Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 480 Everyone has a bright future

Sounds nonsense, right?

Almost all of my family members were killed, and the superiors were still busy worshiping gods.

This is the world of Kaos where divine rights are higher than human rights!

Even if your orcs have a population of 10 million, in the eyes of the top chiefs and shamans, sacrificing 9.99 million civilians to win the favor of the gods is not more important than saving the lives of those untouchables?

Only the strongest warriors are valuable; other losers who can't even do hard work are not qualified to survive.

Anyway, middle- and lower-level orcs can grow longer than leeks. As long as there are enough hunting grounds, no matter how many orcs are born, they can be born.

This is the classic concept of the weak and the strong that runs through the entire clan from top to bottom!

What's more, humans are stupid and rush into the far north just before winter is approaching. Aren't they afraid of losing their most elite rangers?

If they come to cause trouble, there's no way they won't pay the price, right?

As long as the human elites suffer too many losses, next year will be the opportunity for the orcs to launch a massive counterattack.

With this thought running through, the entire orc family's response to the invasion of human rangers from top to bottom seemed very negative.

After all, instead of destroying large clans one after another in an organized manner, how many orcs can humans be killed by just relying on small groups of rangers?

Generally speaking, things do go the way they imagine.

These orcs, whose talent and intelligence were reduced by 2, would never imagine that Ren, who instigated this attack, was a time traveler.

where is he from?

Come from a world where drones dominate the battlefield!

Despite the fact that a large number of rangers seem to have no subordinates and enter the far north for their own battlefields,

In fact, every team or squadron has at least three devout believers in physics. In addition, Lei Renren's chicken thieves transformed part of the far north into a legendary physical place when the orcs were not paying attention.

This makes long-distance communication supported by [Physical Network] a reality.

"Anton! Stop moving forward! There is a group of 30 wolf cavalry five miles due north of you, which is rapidly advancing towards your team. You retreat due east. Two miles later, the teams of Chester and Dubin will meet you. !”

"Casa, your people immediately go three miles to the west and clear away traces of Anton's team's retreat."

"Santos, your ranger troops are asked to take up positions above the U-shaped rift valley. If nothing unexpected happens, you will see Benlit's team on the opposite hilltop when you get to the top of the mountain."

Each command specialist remotely controlled the scene from the [Killer] Mage Tower, which was more than 2,000 kilometers away from the scene.

On the command seat, assistants taught by the Physics School controlled a large number of [Mage Eyes] to fly around in the sky above the Far North, searching for enemies with a bird's-eye view for the various ranger teams below.

This kind of play without "fog of war" after opening the full map is called cheating.

Not to mention such precise command of the squad.

In this era where scouts and rangers are relied upon to detect enemies, horses are required to wait for information, and shouting is required to deliver orders on the battlefield, this is simply a dimensionality-reducing blow.

So the battle situation became very strange for the orcs.

Often a group of hunters would go out in the morning, but no one would come back at night. The next day, they would find something was wrong. When the search team went out, they would only see the corpses of tribesmen with their heads cut off on the ground.

Achievements can be deceiving, but footprints cannot.

Judging from the footprints at the crime scene, there were no more than 20 human rangers attacking each time. In many cases, humans use less to defeat more.

When the angry orc chief sent out anti-hunting troops ranging from fifty to a hundred people to take revenge, they either found nothing, or even the anti-hunting troops were wiped out by the concentrated superior forces of humans.

This is very paradoxical.

After the events of the [Beacon] sent by the gods, for more than a month, almost all orc clans in the Far North reported incidents of a large number of clan members being attacked and killed.

All the orcs are saying that many of their relatives and friends have died, and even a certain famous warrior has died.

How many died?

No one can tell.

No way, you can't expect those illiterate orcs who can't even add and subtract within ten to give you a complete statistical report, right?

When a large number of centurions were automatically demoted to ten-centurions, the orc chiefs were shocked and began to inquire about each other's status in series.

"How many people from your clan died?"

"a lot of."

"How much is a lot?"

"It's just...a lot." The victimized chief blushed and couldn't explain why for a long time.

"Where's your hunting ground?"

"That's okay."

"Oh, that's okay."

In the concept of the orcs, as long as the territory is still there and people are dead, then they will try their best to survive. None of the chiefs in charge felt that the small population was a problem, and instead they breathed a sigh of relief.

If too many orcs die at the hands of humans, then there will be no need for the major clans to fight each other in the winter.

Everyone stutters, which is great!

None of the orc bosses realize that orcs are not clones. It takes at least 16 years for an orc to grow into a qualified warrior from birth.

In addition, the upper echelons were busy making sacrifices to respond to the call of the orc gods, so that the population of the entire group was declining like an avalanche, and no big boss noticed it.

They only know that not a single clan has been wiped out due to human attacks. That's it.

They don't know that this is because when a certain clan is killed and only two or three people are left, the physics school will strictly prohibit the rangers from continuing to attack that clan.

It sounds like two or three adults are quite a lot.

When the remaining 20-30% of the orc clan, except for dozens of so-called warriors, are all old and weak, and it is difficult to find even an adult female orc, the war potential of this clan in the short term will be infinitely close to zero.

Some clans deliberately conceal their own war losses in order to prevent their weakness from triggering the scrutiny of neighboring clans, which could lead to a crisis of genocide.

This caused the orc population to completely collapse.

So, with the orc superiors completely confused, the orcs ran wildly in the direction of annihilation...

The successfully completed expedition successfully evacuated the Far North before it was completely frozen and covered with snow on a large scale at the end of December.

People often say: Battle reports can deceive people, but battle lines cannot.

In fact, sometimes, battle lines can also lie, but battle reports cannot.

When tens of thousands of rangers gathered in Fes, the northernmost of the five provinces in the North, and looked at the orc heads being transported one by one, everyone knew...

"Get rich!"

The heads of orcs with huge fangs at the corners of their mouths cannot be replaced by the heads of other metahuman camp races.

You can tell it's an orc at first glance.

With an expressionless face, the representative of the Physics School numbly counted the gains of these rangers. After each check, he would throw a large number of nitrated orc heads into a huge pit, burn them with fire, and then completely burn them. Crush them to keep them out of sight of the Necromancer.

This time, the orcs didn’t have to fight a civil war, and 99% of the humans’ rangers returned safely and made a lot of money to go home for the New Year.

Everyone has a bright future!

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