Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 478 We can’t control it

Divine revelation?

No! When the statue of a god lights up, it is also called divine enlightenment.

If there are clear words, that is called an oracle!

Countless priests were ecstatic and chanted the names of their gods loudly in order to obtain more oracles.

It's a pity that no matter how they called and how they offered various sacrifices, their own gods seemed to be short-lived, and there was no response from the divine realm.

Even so, it is enough to inspire these hard-working magicians who have continued the work of their predecessors and been busy for hundreds of years.

This is definitely a great blessing for our sect... or a disaster!

There are not a few churches that have certain intelligence capabilities. After the magicians struggled for three days without any results, a new piece of news came.

It seems, seems, probably the [God of Travel and Exploration] is gone.

Precisely because of the previous bad things, the sensitive nerves of the major forces have already been touched, and they have sent their capable officers to keep an eye on other churches.

Compared with the secret churches that hide in secret places, the Orthodox church that is on the surface is easier to monitor.

"Has another church died?" Archbishop Antonio's nerves were extremely tense.

"Yes! Our people discovered that Archbishop Kescha had turned into a farmer who knew nothing. He forgot all about the God of Travel and Exploration, and only remembered that he was a farmer who had been farming for eight generations. He told the local civil affairs officer All the records there have been erased. Legally speaking, he is now a criminal," the intelligence officer who reported the report said.

Despite the fact that the God of Travel and Exploration is a guy with weak divine power. He has a very unique position in the human world.


The adventurer is covered by Him.

It can be said that almost everyone in the metahuman camp who is a member of the Adventurer's Guild pays more or less respect to Him.

Just such a god has completely disappeared from the continent.

His fame and great achievements have faded from people's memory and recognition.

This is what happens when a god falls.

Unless there is a legendary powerful person who records the deeds of this fallen god using special means that can affect the laws of the world, such as engraving a god who was defeated by his own main god on the stone tablets and walls of his own temple, otherwise from the existential level Being erased is His only fate.

"The third one!" the archbishop murmured. In this case, he could only catch the retired teacher: "Teacher, I need your opinion."

There is a difference between coming up with ideas and making decisions. The former can be used randomly, but the latter will require you to take the blame for failure.

Former Archbishop Hibbert: "If we have enough spare time, we can try to understand and discover the relationship between these three fallen gods. If you feel that it is not necessary, you should focus on the oracles of our three gods. Don’t forget, this is a joint action by the three gods, and even all the gods. This means that the situation has become extremely critical, and they even have to make compromises or reach a certain degree of tacit understanding with the hostile gods.”

This matter is not too difficult to check, because the evil church also reveals the word "beacon".

When almost all the gods of the church issue the same oracle, regardless of good and evil, lawful and chaotic, it is difficult not to think of an extremely bad situation - it feels like there are a bunch of extremely powerful chaos monsters. Chasing the butts of the gods and slashing them, if you run slower, the gods will be fucked to death in every sense of the word.

Can an enemy that can make all the gods so embarrassed be something that mortals in Kaos can really help?

In fact, more than one person thought of retreating. Some people have also wondered whether this is a trap from the divine world.

They also thought of various responses, such as not responding to the oracles of the gods.

Unfortunately, this is also the reason why the gods work together: everyone in this world has a different position and different interests. It is true that some believers have fallen and regard the church as a tool for them to maintain power. There are also believers who have passed it down from generation to generation and have remained pious for hundreds of years.

Even if only a handful of people successfully respond to a certain god, the gods will probably be able to return to the world of Kaos.

In fact, the response from most churches has been positive.

Major sects led by the Orthodox Churches of Light, Justice, and Knights have organized many massive collective prayers in recent days. Especially the Church of Light, which has even reached one million visitors.

Thanks to the battle against the Mind Flayer, the Church of Light achieved a "complete victory" and its lineup was the most gorgeous. According to incomplete statistics, a total of 1.6 million people in the two empires and five kingdoms prayed 24 hours a day at the same time, during which they only drank water and did not eat.

Believers not only surrounded various churches of light, but even crowded several surrounding streets.

They light bonfires and wave candles after dark.

Of course, the happiest people are the people around the six bright towns. These six model towns with extremely bright brightness have undoubtedly become the brightest cubs in the dark night.

The leaders of the Church of Light knew that the power of faith might flow out to the Physics School, but there was nothing they could do about it.

You are not bright enough, yet you have the nerve to call yourself the Church of Light! ?

Something strange happened - all the churches on the mainland were in a collective torment for seven days.

The gods didn't react at all.

The most the orthodox believers could do was bathe and change clothes without eating. After three days, most ordinary believers couldn't bear it anymore.

The sacrifice ceremony of the evil camp is very bloody.

In particular, the persecuted Drow Orthodox Church killed many people and created a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in a certain underground city. So much so that a series of uprisings broke out among the slave race, so much so that even the mistress had to fight in person.

It just so happened that at this time, the old coin spider goddess was so stingy that she didn’t even give her any magical powers. This is tantamount to selling the mistress underneath.

In the end, the sacrifice was just a sacrifice. Not to mention that it was ineffective, a city was forced to rebel. Six mistresses and their families directly jumped to the loyal ministers and ran to trust Ma En.

All kinds of outrageous news naturally came to Renn.

"This...Master, do we need to do something?" A group of disciples led by Downs anxiously guarded the door of Ren's study.

Renn is in pain too!

As a Chinese person, the most important thing about worshiping gods is functionality.

For example, if I beg the Dragon King for good weather, if the Dragon King dares to cause me a drought, I will even demolish your Dragon King temple.

To use another analogy, if Sun Wukong is unhappy, he can still cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

In the final analysis, the beliefs of the Chinese people are completely different from those of the Kaos continent.

Now a group of magicians are deceiving a large number of believers into giving [beacons] to the gods. He knows what is happening.

How should he react when you call Ren?

Ren quickly distanced himself from the relationship: "I have been saying all along - what I teach you is physics. What you study is also physics, and it has nothing to do with gods. So we have no control over the affairs of other churches."

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