacked one after another, and Renn had a slight toothache.

It's not fatal, just "annoying".

Looking at his seventh disciple, Ren really didn't know that he was a disaster star? Or a magpie?

Ren said expressionlessly: "Okay, I will transfer your fourth senior brother back, and then let the second senior brother go to the Devil's Mouth. As for you, just stay in the academy."

After the last experience, Nocha obviously has full confidence in his master: "Yes! Master!"

After Nocha went out, Ren called Downs and told him about the incident. He also ordered: "Let's inform other orthodox sects."

"Yes!" After Tang Si took the order and went out, he approached his junior brothers and sisters: "Shall we inform other orthodox sects? What do you think Master means by this?"

In fact, Renn had accepted his fate. Since the other party was going to attack the Marino Territory, he, the archmage of the national religion, was naturally responsible.

In the eyes of the disciples, it turned out to be a bit different.

Harry thought about it for a while and said firmly: "This is the meaning of [get out of the way, the master wants to show his holiness]!"

A certain master who was peeping at the screen almost fell to the ground, lamenting in his heart: The conscience of heaven and earth! I really never said, ‘Get out of the way, as a teacher you have to show off’!

The disciples are still discussing.

Flora: "It's been a long time since someone with a blind eye knocked on the door. Master is probably going to go on a killing spree. Then let's remember to do things beautifully."

Barend: "What a beautiful idea?"

Flora recalled her master's response last time and copied it directly from her homework: "You must make plans in advance for evacuating people, secretly say hello to the Marino nobles, and make sure that the notice is notified to the town's civil affairs officer. Then the Githyanki As soon as people arrive, the people will be sent to the Mage Tower for refuge in the shortest possible time.”

Harry asked with a bit of toothache: "Wouldn't it be better to keep me in this kind of ambush battle? Why do you have to transfer me at this time?"

Flora rolled her eyes at Harry and thought to herself: My stupid second senior brother! Clearing the space so that the master can show off his skills is the most beautiful way for a disciple to respond.

However, she couldn't say these words, so the words came to her lips: "You can tell from one look that Master is focusing on training Sixth Junior Brother recently."

When the group of senior brothers and sisters heard this, they immediately became happy.

Bringing a trumpet, right? They are good at this!

Except for Downs, who was more like a free-range person at the beginning, which of the other juniors didn't have a senior brother or sister to control the situation when they were promoted?

Leading the new with the old has almost become an unwritten rule of the school of physics.

Unconsciously, the atmosphere in the school became better and better.

In addition, when the Physics School spread the news to the major orthodox religions, the reaction of the big guys was surprisingly unanimous.

Archbishop Hibbert: "Ah! They're Githyanki! No wonder then."

To be honest, anyone who is well-informed knows that there is a fierce family in the Kaos continent named [Physical School], written as [Lawful Neutral], and pronounced as [All Members are Evil]!

Regardless of whether it was Ren as the master or Matt as the apprentice, they would have been killed long ago.

Such a group of astral raiders riding red dragons to cause trouble really don't know how to write the word "death".

It happens that the Githyanki are such a stubborn race!

Before, the Archbishop probably wouldn't be able to sleep well at night. The mobility of the red dragon swarm and the high combat power of the red dragon itself are unsolvable for many forces.

It’s a pity that this does not include the school of physics!

A [Dragon Bane] plus a [Dragon Enemy] can be described as professional counterparts.

So much so that after the news got out, the big guys from various forces just responded with correct nonsense like "Everyone is watching and helping each other", but there was no further follow-up. Only King Barbarossa feared death and transferred a brigade of Pegasus knights back to the capital.

There is no need to toughen the behemoths on the orc side. The Pegasus knights who once had great glory now only have to do air defense.

It is a lie if the Pegasus knights say they are not lost.

Unfortunately, this is the change of society.

Renn's ability to quickly develop mages made the expensive and fragile Pegasus Knights less important. Unfortunately, they can't complain, because this is just the glory before the magic world restarts the end of the law, and the Pegasus Knights have just returned to their rightful position.

Wren didn’t sit around waiting for the Githyanki to attack.

It would be great to have such a heaven-defying prophecy. Even if Nocha did not sense the specific date of the attack, it would not be a problem for Ren.

Coming from a world where "boxes" of weapons are flying all over the sky, and opening boxes is a habit, as a time traveler, Renn has many ways to solve the problem of predicted dates.

It seems like Githyanki attacks can happen at any time, but that’s not the case.

As a half-Marino, Wren spent a standard spring, summer, fall and winter in Marino. He only needs to use the system to carefully compare his own memory with climate information such as the weather and the incident angle of the sun when the Githyanki attacked, and he can basically determine the approximate time of the attack - that will be Tuesday two weeks later or Wednesday.

There was so much time that Renn even had time to agree to Emperor Barbarossa's request to help deal with the mage towers in the five northern provinces.

For a while, Lane had been noncommittal about the matter.

To put it bluntly, Ren was too weak at the time and would easily overturn any master-level mage tower he took over; secondly, it would be unprofitable.

That's different now.

As the de facto first sect in the five northern provinces, Renn intercepted a large amount of the power of faith that should have belonged to the Knight Goddess.

Lane has always had a good reputation when it comes to getting paid to do things.

As soon as he agreed, the Barbarossa people, from top to bottom, breathed a collective sigh of relief.

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